[Mini Game] Identify the Coat! - Ends Sep. 7th at 23:59 ST
Firkasa, there is an error in my brain because I cannot process this glowing shroom sitting in my inventory. I guess that’s not your problem, though. xDDD
Posted 09/08/15
Oh, um. Sorry anyway? XD;
Posted 09/08/15
That was a lot of fun! Congratulations to the two winners. I’ve no idea what a glowing shroom is or does on here, but anything shiny must be a good trophy, yes? Yes xD
Posted 09/08/15
Ahh nuts, 7/10 I think… stinking Bumblebee, Lily of the Valley, and Apophis got me. XD
Posted 09/08/15
8/10, the Lammergeier and Apophis had me stumped, I had Djinn and Tainted Smoke instead. So close
Posted 09/09/15
Posted 10/08/15, edited 10/08/15