As someone who’s currently in college math, I gotta say, that’s not true. XD We always observe order of operations. Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction. Brackets/Parentheses are just one part of Order of Operations.Sandhill Just re-iterating this, You guys are getting all worked up about brackets/parentheses even through that’s not the entirety of PEMDAS
Posted 10/31/15
Condolences in regards to the math problems Skye. I hope the tips users have provided may help you and others out! As for not seeing a negative in your answer, I’m not sure why! Perhaps something funny with the calculator itself or perhaps something was mistyped order wise. In regards to your concerns over the brackets, you can mentally (or manually on paper) put brackets around any two numbers where multiplication or division is involved. That way you know to do it first. For example with the problem you had: 33 - 32 * 80 Can be considered 33 - (32 * 80). Do 32 * 80 first to get 2560. Then you get 33 - 2560 = -2527 Breaking up the problem into chunks helps. :) Reminder to everyone that users are more than welcome to ask for tips and advice in regards to questions. What may be easy for one person may not be for another. Let’s do our best to help each other out. :3 For the time being, the format for the math trivia will not be changed.
Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15
33-32*80 // The asked problem. e/ I was beat to it oh. :c
Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15
perhaps things are done differently in different schools in colleges, which is why some are struggling with it and some aren’t. it also should be taken into account that not everyone here has the same level of formal education, and even then those who have may have been out of school for long enough to forget skills they don’t use on a regular basis. also some of us have developmental disabilities that hamper our ability to answer certain questions as well as others. i would not be surprised if there is a school out there where the teachers choose to always make parenthesis a part of longer equations to indicate what should be done first. that honestly makes sense to me but again i am no math whiz. i guess the protocol with math problems for this event is to follow the order of operations as though parenthesis comes first and to skip that step if they aren’t present. as for subjective trivia questions, i am worried, because there were events in the past with subjective questions(i am still bitter about that tom bombadil one. okay not that bitter BUT i haven’t forgotten lmao) that were based on opinion, and that can be frustrating.
Posted 10/31/15
As a side note, I’m kind of concerned how sassy some people are being when answering. Not everyone is good at maths (or hasn’t done any maths beyond simple adding up/multiplying in YEARS), and I think everyone needs to take that into consideration when answering. What may be obvious knowledge to you isn’t obvious to everyone so people getting ‘worked up’ shouldn’t be looked down upon.
Posted 10/31/15
OH! I see, thank you, Firky!! So… Lessee if I get this right… 33 - 32 * 80 Means I do 32 * 80, get 2560, then it turns into 33 - 2560 (NOT 2560 - 33, which it seems was what the calculator was doing) Sooo… For the sake of typing them in one part at a time easier with multiplication/division at the end, I can just imagine setting the first number off to the left (In this problem, the 33 - ), wayyy over on the left so I remember that it will go first… Then do the multiplication (or division) part, and drop THAT answer down to the right of the ‘set aside’ part, THEN do the next part starting with the set aside number on the left, then right… Which should break down nicer and give me the right answers? (PS; I still think it VERY unfairly cruel and unusual punishment to put more complex math into what should be a GAME… XP Cruel, cruel…) Edited: Because I mixed up right and left again, as per normal. v.v I ALWAYS get them backwards if I don’t REALLY take the time to think about it. OTL
Posted 10/31/15, edited 10/31/15
Ohh!!! I got another math one!!! Q.Q 81 - 70 * 53 But!!! I mentally set the 81- wayyy off to the right, calculated the * part, THEN typed in the 81 - (answer to the *) and it gave me the right answer that was a negative!!! Yay!! Now if I can just KEEP remembering how to do this the whole event! XD
Posted 10/31/15
i am hoping for the doc’s head itself :T the first thing i will do with it is eat it and absorb all his knowledge so i never answer a question wrong again. i dont care if it has straw or brains in there it’s going down the hatch with some ketchup and a bottle of coke. im comin for ya doc
Posted 10/31/15
I just have to mentally re-arrange the equations into the stack format, not a line! ^3^ So turning a random example problem into a neat little stack… If I have 8 - 6 * 6 = I then break it down into a cute stack… 6 * 6 Kinda like that… And the only time lines like this, or brackets played in were that failed college class. o.o The instructor for that class seemed to think my trouble with them was just as weird as you all seem to think… But, she normally taught basic to advanced algebra (Which was an elective class that was cut my one term of high school, along with band, drama, and shop… The last three being cut was why I dropped out.)... Maybe Algebra teachings had something to do with it? I never took a class in it. XD I just know that I never learned any of the Order of Operations stuff, or even who this “Aunt Sally” was. XD (Though that’s a cute line!) (Mostly typing this out so I can dig back through my posts and see it if I forget before event end, yay! And maybe it’ll help someone else, too? ^3^)
Posted 10/31/15
Ooo Skye that stacking method is really neat! :D That’s kinda how I work through the problems mentally, but I haven’t physically written them down like that… very easy to read through and understand! Hopefully this will help folks out! And of course, if anyone has difficulties on any Scholarcrow question in general, they’re more than welcome to ask for help! <3 We are in this war together >:O
Posted 10/31/15
Cute math stack Skye. Whatever works, do it! Show them scholarcrows you know how to maths! :D I think algebra mostly has to do with solving for symbols, which doesn’t really have anything to do with order of operations since it isn’t a simple math question due to technically being ‘unsolvable’. So things like 4x+6=46, and the answer would be x=10, or something of the sort. There’s a lot of stupid overly complicated math things that pretty much no one ever has to use for any reason unless they’re a math nerd and like that sort of thing/do it for a living. x_x Pretty sure as far as math goes the questions the scholarcrows are asking are the ‘simple’ math problems. It’s just people forget order of operations after not using it for long enough, or apparently not being taught in your case. So that’s lame, but ah well. There was another way to easily remember PEMDAS other than the Aunt Sally one but I can’t remember it off the top of my head. xD
Posted 10/31/15