omg Lycan she looks beautiful *-*
Posted 07/16/15

It’s fuckin’ tradition at this point. I always get the god damn drasilis mushroom first. Ahhhhh! I don’t want it. >.<
Posted 07/16/15
Shima, I will gladly trade/take that from you :|
Posted 07/16/15
-casually holds out hands at Shima- >>;;;;
Posted 07/16/15
I would also take it from you and give you a summer 2015 shroom >_>
Posted 07/16/15
I think mycena is mocking me at this point. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it yet. I’ll probably keep it until I get more starstuff and see how I’m going to able to buy everything else.
Posted 07/16/15
Oh my gosh, you poor thing.
It’s like a phobia animal. They know you don’t like them, so they seek you out just to mess with you >>
Posted 07/16/15
Hnnn, so close to that Stellar Cosmic Bottle. Quit giving me letter that don’t fit together. T-T
Posted 07/17/15
i found these and felt it was pertinent to how this event is going

Posted 07/17/15, edited 07/17/15
Just got my fourth Astral Wraith mushroom… D:
Posted 07/18/15
It seems like there’s a HUGE abundance of wraiths compared to everything else.
Posted 07/18/15, edited 07/18/15
So far they have dropped 43% of the time. I suppose people just talk about them more :)
Posted 07/18/15
246 fully silver words have been sent so far, and the longest was 9 (!) letters long!
Posted 07/18/15
I didn’t want to succumb to Juney’s taste for stats flesh so I didn’t make any fully silver words.
Posted 07/18/15
I’m still so amused that people have been sending my innocent Sona all these dirty, bad words and I can only think of him accepting them having no idea what they mean and politely thanking them. Thinking about my characters accepting them instead of me is so much fun.
Posted 07/18/15
1 minute ago: Your pet Silent just received the word “mum” from glitch!
mute, quiet, quiet, sound, quiet, mum
yep looks good
Posted 07/19/15
1 minute ago: Your pet Silent just received the word “mum” from glitch!
mute, quiet, quiet, sound, quiet, mum
yep looks goodQueen Elsa
indeed :)
Posted 07/19/15
just because it’s accurate doesn’t make you less weird, glitch >:[
Posted 07/19/15
immediately after sending out the word “tidal” (I mean like MID click here!) I realized that L and A were exactly what I was waiting for to make the word planet, which would have been my 15th word for the mini event!
hahaha OOPS I just had to share that with someone because I feel so silly!
Posted 07/19/15
Oh my goodness, the Q-eyes on Skye‘s human avatar are super creepy…
Posted 07/19/15, edited 07/19/15
Yessss, they are perfect aren’t they?! XD So far I’ve sent 17 Q words. “Quite, Quay, Faquir, Quotha, Quash, Quip, Queen, Quit, Quinone, Squirm, Quilt, Quad, Quinoa, Quid, Equity, Quit, Liquor”... And that’s AFTER the 2 Q’s I had to discard at one point when I had over 7 of them on my bar. XD (This is what keeps me clicking at this point, just to see how many more I can get. X3)
Posted 07/20/15
I just had to share my favorite word from the event that I’ve received: snoozles.
Posted 07/21/15
I can’t collect tiles now and it’s really annoying >8C
Posted 07/21/15
Paean isn’t a word?
No comprende.
Posted 07/21/15
not enough people upvoted it as a word for it to get through the dictionary-building process. 0:
Posted 07/21/15
The problem with democracy is you’re trusting the results to other people. There are certain smaller words that shouldn’t have been put up for a vote at all. It was just the easiest way for the dictionary to change so they went with it.
Posted 07/21/15, edited 07/21/15
less than a minute ago: Your pet Elsa just received the word “whoa” from Toothless!
right back at u m8
Posted 07/22/15
It took the majority of the event. But I was finally able to buy the drasilis mushroom! I know I could have gambled with the bottle but i KNOW how bad my rng luck is so.
In a few days I’ll earn enough for gems for a fodder and then…it will be perfect! :D
Posted 07/23/15
The Apophis sure makes a cute stove <3

Posted 07/23/15
That’s…...really adorable. Please make that your canon for the character. It’s too cute.
Posted 07/23/15, edited 07/23/15