18:46 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Harvest Festival (Oct. 31st - Nov. 9th)
I know there’s no way I can make the final tier anymore (despite participating every day, argh!) but I’m gonna keep on going for the possibility of bag drops.
Posted 11/08/15, edited 11/08/15
Wow, there is another tier? When it said there were no more prizes, I completely relaxed on how many I was doing everyday… Kinda sucks because I would have reached it otherwise but I have no chance now lol 8’D.
Posted 11/08/15

I’ve been kicking ‘crow butt anytime I could and I still don’t think I’ll be able to reach the last tier if this is the last day. :c

If we just had one more day though… (Does event end as soon as it turns Nov 9, or is Nov 9 the last day to do the event…)

Posted 11/08/15

It ends at 23:59 on November 9th!

Posted 11/08/15

I relaxed as well when I saw “no more prizes” or I would have hit 100 by now…
But I’m sooooo close, I think. The anticipation of one more is killing me Dx

Posted 11/08/15


Oooh, that might be just enough time for me then, though I have to not sleep…meh. Totally worth it. xD

Posted 11/08/15
polygone Titan i was thinking it ended tonight! Oh my gosh! I could make it!!!
Posted 11/08/15
Petition for encouragement change like 75 wins into tier 5.  It would be a good way to avoid wasting 10-15 nerve-wracking hours tomorrow
Posted 11/08/15

This is Mycena Cave. Of course the new coat is gorgeous!

Posted 11/08/15
JacqHina  Congratulations you two!!!! ^.^  and thank you for posting, it gives me hope and something to strive for.  I’ve no idea if I’ll make it to the last tier or not since I had two days where I had to work/be away from my computer.  Still, I’ll give it a strong go and see if I can make the last tier too.  It’s hard when I don’t know how many I’ve defeated/how many to go.  *forages ahead through fog….
Posted 11/08/15
Ahhh, we’re down to 4%! I bet the coat will be revealed soon!
Posted 11/08/15

Guess who got to the last tierrrrrr

Posted 11/08/15
Was it me??
Posted 11/08/15
/ shoves frieza over
Posted 11/08/15
Trying to get to Striker. I’ve been at Blizzcon all weekend so kinda was busy. I did get this awesome shot of my costume though! http://blizzcam360.com/dash/2f71fe
Posted 11/08/15

So.  I hate to be that guy on the second-to-last day of the event buuuut…. beware, there be question whining ahead.

So I got this question:
“Riddle me this, puny ineki,
Some types of mushrooms are used to make this.”

And I googled my three options: tamperproof seals, paper, and dye.  Unsurprisingly, tamperproof seals didn’t bring anything up.  However, both paper and dye did.  Vaguely distressed about that, I just chose paper, and, of course, the actual answer was dye.

I’m a lil peeved I gotta say. :I

Regardless of whether or not one of those answers was ‘actually not true’, these questions are supposed to be answerable with a simple google search, so if google tells me that both are true..?

Posted 11/08/15
Which coats are available through the Halloween Mushroom? Not sure if I want to strive for it if I don’t want any of the coats…
Posted 11/08/15

Am playing as much as I can to try and make that final tier. I have no idea how many I have defeated since I got on this tier on the evening of the 4th late. I know I played a lot on the morning of the 5th and again that afternoon. I got 5 hours in that morning and another 5 in that afternoon so hopefully with those and the late night/early morning shots I got 25. The 6th I got to play at least three times before work and at least 4 times before my hike then from 1500 until 2200 so 21 times that day. Yesterday I got to play three times before work and about once an hour from 0900 until 1600. After that I played every 30 minutes or so for around 4 hours. I also woke up at least three times and played so 21 times maybe for yesterday. Today I got up at 0500 and have played every 30 minutes since. Roughly 21 more needed so another 10+ hours until I make that final tier.
The bag just now was super encouraging as it was number 5 for me and I somehow missed the timer going off to play so it cost me about 5 minutes. Turned the volume up on my computer. Then went back to playing the Potion Game.

Posted 11/08/15

Madara All past Halloween coats:
Spellweaver, Fog, Monster Under the Bed, Schrodinger’s Cat, and Will-o’-the-Wisp

Posted 11/08/15

I think I mathed wrong and didn’t account for my headache day yesterday that made me sleep in two days in a row. I may have to pull an allnighter to get in 80 questions between now and the end tomorrow? I don’t know how I accounted for anything, really. I’m confused with myself. I am, however, determined to get at least one more bag.

I want that Halloween mushroom!! >:[

Posted 11/08/15

When I google “Some types of mushrooms are used to make this.”, the first result Is the wikipedia page for mushrooms, linking specifically to the “dye” portion. I tried doing a search on that wiki page, but a crtl+f for “paper” doesn’t bring up anything (relevant) inside that wiki page, OR on the page of google results.

However! I found what you did when I did another search for “are mushrooms used to make paper”. A few links came up, but on the first page one link says “mushrooms don’t have many historical references as use for paper.” And another says that someone discovered “the residue left in the dyepot after boiling could be used to make paper.”

So I agree it’s frustrating to have an answer that’s kind of a choice about which one is “most right”, but I do think the simplest google search (of the question itself), only brings up dye, and not paper, so I can see why it didn’t come up before during the event.

Isn’t Spellweaver a Halloween coat? I thought there were two sets of Halloween coats, but I haven’t been able to find much info on it and it’s long before I joined.

Posted 11/08/15, edited 11/08/15

Yep, Spellweaver was from the Halloween ‘14 event- it was the first on my list.

I wasn’t actually around for either of the past Halloween events, so I’m just going off of what other users had told me and whatever information I can find from the site.

Posted 11/08/15, edited 11/08/15
Yes, Spellweaver is from Halloween 2014, whilst Fog, Monster Under the Bed, Schrodinger’s Cat, and Will-o’-the-Wisp are all from Halloween 2013. (:
Posted 11/08/15

Jacq last year we only had the Spellweaver and the Halloween Mushroom that could give you any Halloween coloration. The Spellweaver was male or female and had different appearance for each. (Now they are upright or active.)
The year prior (before my time) the Monster under the Bed, Schroedinger’s Cat, Fog and Willow the Wisp were available.
Spellweaver one:

and Spellweaver two:

Posted 11/08/15

Thank you all for the responses. I am a silly person that didn’t read carefully ^^;; I’m really sorry to be confusing.
(Can I say it’s because I’m not finished my morning cuppa yet? Is that allowed? No? awwww)

I got a Spellweaver from a changeyshroom a few days ago (and a Monster Under the bed from my FIRST changey ever back in Feb). I’d realllly like a schrodey but I dunno if I wanna take my luck with that shroom :x

Posted 11/08/15

Jacq It is all good. *hug*
I FINALLY managed to buy a Monster under the Bed earlier this week. I had wanted one for a long time. The Scroedinger’s Cat I got last year through a trade and then got another from a shroom. Same with the Fog one. Now I am only missing a Wisp to have all of them! Halloween is my favorite holiday so I can’t help myself.

Posted 11/08/15

Jacq  Hmmhmhmhmmh alright, that’s fair.  Thanks <3 still mad I got the question wrong though wehwehweh

I really hope I can make the last tier soon ;; I’m only missing two event colors and they’re both Halloween ones so this could really help me out.  I wouldn’t mind getting the second Spellweaver pose, either. -crosses fingerssss-

Posted 11/08/15
Ooops!  I was reading all about how mushrooms were used in dye and wanted to ask that as a question so I was trying to think of plausible but false answers to go along with it. >>;;; I didn’t think I’d actually touch on another potential use. :D;  I’ll remove the question!
Posted 11/08/15

Your Reward Tier: Scholarcrow Smasher
You’ll receive a Pumpkin Medal, PLUS A Halloween Mushroom, PLUS 2x your choice of the full set of all seven non-medal event items, or the event coat, or the event mushroom

I can’t believe how many scholarcrows you’ve defeated!
OK that’s literally everything I can give you. Thank you so much!

I DID IT!!!!
We are also at 2%. Does this mean we get to actually harvest those crops too?

Posted 11/08/15

Gah, I really wish there was a counter to the sixth tier. It’s been a day and a half, damn it; let me level up. :/

EDIT: The next ‘crow I defeated levelled me up. I am content now.

Posted 11/08/15, edited 11/08/15