Thank you so much for the snip. ;o; So much lag…
Posted 07/15/15

Go, Mew. Live. Study orbit. Be the cat I know you can be!
Posted 07/15/15
*stares at two MORE Q’s showing up in my tiles, sobs silently*
Edit: I have sent 9 Q words, discarded 2 Q’s, and have TWO MORE Q’S sitting on my workbench! THIS MAKES THIRTEEN Q’S!!! *sobs brokenly*
*Later: draws new letters, gets Q, M, G ........ Sobs more brokenly* ........ Fourteen…. (Yep, I’m just keeping track for the mind boggling-ness…)
Posted 07/15/15, edited 07/15/15
how are people getting these shiny silver tiles! I haven’t found a single one.
Posted 07/15/15
Neki, sometimes a silver tile will appear on the left asteroid, as shown in the image below… I don’t think the silver tiles do anything, but I did make a word consisting exclusively of silver tiles once.

Good luck finding them!
Posted 07/15/15
-needs 1590 more bits of star stuff for mushroom she wants-
-keeps getting difficult consonants and no vowels-
-gross sobbing-
Saw the post on Pg 6 about this really being about the Cosmic Bottles, bought a Stellar as a gamble and got the mushroom I wanted for just 700 bits of star stuff! -happy noises-
ETA x 2 Combo:

Everybody say hi to Nausikaa!
Posted 07/15/15, edited 07/15/15
I used 2 stellar bottles and got 2 astral wraiths.
I know I want two of each but I was at least hoping for a starchaser too so I could warrant using a 3rd bottle but alas… :(
C’est la vie.
Posted 07/15/15
I finished the mini-event, yay! Now I can focus on buying stuff /)v(\
Posted 07/15/15
idk whether to save for the dras or just get the bottle, hope it’s one of the two I want, and give up for the rest of the event…I have a very stressful life right now outside this website and I don’t need to put more on myself by trying for a goal I’ll probably not have the time for realistically.
tough choice though, if I get the dras I’ll…have a dras and then maybe save up for the other one in the future, but also worsen my health… if I get the bottle I might get the other one, might get the dras, and might get the one I don’t want which I can possibly sell later…plus maybe some items, which I could also sell or put on my pets. idk what i should do =c=
Posted 07/15/15
Here I come a little late to the party.
Wanted to weigh in and say that the prices were considerably steeper than I expected, especially since I feel like I’ve been doing much better at this event than I was last year but am far more concerned about getting what I want. However, I’m lucky enough to be rather relaxed with what I end up getting my hands on. :) Hopefully some people will be willing to do bottle swaps, though.
Also, love the cut off on the star stuff. I’m stuck with very limited internet as I’m at a camp, and it was murdering my phone.
Posted 07/15/15
>8| ......
My dinger… isn’t dinging…
My timer hits zero and it doesn’t ding! It doesn’t even change to the ‘you can leave now!!’ message, it just stops at 0:00 and doesn’t do anything.
What happened. D’:
Posted 07/15/15
Ahhh my timer just didn’t ding too!
I thought it was because my volume might have been too low or something D:
Posted 07/15/15
Can somebody please will me a C? I have had the word “elipse” queued up for three days and NO C! I’m at my wit’s end and what space I have left after “elipse” is being filled by Qs and Xs and Ms and Gs.
My timer dings at random times when I’m on mobile, but I’m sure that’s due to the connection only syncing every now and then when I don’t immediately have the browser page showing. It’ll ding when my desktop shows seven minutes left and I end up checking anyway. ^^;
Posted 07/16/15
I was getting piles of Xs before, but now that I want to make the word “galaxy” I couldn’t find a single X since yesterday… XD
Posted 07/16/15
I’ve been trying for two Cs for two or three days now, i finally got one last night for Cosmos, but i still need another for Crater -head desks repeatedly-
Posted 07/16/15
I did the math, and if I got one bag per item for the spring event, and those bags miraculously produced one of each item, then it cost 870 event currency to get one of each item.
For this event, it’d take 2,730 event currency. *cries*
Posted 07/16/15
that’s a huge difference jfc
Posted 07/16/15
I’m sorry Xanadu I didn’t mean it ;;
Posted 07/16/15
that’s a huge difference jfc
There’s also a huge difference in the number of points you earn in a given amount between the spring and summer events :) They are really quite incomparable in this regard.
Posted 07/16/15
I’m not upset just so you know glitch, hah, I was just taken aback by the vast difference in numbers. However this event has a lot more to offer by way of points opportunities & items so I’m not surprised the difference is so big
Posted 07/16/15
*blows kisses to those who sent Bacchus wine and ale related words* omg you guys I let out a huge laugh at all the variations ya’ll are perf
Posted 07/16/15
I tried to send Bacchus “wino” but it wasn’t a valid word :|
Posted 07/16/15
D: I hate when things aren’t valid words. The attempt is very much appreciated though!! <3
Posted 07/16/15
I’m sorry Xanadu I didn’t mean it ;;
1 hour ago: Your pet Xanadu just received the word “scum” from Shima!
Xan: Hey! D:<
Posted 07/16/15
*Sends all the bad, offensive and immature words to a certain pet.* I FEEL NO SHAME. ’ w ’
Posted 07/16/15

It’s like this shawl is made for her *^*
Posted 07/16/15
Hey everyone! We seemed to be having a bit of a timeout issue, which has hopefully been solved by rebooting the server. If it ends up persisting, I’ll migrate us over to a larger machine tonight when there’s fewer people online :)
Edit: trying one more thing… MC will be down for about 30 seconds as I push this optimization. Hang tight!
Edit 2: looks like that may have worked! I suppose we’ll see at peak time this evening *gulp*
Posted 07/16/15, edited 07/16/15
Sooo.. does anyone want an extremely dirty word? :D
Posted 07/16/15
Majida lives for dirty words, Shima. :D (Just take a look at his wall LOL)
Posted 07/16/15