My first three letters were L I E .... I had to send it to someone! Had to! Couldn’t possibly resist!
Posted 07/10/15, edited 07/10/15
E G G are my first three!
Posted 07/10/15
How does the “give” function work? Does it pull from a random pool of pets? I was going to give my letters to a friend but it wouldn’t pull up her pet’s name.
Posted 07/10/15
Aero: you can only give words to pets owned by accounts that have activated the event.
My first three letters are: I, I, I
Posted 07/10/15, edited 07/10/15
B, m, D ahh yes. I can definitely make a word from these rofl
Posted 07/10/15
Glitch: Ah, that makes sense! Thanks for the clarification.
Posted 07/10/15
I have so many O’s already… if only Ooo was a word lol
Posted 07/10/15
My first three letters didn’t make a word either. :( P E and O…too bad it wasn’t an A instead of an O
Posted 07/10/15
Ahh! Sent my first word, “costs” haha Cx I love scrabble this event is going to ruin me :u
Posted 07/10/15
I’m getting a pretty good mix so far! Last time I was a permanent resident of vowel land. xD
Posted 07/10/15
Are we going to have a board for this summer event as well like we had in the spring event? I remember there was a bead exchange thread in the event board last time where I could find someone for exchanging beads, but I don’t know where I could find someone to exchange words this time ;_;
Posted 07/10/15
Would love to have another thread like that!
Posted 07/10/15
Posted 07/10/15, edited 07/10/15
I stayed up just late enough to mine one time, but had to go to bed immediately… I wake up to see nine people sent me words. Oh my. xD;;;
Edit: Would it be possible for the Give! box to have an option to take pet IDs as well? For every event, I always copy+pasted the pet’s ID. It’s a lot more convenient than waiting for the list thing to load, then check to make sure it’s the right pet (especially if it’s a popular name). *lazy* I understand if it’s not compatible or something; it would be nice, though. :3;
Posted 07/10/15, edited 07/10/15
I fell asleep within 2 hours of the event starting, but I see a lot of you went on through the night!
Posted 07/10/15
Oh wow! I’m loving all the items and mushrooms for this event. So shiny and bright. Words aren’t my strong-suit, so I’ll have to stay on top of it to get one of each thing, at least. Time to get conditioned to the bell again. XD
Posted 07/10/15
if you suddenly have more star stuff than you did a second ago, it’s because discarding tiles was not giving you star stuff like it was supposed to. The issue has been fixed, and if it affected you (i.e. you have discarded tiles), then you have been credited the amount of star stuff that you were “owed”.
Thank you to Eviiana for bringing this to my attention!
Posted 07/10/15, edited 07/10/15
I love that the box lets you search for pet names. I’m tailoring my words to fit pets! It makes me feel clever.
Posted 07/10/15
That’s such a cute idea, Raivica!
I feel a little guilty when I’m sending works like BRAT and JERK, heh. Hope nobody takes it as intentional. Dx
Posted 07/10/15
nevermind i’m doing it wrong lol it’s all good now
Posted 07/10/15, edited 07/10/15
Haha I don’t think I’ve even gotten anything rude yet. I’m just doing it off names; the ones I like most are “MUTE” to a pet named “Silent” and “Clot” to a blood-themed pet.
Posted 07/10/15
Oh god, the vowel curse is coming for me! My current letters are U U A O E and it’s killing me a bit inside |D
Also I sent someone ‘idiot’ earlier and I feel bad but it was my best word sobs
Posted 07/10/15
Silent didn’t seem amused by getting the word MUTE but he didn’t say anything about it so I guess it’s okay.
Posted 07/10/15
The only slightly rude word i sent was “worst”
And to top it off, the person replied with “hiss”
Posted 07/10/15
My pride and joy so far has been ‘booty.’ :D
Posted 07/10/15
I mean, I GUESS if it weren’t MC, “Dog” might be KIND of rude?
My “best” was Fez. Got to use the Z immediately without wondering to toss it or not!
Posted 07/10/15
Remember, single point tiles are only as useful as they are helpful for making words. You get as much star stuff by discarding them as you do by using them :)
Posted 07/10/15, edited 07/10/15
After 10+ words, I can say that compared to last year, I’m getting a *much* better mix! It’s nice to not be getting stuck (yet)!
Posted 07/10/15

Perfect :D
Posted 07/10/15
I hadn’t thought about tailoring the word to the pet but now it’s kind of satisfying. *u*
Posted 07/10/15