18:18 ST
[Mini Game] Identify the Coat! - Ends Sep. 7th at 23:59 ST
Identify the Coat!

Ends Sep. 7th at 23:59 Site Time (CST)

It’s shedding season in the caves! Almost everyone is leaving some fur, feathers, or scales around the place. Most cave citizens are courteous enough to pick up after themselves, but there is simply too much hiding around to clean up everything.

In the name of SCIENCE, I, Professor Mariel, have been collecting the leftover samples in the hopes of creating a cave wide catalog of all the known coats. Hopefully, these samples will be useful in future scientific and historical studies! How exciting! :D However, I have a lot of samples and I’d like some assistants to help with the cataloging process. Please look over the sample set provided and write down what you believe the coat color is. Note that none of the samples provided in this set contain Custom, Sprout, or Glowing Changingshroom coats. And none of the samples have been driftshroomed. I will look over everyone’s work at the end of this research study and will post the results afterwards.

If you happen to be colorblind, please echo Firkasa! She’ll provide you with a different set of samples to work with. :)

For your help you will be given some compensation for your efforts. :)

# Correct Reward
10 out of 10 correct 1 gem
6-9 out of 10 correct 1500 nuggets
1-5 out of 10 correct 500 nuggets

Additionally, I’ve found a few Glowing Changingshroom while collecting samples! Assistants that correctly identify all 10 out of 10 samples will be entered into a raffle for the chance at a Glowing Changingshroom. For every 50 users that send in their guesses, one Glowing Changingshroom will be added to the prize pool! :D

To participate, please send your submissions to the Bone Monster in an echo titled “Identify the Coat!”. You have until Sep. 7th at 23:59 Site Time (CST) to enter. You may not work with another player, this is an individual effort. Additionally, you may not send in a copy of someone else’s submission and anyone caught doing this will have their results removed from the study and receive an official warning. If you would like to change your answers, please resubmit your submission using the same echo.

SAMPLE: If you think one of the samples is from the Sunbeam coat, please link to their coat search page. Your entry for that Sample # should look as follows:

0. https://www.mycenacave.com/search/coat/1

You can find the link to a specific coat’s search page in the Pets section, under the Help tab. :)

Easy copying for your submission:

Everyone have their clipboards and sharpies ready? :D Here are your samples! Please note that other than having their image enlarged, these samples have not been altered in any other way. Also, no two samples are the same. If you have any questions feel free to ask in thread or echo Firkasa.


Posted 08/31/15, edited 08/31/15

are you sure you have the right file for sample #5? it looks too… flat to be from any of the pets here ^u^

Posted 08/31/15

Ooh, looks interesting! Fingers crossed for correctness and then a raffle win…I missed out during the last raffle and it would be amazing to have a GCS pet oAo

I’ve been crying over 2 and 9 for the last ten minutes. D:

Posted 08/31/15, edited 08/31/15
That was more difficult than I expected. Some were easy, and others I have no idea if I got right or wrong. :-/
Posted 08/31/15
doragon Sample 5 is from a coat on site.
Posted 08/31/15, edited 08/31/15

Oooooo this seems fun!

I’m sure we will all be squinting a lot for the next week trying to figure it out!

Posted 08/31/15

#5 was an easy one IMO D:

I think #2 will haunt me in my dreams… the rest im fairly sure i got correct but that #2 oh god #2….

Posted 08/31/15
The biggest problems I had with #2 and #9… :I
Posted 08/31/15
question: are there customs used for this mini-game? or do i just have very wrong guesses
Posted 08/31/15

[@Past-tato] “Note that none of the samples provided in this set contain Custom, Sprout, or Glowing Chaingingshroom coats.” c:

(“Chaingingshroom”...that’s a new one lol)

I think I’ve got them all…maybe. <.<; I’m going to double-check later, before I send in my guesses.

Posted 08/31/15, edited 08/31/15
[@Heresy] NGL i just had to send in corrections for 2 and 9 OTL lol i swear im not gonna bother u anymore sweet bone monster
Posted 08/31/15
Pine OOPS. *Fixes spelling* :D;;;;
Posted 08/31/15
Tarot Pleasebotherme I thought that #9 was like three coats, they just have similar colors… And we have a whole week to send in corrections! (I think.) XD
Posted 08/31/15
Man, 9 gave me so much trouble, but I think I got it right after looking for the shape of the fur rather than the color of it. I’m worried as heck about 2 though. I was torn between two choices, here’s hoping I picked the right one!
Posted 08/31/15
Yes, you can change your submission any time during the week the game is running. :) It won’t bother me or Bone Monster if you make multiple changes unless you make like… 100 changes or something haha. XD;
Posted 08/31/15

2 is giving me such a headache. I feel pretty confident on the rest, but… ahh. I’m waffling between two for that one. Went with my gut and just submitted it already, but I’ll probably be back to obsess over it throughout the week. :|

Either way, this was fun! Glad we’re getting more shots at GCSs. Thanks! c:

Posted 08/31/15
on the plus side… me going crazy trying to figure out #2 has helped me find some others by going through the magic puddle over and over again
Posted 08/31/15
So, no customs or sprouts, but are some driftshroomed perhaps?
Posted 08/31/15
Ah! That’s a good point. No samples have been driftshroomed either. :3 I will go edit that in the first post!
Posted 08/31/15, edited 08/31/15
I feel pretty confident about all of my choices except #9….omg I seriously have no clue with that one. #2 gave me a bit of trouble, but I’m fairly certain I got it
Posted 08/31/15

Lol, I’ve been sitting here looking at this challenge for a total of 10 minutes, and it took me 2 minutes to get every one except for freaking 7. FDKSGJLAHSLDAKGJFHSADKJFH

Nope nvm I got it - that was pretty hard though. Overall, I think this challenge was a success although I’d have loved for it to be a little bit longer? (or maybe I just stare at these coats for way too long on an average basis > >;;; )

Posted 08/31/15, edited 08/31/15
Aaaah, maybe it’s because I’m still relatively new and I’m stuck on my Wii U, but man that was tough xD But I feel like I got most (All? Not gonna go quite that far, but maybe!) of my guesses right, so that’s something! This was a lot of fun c: Can’t wait to see the results~
Posted 08/31/15
That was fun! I ended up totally guessing on #7, but I think really hope I got the rest right. Now just to somehow have the patience to wait for the results…
Posted 08/31/15
I was very excited earlier but I thought I would just pop in and say, thanks so much staff for doing a neat little event like this, it’s a creative way to make a ‘free’ raffle ^_^
Posted 08/31/15
Well, I know what I’ll be doing tomorrow morning :D this will be fun
Posted 08/31/15

i spent 4 hours straight working out each and every one of these and if i get even one of them wrong i swear i will pop a vein

sooooo…. am i the only one who refused to move on until i had found the exact spot on the magic puddle images where the sample was taken from? because that’s probably why it took me 4 hours. i think i need to tone down my inner perfectionist

Posted 08/31/15
Good luck all :D!
Posted 09/01/15
A couple of those took me a really long time! I spent far too long on that, haha. Great fun though, thank you :D
Posted 09/01/15
Can’t figure out 5, 7 or 8 -screeching-
Posted 09/01/15
7 is impossible, LOL.
Posted 09/01/15