14:03 ST
[EVENT] Marcy's Harvest Festival (Oct. 31st - Nov. 9th)

Yeah, it’s letting me play multiple times.
I don’t know if it counts it still though?

Posted 11/01/15
Hey guys! Thanks for letting us know about this! We’re currently trying to get in contact with our admins to get this error fixed as soon as possible. For the moment, please hang tight and do not abuse this glitch!
Posted 11/01/15
I also fought two scarecrows before I realized that I wasn’t imagining things and it had given me a second right away. (Trying to answer riddles in the middle of the night is hard enough, handling timers on top of that is beyond me.)
Posted 11/01/15
Okay that was weird o-o I just got three in a row before it hit me like “that aint right”
Posted 11/01/15
And here I thought there was some sort of fever event going on where you were allowed to attack as many scarecrows as you want within a certain time limit.
Posted 11/01/15

I hope this is fixed quickly… the number of dead crows is skyrocketing ^^”
Oh? Could it be that? I play a few other games with bonuses like that?

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
It’s a glitch that probably has to do with the server clock moving back an hour for daylight saving’s time. Like Firkasa said, it’s best not to exploit/abuse it until it’s fixed. :)
Posted 11/01/15

XD I thought the exact same thing for a second there.

Posted 11/01/15
Based on the rules, I don’t think this is a bonus or anything. Looks like the count is really going up quickly now, hopefully people will read the forums & realize.
Posted 11/01/15

It’s too late, man, so many people are taking hella advantage of this :/
If we all end up set back because of y’all I’m gonna be peeved, ngl. >:0

Posted 11/01/15
Well, if we do get set back, it wouldn’t be too long at least? ): I do think that’ll have to happen, this would definitely give an advantage over the players repeatedly using it.
Posted 11/01/15

Oh shit… I’m sorry. I’ve done a few but it would be totally okay to take the ones I’ve done during this glitch off. Got excited for a bit since this is my first event here and all and thought it was some cool bonus questions ya know?
But I’m sorry!

Oh that makes sense. Maybe like load the server as it was at 00:00? Before the glitch yeah?

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
And here I was, thinking the game wanted me to fight all those scarecrows that I hadnt the time to hit during the night. I hope the issue is easy to resolve, im sitting still for now. (At least they didnt drop bags so im feeling better, i would have hate to profit from a glitch)
Posted 11/01/15

I did a couple times to replicate it and then report it thinking it was my internet being dumb :V
But it looks like everyone found out real fast considering the amount of people online and the rising numbers, oh no.

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15

I’m also glad I checked the forums. :S At first I thought it was a bonus push with like maybe three or so in a row, but after a couple I felt kind of uneasy. I clicked fight on a fourth one but I’m going to leave it until a half hour has passed.

Might be neat to have that kind of mechanic in the future though, like a once a day bonus push with a couple back to back to help out those who might not have as much time. ^u^

Posted 11/01/15
Oops…not going to lie, I went through quite a few before I decided to check the forums and see what was up. I was curious to see when they’d stop, thought it was like a horde or something. Profusely sorry about that, hope this glitch gets fixed up soon.
Posted 11/01/15
Yeah, exactly, Pedil :). Well, at least those participating can take a break now. Perfect time to catch some z’s ;3. Hope this gets fixed soon & doesn’t cause too many issues.
Posted 11/01/15

Well, I informed my brother so he’s glad he didn’t accidentally abuse the glitch.

Are we still allowed to fight the scholarcrows every half an hour?

Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
also definitely having a continuous scholarcrow glitch
Posted 11/01/15
I defeated a few before I was sure it was a glitch, It has been a while since i defeated them and my half hour is almost up but I don’t know if there is any point in defeating another if it will just be deleted. So I have just been having fun repeatedly pressing the retreat button and running from a bunch of ‘crows.
Posted 11/01/15
Opps,  I probably should have checked the forums.  I was thinking that maybe they were trying to give us a little advantage due to the glitches earlier with the moral not lowering. OK I guess I will stop answering questions now :/ (greedy me really really wants to take advantage though D: but I will listen to my conscience :( )
Posted 11/01/15, edited 11/01/15
Awe dang it I think I might have done it like 5 or more times before I checked out the forums DX I thought it was like a happy hour or something with tougher crows.
Posted 11/01/15
Oh, I thought it was some fever hour thing… oops…
Posted 11/01/15
I thought it was “happy hour” too. I have no idea how many I defeated before I saw the message on the forums, sorry. D:
Posted 11/01/15
LOL I didn’t notice and just thought I had missed my timer. Then played and another popped up. I seriously thought it was some odd Defeat X number to make the next round. Still only did 3 or 4 though.
Posted 11/01/15
No worries, no one is at fault or ‘in trouble’ for this glitch! We just don’t want too much disappointment if you guys all got some super great things….only to lose it all to rollback. ):
Posted 11/01/15

Posting also in this thread: sorry everyone, glitch is working on fixing the error right now so the event should be up an running shortly.  It was indeed due to DST. If you played out multiple scholarcrow battles within a half hour block, all but the first will be removed.  Unfortunately, any Halloween bags during this error period will be rolled back too.  For now, we’ve disabled the opening of Halloween Bags while we’re sorting through the data; please to not trade them in the interim!

Thank you for your patience while we get this sorted out!

Posted 11/01/15
Hmmm…interesting. Guess the disabling explains why I didn’t hear my bell go off haha. Guess Dr. Crow got a little mad with the army of ‘crows. Hopefully Glitch gets them reigned in soon. xD
Posted 11/01/15

Dr. Crow was having fun wreaking havoc right after we went to bed—I’m just glad staff was persistent in getting a hold of us so that glitch didn’t have to wake up to a giant mess in the morning! :P

glitch is getting the bag stuff sorted out still, but that should be the most complicated part, and then we’ll have the event up shortly after that.

Posted 11/01/15

-pictures all the staffers aggressively texting and calling myla and glitch until they woke up- ouo;;;

Glad it’s getting worked out!  <3

Posted 11/01/15