18:15 ST
[EVENT] Spring Swarm Extravaganza! [April 6 - April 20]

That spider ineki… :0 And the floofy bee one!

This event looks like it’ll be a lot of fun! I can’t wait for it to start <3

Posted 04/05/15

Oh no…. I love the bee dog but the spider… why does it have the little mouth edits? Whyyyy? D’:
It’s so well done but it’s so creepy and asldka;sd I HATE SPIDERS ;o;

Posted 04/05/15

OMG SO EXCITED!!! -squees-

Posted 04/05/15
Of course the first background released has to be absolutely gorgeous. I’ll only need a million of them ;n;. I wish backgrounds were a little bigger (& the way they’re set up they look better on female lineart), but am so happy that they’re here. :)
Posted 04/05/15

Woah, that background is stunning. O:

And it seems the playing mantis has new friends? :D

Posted 04/05/15
Whoops, little mistake in the original post — it starts tomorrow at 20:00 ST, not 22:00 ST. Sorry for the typo!
Posted 04/05/15
2AM? I wasn’t going to sleep anyway. D’:
Posted 04/05/15

I took a sneak peak of the items on the item list page and ouo I want them all

Posted 04/05/15
I’m a bit confused, has it already started or are we waiting for the button to go active. Do we go to the cave entrance or-?
Posted 04/05/15
The event begins tomorrow at 20:00 server time. The button will become active then, and you can click on it to begin the event.
Posted 04/05/15
I hate spiders. Thankfully I can tolerate jumping spiders as long as they are a foot away. Peacock jumping spiders are also my favorite jumping spider. My feelings are so mixed about how I need/needtoburn those inekis.
Posted 04/05/15
........*nopes out of thread*
Posted 04/05/15
Caterpillar poo and butterflies!!! *SQUEE!!* PS caterpillar poo is called Frass xD. Yea I’m a pillar bug nut <3 especially the fuzzy ones 8D!
Posted 04/05/15


....so demanding….

*gets ready to fling bug poo at everyone*

Posted 04/05/15
Oh man this event looks like a ton of fun XD Can’t wait for it to start!! :D
Posted 04/05/15
ooooh *A* looks interesting…reminds me of mousehunt on facebook where you have to click a button every 15min to try and catch mice XD hopefully this won’t consume as many of my waking (and sleeping…) hours as that game did >->;;
Posted 04/06/15

If you have no acquaintances, who do you send the jewelry to?

(To be honest, I don’t thoroughly understand the explanation of the event in total, and I don’t imagine I’ll gather enough of anything to do anything, though this is the question foremost on my mind.)

Posted 04/06/15, edited 04/06/15
I think we can just send it to anyone Tehuti. Since I have no friends either on a list xD. I just plan to throw bug poo at everyone I can :o! Get those showers ready people xD!
Posted 04/06/15

I’m guessing it’ll be like last year’s Spring event or the scrabble-like event (can’t remember what it was called), you should be able to send it to anyone you want. :) I personally just see who’s online & surprise people. I don’t have many friends on here either (/clings to Juney), but still didn’t have any trouble sending/receiving those *types of things in the past.

Edited because I put jewely, lol.

Posted 04/06/15, edited 04/06/15

Most people will return the favor if they are sent something so I wouldn’t worry about it too much Tehuti
Just check the online list to see who’s on and send away :)

Posted 04/06/15

This sounds exciting! :D
Just one question, what is tag-teaming? (From the rules: (including no tag-teaming)) I just don’t know what it is and wouldn’t want to accidentally break any rules xD

Posted 04/06/15

Even with the time corrected thats still my 3am, but heeey its not like Im not going to be a total addict once I get up and started. Can’t wait!

Im no big fan of spiders but the coloration is p good for a character of mine. Really looking forward to all of this :D

Posted 04/06/15
NyctiCorax, I’m guessing it refers to stuff like logging in to your friend’s account to collect poop for them while they’re offline. I might be wrong though. ;3;
Posted 04/06/15
*raises hand* if anybody doesn’t know who to fling poop at, you can do me! cover me in poop bahahaha  i’ll be kinda busy from today to friday, but i’ll return the favor as often as i can o3o
Posted 04/06/15
During last year’s Scrabble event I ended up getting into a word war with someone I hadn’t really talked to before xD Neither one of us had any friends so if we were online at the same time we just helped each other out. It worked out well. I guess we’re kind of event friends now? But yeah, if anyone sees me online and has some jewelry to send feel free to do so, and I’ll be sure to return the favor :3
Posted 04/06/15

Same here! I love events like this and I have a tendency to get a little addicted. I’ll be checking the online roster to see who’ll be around to accept caterpillar poops, but I’ll absolutely do my best to get stuff to anyone who sends to me as well!


Posted 04/06/15
Why must the event start half an hour after i go to bed? XD I’ll probably just sneak in my ipod as i always do lol
Posted 04/06/15
what is tag-teaming?
I’m guessing it refers to stuff like logging in to your friend’s account to collect poop for them while they’re offline

Exactly — tag-teaming is like if you say “hey I’ll collect for both of us now, and then you’ll collect for both of us later”. This is already against the event rules because that would be gathering beads on someone else’s account, but the question came up multiple times last year so we thought mentioning it explicitly would save some time :)

Posted 04/06/15

FOR SCIENCE! get back to work
/nyooms out
/falls over

But holy fudge I’m excited c: Shame it starts at 2am in my place…

Posted 04/06/15

Buggies! and their…. poop. :| Grooooooss, but… *gathers for SCIENCE*

;o; I-I promise ahhhhh

Posted 04/06/15