04:40 ST
[EVENT] Spring Swarm Extravaganza! [April 6 - April 20]
Akira:  Yes, up to 14 tokens for the extra raffle. :)
Posted 04/20/15
Important times
  • Collecting beads ends at April 20 at 23:59 ST (tonight).
  • Crafting and sending jewelry ends at April 21 at 23:59 ST (tomorrow night).
  • The research lab will close April 27 at 23:59 ST
  • The breeding raffle will be drawn Sometime on April 28. It will not be drawn in chat, the results will be posted to this thread and the title updated
  • The leftover token raffle will be drawn at the same time as the breeding raffle.

The leftover token raffle will be for 15 yellow crysalises and 10 blue crysalises. Each token counts as a ticket, capped at 14 tickets

I hope you had fun in this event, and that you’re still having fun in the last few hours… BECAUSE YOU ARE REQUIRED TO AS PER THE RULES!!! :D

Posted 04/20/15, edited 04/20/15
As this winds down I just want to say thanks to the staff for holding this event.  And I likewise want to thank fellow participants with who(m?) I’ve interacted.  It was a really great event!
Posted 04/20/15, edited 04/20/15

My family will be devastated without that alarm going off every 15 minutes c;

This really has been another amazingly fun event. I’m glad I was able to participate more this year! Thanks for putting it together for us!

Posted 04/20/15

Ahhh I love it when we run these kinds of events :D I’m glad you had / are having fun!!

Here’s a fun little graph for you:

Posted 04/20/15, edited 04/20/15

That graph is really cool, oh my.

I’ve had more fun actually doing the event than I have collecting the items. Besides the bouquets, I wasn’t really as interested in the items themselves as I was just opening and collecting things, ahah. I also like having the more clicky type events to kind of change things up a little. <3

Posted 04/20/15
clicky events sure are nice to have every now and then, that I can agree on. it’s very calm…despite there being a timer thingy, I don’t feel rushed or stressed out. helps to have the bell for that i guess. though i won’t be missing the sound of it when this is all over…
Posted 04/20/15

That bell sounded exactly like my toaster oven, so every time it dinged, I thought it was food. *sigh*

When are the beads supposed to turn into tokens? Because I don’t think mine did…

Posted 04/21/15
They will next rollover, so tomorrow night at midnight server time. All of tomorrow you’ll have for making jewelry. I’m full out of all the useful beads, so I’m waiting for them to change into tokens already.
Posted 04/21/15
Fuck those teal long beads! I had 14 at the end!
Posted 04/21/15

I have 45 teal long beads and about 2 of everything else…

*pokes mass of beads*

Posted 04/21/15

I have 35 teal long beads left.

If you’re naughty this Christmas, instead of getting coal in your stocking, you’re just going to get teal long beads :|

Posted 04/21/15
Fuck those teal long beads!Shima

It was the turquoise bar beads for me. 4x as many of those as anything else. >:[

Posted 04/21/15, edited 04/21/15

At one point I had almost 70 teal long beads, and I was actively making jewelry :I;;;

I currently have 53, ahahaha…..... /pelts people with teal long beads.

Posted 04/21/15

I ended the event with 0 Teal Long Beads.  I think y’all ate all of mine >>
I do have 24 Ivory Seed Beads left though.

Posted 04/21/15

I ended the event with 61 teal long beads… And no jewelry I can make. I wonder about the ‘random’ness of the bead distribution… The teal longs took over. *glares at them… and the huge pile of ivory seeds beside them*

Edit: I have 54 of the Ivory seeds… Both of those were determined to flood me.

Posted 04/21/15, edited 04/21/15
Oh man I really could have used those ivory seed beads. I actually have one more turquoise oval bead than teal long beads. :/
Posted 04/21/15

I literally spent the last three hours being one bead away from making any piece of jewelry, but the site was mean and refused to give me anything I didn’t already have.

Are the beads worth different amounts of tokens? Or are they all pretty much one token each?

Posted 04/21/15

81 Teal Long Beads
75 Ivory Seed Beads
48 Maroon Drop Beads
I think I have the worst luck at this. *shifty eyes*
Also the game decided to be mean to me and give me one Golden Rectangle Bead just as my Ivory Shell Beads are used up. :<

Posted 04/21/15, edited 04/21/15
All are worth uno token! :D
Posted 04/21/15

It was a lot of fun but I’ve spent hours trying to make one jewelry because of the multiples of the ones I already had.

*pokes beads*

Ah well, it was fun

Posted 04/21/15

I secretly wonder if I had any actual significant influence on that graph, considering I’ve pulled QUITE a feat in my token collecting for this event. Ended up with around 1700 > >

Note: Please do not try that at home. Shizudragon is a professional and does not require the same amount of sleep as a normal user.

Posted 04/21/15, edited 04/21/15
I’ve only ended up with 13 maroon stars, 1 ivory pearl, 22 golden gourds, 2 brown diamonds and 9 teal long beads, seems pretty lucky compared to some other people. XD
Posted 04/21/15
Shiz you must have tapered off in the end too.  Or maybe not; I can’t math.  I did over 1500, though I barely collected anything since Thursday.  :p
Posted 04/21/15

I had a total of about 1400 tokens.
But I wasn’t nearly as disciplined as the last two click events.
I managed to get one of everything and ended up getting a lot of doubles and helping a friend out because I wasn’t sure what else to do with them xD

Posted 04/21/15
I wonder about the ‘random’ness of the bead distribution…Nephele

Someone made a thread about in the SSE forum with pie charts and everything :D It’s pretty cool

Posted 04/21/15

I broke the rule about having fun <_<;;

Honestly if there had been a way to trade beads 2:1 for a different one I would’ve enjoyed the event a lot more than I did. It was just really frustrating and I am really glad it’s over.

Kinda sad about that, I love clicky events. :<

Posted 04/21/15

Only maroon stars and seeds stopped me from making things. I had so many teal longs and turquoise bars compared to everything else, it was so frustrating D:

I ended the event with about 70 beads I couldn’t use ;o;.

Posted 04/21/15

I got a Peacock Spider mushie o-o

I didn’t think I would actually get one: I already had a blue banded bee and I was like ‘alright, well, I can just have anothe bee mushie to sell in a few months’. The last thing I expected was to actually get the spider xD

Posted 04/21/15
Wish I could have gotten all the older mushies, but I’m pleased with my Blue Banded Bee! SHe’s beautiful!
Posted 04/21/15