00:25 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Harvest Festival (Oct. 31st - Nov. 9th)

This event is definitely more fun from devices other than my phone… Glitch and Myly are once more among my favorite non-family people. :) I like the trivia questions best.

Does anyone else kind of feel bad for the scholarcrows though? They seem so betrayed whenever we beat them… It’s that “how could you” that gets me… I always read it like “How could you?!” Which I suspect is not how it’s intended but… Oops?

Posted 11/06/15

Nephele I feel INCREDIBLY bad. Especially if all they wanted was to go to university and have people not talk down to them. Maybe after the event some kind of truce can be reached, where both sides agree to be nice to each other and learn from each other?

(Of course feeling bad doesn’t stop me from plowing ahead. I want to reach top rank.)

Posted 11/06/15

Losty and Nephele, you are too soft! These are INVADERS. It doesn’t matter that they’re wearing jammies. THEY SHOT FIRST!

*rolls around in a pile of scholarcrow heads*

Posted 11/06/15, edited 11/06/15
Jacq But they’re such CUTE INVADERS!
Posted 11/06/15
I would have been 100% okay with going ‘Sorry bro, didn’t know what was going on. Wanna work something out?’ if they hadn’t been so flipping rude.
Posted 11/06/15

I don’t feel bad.  If you raise a sword, you must be prepared to have one raised against you.

Death to the ‘Crows.  No Mercy.

Maybe after the event some kind of truce can be reached, where both sides agree to be nice to each other and learn from each other?losty

I’ve been fully expecting this since the event began.  This is the type of site that will surely shoehorn in a kumbaya ending.

Posted 11/06/15, edited 11/06/15

My first question this event was something along the lines of “which is greatest in the cave” or something, giving a choice between ineki, kelph, and the scholarcrows. I got my first question wrong, and I’m very happy to beat them down now. XD

I also got a bag on the first question I got right, so I started the event off thinking they were common or given for every question correct. XD;;; Ohhhhh, the disappointment.

Posted 11/06/15
Madara You gotta appeal to your audience! There’s a couple questions like that.
Posted 11/06/15

I’m considering pulling an all nighter to get to the top rank
anyone with me? *holds out coffee*

Posted 11/06/15
Anyone who does pull an all nighter should hang out in chat so I have company while I’m at work tonight. -wiggles eyebrows- 8)
Posted 11/06/15

I’m most likely going to stay up really late tonight!
From the sounds of it, no one got to the final tier.
I was pretty busy yesterday and didn’t make the usual 25 kills, so hopefully that means I can still accomplish this :“D
(I’m kinda scared tbh since there are no indicators o.o)

Posted 11/06/15

I don’t have classes today, and I’m always free on the weekend, so I’m hoping that as long as I stay up until midnight today and tomorrow I’ll be able to reach the top rank. I’m still at Hamhanded Haymaker right now ( at “Demolishing scholarcrows, are you?)

On the bright side, the scholarcrows should be happy to know that my university totally has scarecrows all over the place (well… in the dorms and food areas, at least). If things don’t work out for them in the Cave, I’m sure they could find a nice classroom to settle down in over here xD

Posted 11/06/15
LOL Slightly unrelated but your comment about scarecrows around campus reminded me, Rainspirit. About a week or so before the event happened, I saw a local news story about some vandal setting fire to some scarecrows that were set up around some town up here. Others were knocked over, etc. And I just ran to Dove and screeched, “It’s starting!”
Posted 11/06/15


Oh my gosh, that’s hilarious but no wonder the scholarcrows are on the attack; it’s revenge.

And we’re just cruelly beating them with the power of knowledge and google search

Posted 11/06/15
If everyone is staying awake that means I have to too doesn’t it? ;_;
Posted 11/06/15

Maybe we’re not actually hurting them at all. |8 I mean, not our fault they lose their heads when they are outsmarted, right?

Prey, to be fair, I will only be up all night because I work overnights LOL but I am always happy for company, because sometimes work is very slow and chat is very quiet and then I am dying because staying awake all night is still kind of hard for me, haha. BUT we can have a little party in the event chatroom? :‘D Help each other out with trivia and… eat s’mores…

Posted 11/06/15

Omg I want this so much…

Posted 11/06/15
WOW I really like this one!!! :D
Posted 11/06/15
I’m really having a lot of fun with this event :) Poor little scholarly scarecrows though!
Posted 11/06/15

THE LANTERN OF ENLIGHTENMENT. I am in love with the last two item previews! :D
I will also be on tonight to catch up on kicking scholarcrows hayside.

Posted 11/06/15


I finally managed to get one bag to drop. -dances around- Although I’m still on the Strawman Strangler level. T_T I really hope I can get to the Strawngarm Striker so I can get two sets. The lantern looks pretty. :D

It’s currently telling me:

You’re so close! You can do it! Defeat more scholarcrows to increase your reward tier!

So I am thinking I can hit the Hamhanded Haymaker level tonight. <3

Posted 11/06/15

Mycena Cave has defeated 36666 scholarcrows so far!

The number made me laugh I thought I would share.

At Hamhanded Haymaker, hoping I can make another tier up before the event ends!

Posted 11/06/15
Got my third bag drop but the problem is I’m on the third level xD
Posted 11/06/15
Posted 11/06/15

I’m about 60 in since I hit Striker and I’m beginning to wonder if tier 6 is like the cake in Portal. That or it’s set at some ridiculous number like 200 to test your determination. xD

Ah well. Death before dishonor! *continues grinding*

Posted 11/06/15

When this happens

Posted 11/06/15
glitch That was literally the first question I got and I was just like “BUTTTTTTTTTTT.” Later I got the black one, too, in the same area. The scholarcrows keep mooning me. :C
Posted 11/06/15

Yeah, I think I’m running about the same numbers as you Hina.
Tier 6 is a lie OTL

Posted 11/06/15
Prey: yeah, watch out for multiple spaces between words :(
Posted 11/06/15
Haha, yeah. I’m sure it’ll happen a few more times before the event is over sadly. :(
Posted 11/06/15