I am on level 5 and my counter has not moved….
I can’t believe how many scholarcrows you’ve defeated!
You can keep going if you like, but I wouldn’t count on more prizes.
Akira Oh noes! Well this will be a surprise I guess when I finally get to that final level! Kind of like the Halloween bag I just got…number 5!!! I never have luck like this. I am always the one that gets nothing the whole time.
Sage14 My calculator got the same answer as the scholarcrow…Well, the calculator on my phone did, I found that the calculator on my computer does not automatically do problems in the order of operations. Perhaps you calculator did the problem in the wrong order as well?
Or you could just copy and drop the equation into the google search bar. It’ll do the job for you, although you need to check your equation after you press enter because an extra number tends to pop in there. I would assume that it’s a precautionary measure that was put in so we don’t copy and paste blindly.
I just got to the over halfway there comment in baleful brawler, hoping to make it to the next level, tonight and sunday night are my two big days ill be able to play and i want to make it at least one or two more levels
Yeah, What if we defeat Dr. Crow before the 9th? Is it possible for his morale to get to zero before then, and would we not be able to get a higher rank?
Dr. Crow’s morale bar dropping to zero before the end of the event won’t affect anything, really. :) You will still have the duration of the event to defeat scholarcrows.
PyroLunaLizzardFish In addition to what Crow said, the morale is all about getting to see all the previews. After Dr. Crow’s morale has been depleted, you’ll have seen all the prizes, but there will still be plenty of stray strawmen left to round up!
Thanks ;o;
I’m only on strawman strangler… I haven’t had time to answer the questions every half hour :( I might need to stay up 24 hours to get caught up..