17:40 ST
[EVENT] Stellar Spelunking! (July 10 - July 23)

“Ebola” is not a valid word :(

Damnit! I really wanted to give someone Ebola!

Posted 07/13/15
Hina, you should be able to give em the plague!
Posted 07/13/15
Or even a pox, I’d bet!
Posted 07/13/15

Some Pookservations:

- I was sad I couldn’t use Quebec. Q words are scarce enough as it is! Q.Q
- I like that June isn’t a word, but Juney is. Wtf. XD I wasted it and didn’t even send it to Juney because I was in a hurry /fail
- I keep sending “Joe” to Joel, despite having L’s because Joel isn’t a word.
- My favorite word I received so far is “teahouse” for Ghost Tea. <3

Posted 07/13/15, edited 07/13/15

soft sad mosh noises

really wish the scarf went over their heads oops

my poor bahiyya will never get her space hijab lmfao

Posted 07/13/15, edited 07/13/15
Two more quick updates

As of right now, two things have changed:

  1. If you have a post in the mini-event thread, the link to that thread on the event page now goes directly to your post, to save you having to load up whatever page and scroll around trying to find it
  2. Permalinks now actually scroll you to your post, instead of like 40 pixels too far down which they have been doing forever.

Brought to you by the i-dont-know-why-it-hasn’t-always-been-this-way department :)

Posted 07/13/15, edited 07/13/15
Thanks bunches,  i-dont-know-why-it-hasn’t-always-been-this-way department!
Posted 07/13/15
That’s rather helpful, thanks!
Posted 07/13/15
I regret to inform you all that the lovely Jamfish was “filleted” earlier. >:[
Posted 07/14/15
Wow those mushroom prices are steep. I only got about 250 star stuff right now.
Posted 07/14/15

Oh wow, ouch. I’m not sure we’ll make it even halfway to the dras shoom.


Posted 07/14/15

I’ll third the ouch on the mushroom prices… Stupid surgery has me drugged and I keep falling asleep and missing chances to grab letters.

(Mama fourths the ouch, she’s house hunting and can’t pop on every 15 minutes either.)

Posted 07/14/15
wow guess I’m not getting anything I wanted lmfao
Posted 07/14/15
Holy cow, those mushroom prices. @.@;;;; And here I though I was doing WELL for myself on Star Stuff and MIGHT be able to get the things I want, but, wow… @.@ Why are they all SO much higher than previous events? D:
Posted 07/14/15

Yeah, the prices for the individual items / mushrooms are very steep. As a quick reminder to everyone (and I realize this isn’t written anywhere so this will come as news to new players):

The prizes in this event are the cosmic bottles, and the event is balanced to make prices “reasonable” for those only. They are openable items, which will transform into one of the other items in its category, i.e. when a Lunar Cosmic Bottle is opened, it will turn into one of a Lunar Space Fish, a Solar Space Fish, a Star Earring, a Star Sphere, a Natanis Asteroid or a Regium Asteroid. In deference to people who may only want a particular item, we also make the individual items available at a hefty markup. The prices of the individual items reflect their probabilities in the bottle, e.g. the 99942 Apophis Mushroom is twice as expensive as the Starchaser Mushroom, which means that the Starchaser is twice as likely to drop when opening the Stellar Cosmic Bottle. If you feel like nerding out, the formula for the individual item prices is such that weighting by their drop probabilities, they average to twice the price of the bottle.

The individual items are not the primary sale of this event, and the prices that are balanced to the event are those of the bottles only — if you choose to primarily buy the individual items, you’ll quickly run out of star stuff and not get very far. They’re really only offered as a stopgap for people who really only want one or two of the items in a particular bottle, and are uneconomical for everyone else.

EDIT: They’re a scaled a little from the prices of last year. Two factors drove the prices down somewhat last year, which was that the event was slightly shorter, and there were more coats / items to collect.

EDIT2: Edited my edit to more accurately reflect reality and because after reading it, it sounded unfriendly (sorry!). I changed “They haven’t changed much from the prices” to “They’re scaled a little from the prices”, because 200 star stuff on the mushroom bottle isn’t exactly a negligible change.

Posted 07/14/15, edited 07/14/15

I was actually talking about the bottles themselves. I don’t want to chain myself to the event but I kinda feel like I have to if I want to get even close to enough to get the items I want and the mushrooms I want. And that’s taking into consideration the bottles.

By the way the bottles are super pretty and I’m disappointed they’re not equppable.

Edit: Taking in account incredible luck at getting one of each thing I want from the bottles, I would need 1718 star dust. I have about 300 after four days and there’s 9 days left.

Posted 07/14/15, edited 07/14/15

Oh, right, longer duration. XP I completely spaced that these are usually only 5-7 days, not closer to 13 worth of days we can click for more points :o
... O.o Though aside from that, as far as I counted most all events have averaged about 12 items like this one (well 13 counting the random-coat-of-the-event mushroom rarities)... And aside from the event that had the Spring Sprouts, which had 3 coats like this, all the events have had 2 or 4 coats elsewise…??? But the longer duration to stockpile star stuff makes sense, I guess. ^.^;;

I think I was just hoping the push to rely on RNG odds of getting items you want (which always fails for me) wouldn’t be THIS extremely… Forced feeling. :< Personally I liked previous events where, yes, the bottles/containers were the most point-efficient, but getting at least one desired coat and half the items of your choice was still viable… With this setup it feels just… Overwhelmingly less viable to get JUST the items one wants without having to rely on trading after the event. :/ Because as much as I love all of you here, I hate trading items, because, well… It tends to turn into a nightmare of being ‘stuck’ with whatever RNG gives you because all the “popular” items get bought up REAL quick by people willing to go insanely above and beyond a ‘fair’ exchange by offering, for example another item from the same jar that the person wants to trade for +5 gems and whatnot… When people DON’T do that, it’s really fun to trade items like pokemon cards at the school cafeteria… But that never seems to happen anymore. :< Which makes being forced to rely on RNG odds a real buzzkill for an otherwise fun event.

Also, I don’t know about everyone else, but I would actually have far MORE points by now if we were using the old event dictionary… This one we’re running on now is, well, pretty severely limiting. >.> But that could just be me being king of the Q’s having this issue. lol

Perhaps this all just means that I, personally, prefer the shorter duration events for focus/affordability of my specific preferences, but we won’t know without further testing and this event finishing up, I suppose. :3

So all that said…. For science and data collection! *dives back into clicking tiles and spelling words*

Posted 07/14/15
I still can’t believe you had seven qs
Posted 07/14/15
XD That was just 7 at one time. lol I’ve seen and used another 3-4 since then! I am king of the Q’s. lol. (Not that I want to be. Q.Q Someone take the title, please?!)
Posted 07/14/15
Say, can there by a “Mycena Cave Online Users” discount? XD
Posted 07/14/15

Alas, of the two items I was interested in the event, I know 100% that I can’t afford one and the other feels silly to get with it being so expensive. And I definitely don’t have the IRL to buy gems to get everything. I think Sapphy wants some stuff. I’ll just leave the eventing to her I guess.


Posted 07/14/15

‘hugs Ishy’

There there, I’m sure that you’ll get some stuff too :D Sapphy will share, she is not mean x3

Posted 07/14/15

Well I work full time and have other responsibilities, and Sapphy has class and a number of other things she needs to do, so even between the two of us, we’ve only managed just over 200 points. And the event’s nearly half over. I can’t see us getting much of anything. XD especially not pets. Since that’s the case, I’d rather let Sapphy spend the points since she’s the one who really plays the site. And that way I can spend my time on more productive personal projects.


Posted 07/14/15

Pleased c:

Royal to royalty, wish to Ally’s northern lights inspired custom~

Onwards, the hunt goes!

Posted 07/14/15, edited 07/14/15

Oh wow, I was expecting the dras to cost as much as the ineki cost and the ineki to be way less expensive. Was not excepting this :D;
Honestly I feel the items are fairly priced, I’m just bummed I probably won’t be able to grab them once I get my shrooms. 

And it’s kinda… eh… one of my major irritants with mycena events is that there always seems to be a huge surplus of stuff when they’re done? So part of my is happy that the prices are higher because stuff might actually have some sort of resale value. On the other hand, it just really sucks that so many people (including maybe me) won’t get what they want so. It’s a really… icky balancing act I guess.

Posted 07/14/15

Ahh forgot to thank Lobomon for sending Bacchus the word “wine.” Perrrrrfect <3

Edit: “Your pet Bacchus just received the word “wine” from Queen Elsa!”

AhhhHH YESSS. I need to start a campaign to get Bacchus the word “wine” as much as possible x3c

Posted 07/14/15, edited 07/14/15

Is it possible that for future events the event currency cuts off from being show on the event page after a certain number? My page lags every time I scroll down from having to load so many images, tiny though they may be.

Posted 07/15/15

*cough*cough*HUMBLEBRAG*cough* XD
Seriously though, yeah that’s a good idea. Done :)

Posted 07/15/15
XD Thank you <3
Posted 07/15/15

“Holy moly that’s a lot of Star Stuff. Snipped to reduce pageload lag. ”

*cackle, snort, falls over, rolls around laughing* ILU. XD

Posted 07/15/15