02:47 ST
[Mini Game] Identify the Coat! - Ends Sep. 7th at 23:59 ST
Yep, the Apophis was the one that tripped me up too and I had debated between that and a couple others too. Still I got all the others right ^^ Fun game! Can’t wait to see what the new sample’s from!
Posted 09/08/15
so… anyone wanna see those exact spots from where each sample was taken?

because i’m pret-ty confident i got each of these exact locations right, but i’m also a little curious to know if i really did get each of them right…because you know…you can never be too sure. EDIT: looks like i did get these right, WOOHOO (thanks Firkasa!)

sample 1: lovebird

sample 2: lammergeier

sample 3: lily of the valley

sample 4: coral spring

sample 5: torch (trying to find this one was ridiculous; you can imagine)

sample 6: corroded automaton

sample 7: 99942 apophis

sample 8: tribal flame

sample 9: blue banded bee

aaand sample 10: tanuki

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15
I shouldn’t have been doing this at 3 in the morning. 8|||
Posted 09/08/15
bruisemuruve Those locations are pretty spot on! :) Nicely done!
Posted 09/08/15

Oooh I think I got them all right! :D

yas that aphophis. I finally started checking the drasilisesseses when I got to the point that I had checked all the remotely correct color scheme ineki haha it didn’t even occur to me to check them |D

the only one I was potentially iffy on was the Torch when I submitted, since that was the only one I didn’t scan enough to find the exact spot, but it had the correct color swatch

lovebird I didn’t even bother looking close up at a pet because it had to be that one haha

Posted 09/08/15


Gah, but I suppose one wrong isn’t too bad uou.

Posted 09/08/15
How the heck did I get the Apophis wrong. THAT WAS MY OWN COAT. *wails* *n*
Posted 09/08/15

1. Correct
2. Incorrect (Guessed Kheper)
3. Correct
4. Correct
5. Correct
6. Correct
7. Incorrect (Guessed Red Tufted Squirrel)
8. Correct
9. Incorrect (Guessed Flowering Fawn)
10. Incorrect (Guessed Brown Wood Owl)

But, 6/10 isnt too bad ;3;

Posted 09/08/15

Aaaaa, seven was the only one I missed. So close |D But hey, 9/10 isn’t bad when you’re stuck on a Wii U gamepad with no way to open the images in another program for comparison, right? :d

This was really fun~ I hope we do it again at some point!

Posted 09/08/15
Awww, missed the Apophis and Blue-banded Bee, although considering the effort I spent on it I’m surprised I didn’t do worse.
Posted 09/08/15
Bahaha, I got three of them wrong, which is actually fewer than I expected, so… yay? :D
Posted 09/08/15

I got the one I was expecting to miss wrong and at least one more, haha. Too lazy to check. :I

Congrats to everyone who got them all though! :D This game was a lot of fun, haha.

Posted 09/08/15

*wiggles around and whines happily* got all of them yes yes yessssss

new coat sample is making me drool a little, bioluminescence is one of my biggest weaknesses… *touches it gently*

Posted 09/08/15

Ahhhhhhh! Nooooooo, haha XD I never would have guessed 7 was what it was. I never look at their tails and think ‘brown’ - but I’m glad I got the others right ; u;

Also really excited about that sample? 0u0

And also finding it absolutely hilarious that plasma got 7 wrong XD Lollll

Posted 09/08/15

Well, I got three of them wrong.  And it was the three I wasn’t sure on and just said ‘screw it’ and guessed LOL.

But I got the others right so that’s not bad!

Posted 09/08/15
Posted 09/08/15
I’m upset about the Apophis. I’m just gonna… lay down and be upset. I knew I was going to miss that one. T.T
Posted 09/08/15

I’m pretty sure I got them all right… Unless I messed up the links, which wouldn’t be unlike me to do :P

Also that for what I assume is a new species is killing me, it’s so pretty…...

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15

I got the Apophis one wrong tooooooo

I was gonna go back and maybe look at the Dras coat cause i was like they probably did at least ONE right?

I thought that one was tainted smoke!!!

Congrats to the folks that got em all

Posted 09/08/15

Ahhhh I ended up getting them all right. I’m so pleased that number two was the Lammergeier, it’s one of my absolute favorite coats but I wasn’t entirely sure if the sample was coming from the arm on the upright or a completely different orange coat!

As for the new “sample”, first we get a webbed foot hint and then we get bioluminescence? Enough said, I’m overly excited for the upcoming event. o3o

Posted 09/08/15

Argh, #2 was the other one I was considering. I didn’t think to check the arms lol.

At least I’ve got a decent amount of nuggets out of it. :3c *eyes the corvids in the shop* And I’m hyped for the new ineki. <3

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15
Huzzah, that 30 minutes in Photoshop paid off! Can’t wait for the drawing to happen! OuO
Posted 09/08/15
I KNEW 6 was the automaton but couldn’t figure out where the sample was from so I didn’t even bother guessing |:
Posted 09/08/15
Oops hehe. I got #9 incorrect and actually linked a pet instead of the coat search for one of the answers. I’m pretty proud of 9/10! Good luck with the raffle you clever folk.
Posted 09/08/15
Raffle Results!

A total of 119 submissions were sent in so two Glowing Changingshrooms will be raffled off! :D Of those entries, 23 were 100% correct! :) These entries were fed to Random.org and here are the results!

Congrats to Pooka and Rhyme!

Additionally, there will be a small change to the rewards that will be handed out. Participants who answered 9 samples correctly will receive a gem instead of nuggets. All other rewards will remain the same.

Prizes will be handed out as soon as possible. If there was a mistake with your reward, let me know and I’ll look into it. :3

Thanks for playing everyone! :)

Posted 09/08/15

Congrats to Pooka and Rhyme! Can’t wait to see what you guys get! :D

Also yay for 9/10 answers getting a gem as well, that’s cool ouo.

Posted 09/08/15


Posted 09/08/15

Ketchco- That’s cool you took the time to make that graphic for everyone! c: Finding the exact spots was frustrati-fun, wasn’t it?




WHAT. I was just going to guess on the harder things and leave it at that, but when I read that the 100%ers would be entered in a raffle, I dedicated way too much time into my research. And. It payed off. It really payed off! ;U; SO worth the hour+ I spent scouring ineki fluff/scales! ;UUU; *grows multiple mouths with excitement*

Posted 09/08/15, edited 09/08/15
Posted 09/08/15

Prizes should have been distributed! :)

Again, let me know if there’s an error with your prize and I’ll look into it!

Posted 09/08/15