Hi there, just wanted to pop in to give a suggestion. I see you guys are going to be selling last year’s bags which is* neat. :) Could you guys list the contents of the bags? We’ve gotten a lot of new members since the last Spring event, so I’m sure there are some curious bugs ;3. I know it’s in the wiki, but not everyone reads the wiki.Kris
I added a link on the page! Thanks. :D
I swear I saw an announcement for the tree , and breedings. xDblackfoxette
In the April News Discussion, there was a small announcement: Sometime in the month of April, we’ll be doing some updating on breeding and offspring. This has been in the works for a while, and will include some Sacred Tree term updates, some offspring to parent connection updates, and more. Stay tuned!Myla
If you’re talking about breedings for this event, then yes, you will be able to buy raffle tickets for chance to win a breeding in the breeding raffle here once the shop is open! :)
Posted 04/07/15, edited 04/07/15
Little Robin and Gardenia Blossoms *_*
*paws at*
Posted 04/07/15
Oohh thank you for pointing out that the wiki has the garden bag info from last year! Need like a bajillion of those bouquets for my flower boy now haha
Posted 04/07/15
I’m glad we got an event like this again~ I loved doing the bouquets last year. <3
Besides, collecting bug poop to make necklaces sounds… oddly adorable?
Also I definitely need one of those Blue Banded Bees. @w@
Did a thing in the Magic Puddle and totally fell in love with the idea. <3

Posted 04/07/15
Are the drop rates for beads supposed to be equal? 30+ beads in, and I’ve yet to find a Maroon Star Bead.
Posted 04/07/15
msjanny This thread might help. A few users are trying to figure out if some beads are rarer than others over there. :)
Posted 04/07/15, edited 04/07/15
Ahhh thank you. ^_^
I guess I’m just unlucky. |D
Posted 04/07/15
All right. I have made a Beaded Organic Necklace. Is there anybody’s pet who wants it? (I would gift it to the first pet ID that requests it.)
I know there is an exchange thread of sorts, but it just seems complicated and like too much personal interaction to me. I don’t feel comfortable asking for things. ;_; But I would hate this necklace to go to waste.
Posted 04/07/15
6055! 8D
I Saoirse will never stop wanting more jewelry.
Posted 04/07/15, edited 04/07/15
Oh, my first event there ! It seems to be very fun. I will do my best to collect the more I can before and after school e_e The accessories are super cute, can’t wait to have them !
Posted 04/07/15
@Khaliffa: There you go, enjoy.
Posted 04/07/15
Oh god I need the spider coat SO BAD. MORE SPIDERS. ALL OF THE SPIDERS.
Posted 04/07/15
Cool pets! Too bad I got a new job so I won’t be on as much as I would like to participate :( hopefully I’ll still be able to get some neat stuff
Posted 04/07/15
Those mushrooms look cool. Hopefully I can cram as many tokens in as possible…
Posted 04/07/15
I have now a Beaded Organic Bobbler. If someone wishes for it, please post a pet ID.
Posted 04/08/15
@tehuti88 (I wish there were pings on here, but this is just so you know who I’m talking to…)
I’ve just been typing in random IDs until I find somebody whose active!
Posted 04/08/15
I feel very awkward randomly giving jewelry away unasked for, I don’t want anyone to feel obligated to return the favor. :/ I feel better if I know for sure that they want it.
Posted 04/08/15
tehuti88 I’d love to return the favor to those who randomly give me jewelry, but I don’t think you should worry about it. :)
you can always send some to Saoirse 8D
Posted 04/08/15, edited 04/08/15
i love random gifts lol and it gives me a list of people to return to XD otherwise i fling at random
Posted 04/08/15
Thank you so much, Glitch. 8I I didn’t want to hide any more of the forums, but having the recent posts feed consist of nothing but ‘Sent to XXXX’-type messages was grating on me a bit, haha.
Posted 04/08/15
I was going to request this too, thank you glitch ;u;.
Posted 04/08/15
I’m so sorry to everyone who sent me jewelry that I haven’t returned but…
8 Turquoise Bar Beads, 7 Ivory Seed Beads….
Edit: Oh dang didn’t see the new forum thing, sorry for posting here
Posted 04/08/15, edited 04/08/15
You’re not alone, Emeralda! People keep sending me jewelry and I feel bad because I’ve only been able to send one back >>
Posted 04/08/15
ME TOO! I have a wave of guilt wash over me every time I see a notification pop up because I keep getting wonderful poopies from people and not having any poopies to give back. Gliiiitchhhh can’t you just give me 238923901 so that I can give them to people? TnT
Posted 04/08/15, edited 04/08/15
awww that sounds like a great idea QUQ spread the love~~~
Posted 04/08/15
Wait a minute! This isn’t just some event. They’re training us to respond to the dinging sound.
Mycena Cave confirmed for CIA brainwashing program.
Posted 04/09/15

Posted 04/09/15
I just noticed the tiny little ‘toot toot’s in the banner.
Please don’t tell me that’s supposed to be, like, the sound of the buggies pooping out their beads :’|
Posted 04/09/15