20:56 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Harvest Festival (Oct. 31st - Nov. 9th)

I’ve gotten a grand total of one bag so far, but the Bat Gliders were totes worth the effort.

Little Bat Hat and Shadow’s Sigil? Where are you hiding? lol

Posted 11/05/15
I have gotten four now. I got a Humphrey and a ball mask from the last two I opened. The first had an Oswald. I haven’t opened the last one.
Posted 11/05/15

Wee I finally got a bag! :D

Paws are totally not suspicious at all. It’s totally just cherry goop. Yup.

Posted 11/05/15
polygone I agree! *hides paws*
Posted 11/05/15

Made it to Strawngarm Striker without having any bags drop :y

It would be impressive if it wasn’t mildly disappointing haha. Here’s hoping for at least one before hitting level six! C:

Posted 11/05/15

I got super lucky and today found 2 bags! :D
Does anyone know if we decide to not open it if it dissapears after the event is over?

Posted 11/05/15

at the rate im going i feel like i’m not gonna make it to a tier where i’ll be able to choose between a pet or items o_o hopefully the weekend will give me a boost in that department, though. i don’t usually work on weekends.

edit: @gorwen, nah it’ll stay in your inventory and you can even sell it without opening it :> i don’t think there has ever been an item that disappears on purpose. closest thing was the present boxes for the raffle, but those didnt so much disappear as open automatically if not opened after a certain amount of time.

Posted 11/05/15, edited 11/05/15

Sooo… I just got the math problem of 9 * 4 - 36…. Which =0… But trying to put 0 as the answer refused to be accepted and just refreshed the page. :| I had to type in -0.

... Even _I_ know you can’t make nothingness into a negative like that. :| Even my grade school math teachers scowl at this, I know it!

glitch Why do this?

Posted 11/05/15

(Strawngarm Striker)

It’s been a long road.

Posted 11/05/15


(Hamhanded Haymaker)

so close :’)

Posted 11/05/15

I just had another image which seems too dark, on my monitor at least?

It’s the Zebra Plush.

Posted 11/05/15
Skye: whoops! ehehe that is indeed a glitch: the thing that tries to prevent you from accidentally submitting without an answer is also preventing you from submitting a zero. I’ll get that sorted right away, thanks for letting me know! (and nice job finding a workaround :D )
Posted 11/05/15, edited 11/05/15
[@Deddo] that’s not dark, that’s just a dark corner on the icon. It’s the bottom left corner, showing the black hoof and the black nose
Posted 11/05/15

I got to Hamhanded Haymaker 8)

I hope I can get to max level

Posted 11/05/15

-shakes fist at event-

You should have given me a bag by now!

I’ve been enjoying the event either way.

but still…. Hamhanded Haymaker and no bag why

Posted 11/05/15
i feel so bad omg i’m at hamhanded haymaker and i’ve gotten 5 bags… ... ... .. IM SORRY EVERYONE I’M STEALING ALL THE BAG LUCK ;A;
Posted 11/05/15
Don’t feel bad baekhesten, just because rngeesus is smiling on you! I’ve found three potions in Potions Master since the event started so I think people’s luck is just moving around to different stuff! :D
Posted 11/05/15
ive had mixed luck: im at strawman strangler and have gotten three bags, but all three gave me a shadows sigil. not that i can be picky but it must be one of the more high-chance items the bag can yield lol
Posted 11/05/15
I’ve yet to get a single bag but I’m wondering. Has anyone gotten a mushroom for the bags? I thought I saw it was a possibility, but haven’t heard of anyone getting a halloween mushroom yet.
Posted 11/05/15
Yoshi I did get a Halloween Mushroom from a bag. Not a specific one, but the kind that turns your pet any one of the Halloween coats.
Posted 11/05/15

Reward Tier: Strawngarm Striker
You’ll receive a Pumpkin Medal, PLUS 2x your choice of the full set of all seven non-medal event items, or the event coat, or the event mushroom

I can’t believe how many scholarcrows you’ve defeated!
You can keep going if you like, but I wouldn’t count on more prizes.

Been that way all day long.

Posted 11/05/15
I have a question about the question I just got. It says “which character was not born as a Nintendo lovechild?” and I’m wondering why the word “lovechild”. I don’t think Nintendo worked with another company on those two games or am I wrong?
Posted 11/06/15
i’m learning so many random new facts from the science questions. (well not all of those are science but… you know what i’m talking about)
Posted 11/06/15, edited 11/06/15

I think I just got a troll question. It went something like “What is the greatest virtue?”
And here I am thinking they’re all equal so I google it and it said “love” or “kindness” etc so I clicked that answer and it was wrong.

a clever mind. And here I am feeling :I about it. Okay scholarcrow, you got me…

Also :O the question about the oldest tree doesn’t actually have the oldest tree as an answer? I used wikipedia so it could be wrong but just thought I’d mention it.

Posted 11/06/15
The oldest tree does have the oldest tree listed. At least, out of the three options one of them is listed as the oldest tree listed when I was researching it. There have been multiple times the record has been broken though, so shrug.
Posted 11/06/15

The right answer for me on the tree question was the 2nd oldest tree on the list I found. The olderst being Gargi, a bit under 200 years older than the oldest choice available.

Not complaining though :) I’ve learned so much from this trivia. I now know what the sexiest clouds are called xD

Posted 11/06/15

How many tiers are there?
and is it possible to get a thing telling us how many crows we need to defeat for the next one?

Posted 11/06/15


The mods have said 6 tiers. As for how many crows needed for each tier I’ve been keeping count for up to where I am.

All tiers have 25 ‘crows until Hamhanded. Hamhanded tier seems like it’s going to take 50, but I’m at 45 and Marcy is telling me I’m quite close, so that’s only an assumption based on their past behaviors.
Posted 11/06/15

“You said “will-o-the-wisp mushroom” but the answer was “will-o’-the-wisp mushroom”

I’m so salty about this. I’m pretty sure it’s not grammatically correct to have a dialect marker next to a hyphen like that. The hyphen should supersede the apostrophe.

Posted 11/06/15

I’d say you were actually very lucky! It’s one of the most desired halloween items, I believe, so you should have no trouble trading it for the specific items you want. XD

Posted 11/06/15