Going through these trying to get the last few again.. I have a question though! Firkasa If you can’t answer this that’ ok, but none of these are repeats right? So for example… if #1 was pancake, none of the others could be pancake right?
Posted 09/05/15
Firkasa thanks!! Good to know… I’ll have to go back to doing some staring at the magic puddle… :)
Posted 09/05/15
LaraAelric If you go under Help > Search, you can search for pets of a particular coat by clicking on the bar on the very right (underneath “by coat”) and then typing in the coat name.
Posted 09/05/15
Went ahead and sent mine. I don’t expect to get them all right, but that’s okay. I decided it would spoil the fun to squint at the images for hours. This way I’ll be pleasantly surprised if I get them all right, but not disappointed if I don’t. I can’t imagine the pot for the GCS will be that large. This was a toughie.
Posted 09/06/15
Just a little under 24 hours left! 99 entries have been sent in so far! So close! :) If you wanted to double check your answers now would be the time to do it. As a small note, I will not tell you how many samples you’ve gotten right. You’ll know by the end of the game. :3 Good luck to everyone! :)
Posted 09/07/15, edited 09/07/15
Greetings everyone! Thank you for your assistance in this research study! :D The information collected will surely push forth new research studies in the cave. After looking over everyone’s submissions and comparing the samples to various individuals the following are the results: 1. https://www.mycenacave.com/search/coat/146 - Lovebird 1. Compensation and the Glowing Changingshroom raffle will be done as soon as possible! :) Interestingly enough, I’ve identified a few peculiar samples that don’t seem to be a match to any known coat or species. How curious! Further investigation is needed to figure out where they came from…
Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15
Ahh, it’s my own fault. I should know better and like, triple-check numbers. Apparently I did it the first time around and then when I copy+pasted for my second attempt I didn’t notice either? aha wow lmao. I’m glad I got all the tough ones right, at least. o: The apophis was pretty sneaky!
Posted 09/08/15