08:56 ST
[UPDATE] Giant code push (report bugs here)

Robin Jacq [@espurr] Vely

The pondshroom laying issue should no longer happen :) I’m having trouble reproducing the other layering issues, which may well mean that they got fixed with the same update — are you still able to produce layering issues on your end? If so, how? :)

[@espurr] in particular: i’m looking into how to avoid the “max number of layers between X and Y” issue… hopefully will have a solution for that soon! OuO

Posted 06/11/16, edited 06/11/16


I am able to replicate the layering issue with backgrounds.

Moving an item under everything else but above an already-equipped background makes the item appear layered the default location despite its order in layering, and when opening “manage” again, it will show up in the default location in the layering order as if it were put there. If the background is added at the end, however, there is no issue.

I’ve taken screenshots, which can be viewed in this album.

1. I open “manage.” The satchel is under the baggie.
2. I move the satchel to the bottom. The satchel instead appears above the baggie. Then I leave “manage.”
3. I return to “manage.” The satchel is in default position above the baggie.
4. I re-layer the satchel under the baggie and I remove the background.
5. I move the satchel to the bottom. The satchel does as I want and I can open up “manage” again to find it right at the bottom.

Posted 06/11/16, edited 06/11/16
Awesome, thanks Vely! I’ll get this sorted today :)
Posted 06/11/16
glitch I am also having trouble reproducing the bug, but I’m glad Vely can! Thank you very much for working on this c:
Posted 06/11/16
Yes, I’m still able to reproduce the tea set error from the last page, It is exactly as Vely described/screenshotted.
Posted 06/11/16
Vely [@espurr] Jacq Fixed! :)
Posted 06/12/16


Hi! Spellstones is currently telling me that all words (including ones I’ve used several times before, like “save, ave, saw, was, lad, dale, tire,” etc), are not valid.

I’m pretty sure I played spellstones yesterday with no troubles, so I believe that this must’ve started today. I did try ending the game and starting a new one a few times, but no dice.

Posted 06/12/16, edited 06/12/16


I’m having the same issue with Spellstones as sunflowershroom. Every word I attempt to submit registers as non-valid, and even letting the time run down and starting a new game doesn’t clear the problem. I’m running the latest version of Chrome, but I’m not sure it’s a browser issue.

Posted 06/12/16
Spellstones working for me, Windows 7 + latest Chrome version. Accepted all correct words, including some of those mentioned by sunflowershroom.
Posted 06/12/16

Just a quick update, I took a glance at Vely’s post stating the Spellstones is working, so I did a hard refresh of my Spellstones tab (both Ctrl+R and Ctrl+F5 to be absolutely sure the refresh took), and the game seems to be working again. All of the words I attempt to submit are accepted.

Not quite sure what caused the hiccup, but I suppose it’ll be good to look into for future reference. ^^

Posted 06/12/16

Keilin Alyr
The hard refresh with spellstones open worked for me too! Thank you, Keilin!

If it helps the mods: I am also using Chrome on Windows 7, and I tried hard refreshing elsewhere on the site before I opened up spellstones again — it didn’t fix the problem until I had spellstones open.

Posted 06/12/16, edited 06/12/16
Glad you all got it working :) I’ve forced a refresh of Spellstones, so you should now be fine regardless of if you do a hard-refresh or not.
Posted 06/12/16
OregonCoast, while this may be a glitch it normally just means that no one’s selling gems at the moment.
Posted 06/13/16
To save any confusion here: Oregon asked me to delete the post you just answered, Nyfeaena. Looks like you replied just as I did so >_>
Posted 06/13/16, edited 06/13/16

That One Bug happened again, the one where spellstones doesn’t reset and gives me the same nugget prize over and over. (Also I can’t echo you for some reason but I’m pretty sure that’s just my phone bugging out.)

Tossing the glitchy/cheated nuggos your way. 8o LMK if you want me to give you more details. I think I could talk you through replicating it if that would help you figure out how to fix it?

Posted 06/22/16
Aw I can’t connect to chat. Is something going on?
Posted 07/24/16
-Sid idk what’s going on but i know it’s not just you D:
Posted 07/24/16
Yes what could be the reason?  O:-)
Posted 07/25/16


It appears that ever since the ownership of the Furvilla Room was switched to me, whenever I or a mod try to change the topic, we are disconnected from all the chat rooms we’re in and have to refresh and rejoin all out rooms. Pretty odd actually ::0

Posted 07/27/16
i’m not sure this has anything to do with anything, but the layering on the blind eye is buggy. my pet domhnall here is having issues with it, eve after equipping & unequipping it. doesn’t really bother me much and i thought about leaving it but i figured it was probably more polite not to.
Posted 07/30/16

-Sid [@Maverick]
Thanks for the heads’ up :)

Posted 07/30/16

So I maybe found another layering mixup…

I just bought myself the Nishigoi here, and the monthly items. But that koifish on the lower right doesn’t seem to be layering over in front things when I put them behind it…like the Starspun Threads on this one are actually below the fish (and above the background) which I would think would make the fish not be behind them? *shrugs* Thought I’d mention it anyhow!

Posted 07/30/16

Dracogryph  The lower fish is layered behind the ineki cat tail (as you can see because the tip of the koi’s tail goes behind the cat’s tail).  In order to layer the jewelry behind that fish, it would need to be layered behind the tail which would cause some of the starspun strand item to be obscured by the tail.

My guess is that you were moving the wrong starspun strand layer behind the pet (there are two starspun strand layers, not one as with most items).  I just tested it and it seems to work fine!

In general, potential art errors can be echoed to me (or Mycenangelo) — that way I will be sure to see and address it. :D

Posted 07/30/16, edited 07/30/16
Myla Ohhh, I see. I didn’t see there were two, you’re right. That’s what I was getting confused on. Thank you for clarifying that! I’ll try to remember in the future!
Posted 07/30/16

Ah, the last posts reminded me that I having layering issues with one of my pondshroom pets:

Posted 07/30/16, edited 07/30/16

RNG picked a nonexistent pet, listed under the ownership of a banned player, for today’s Mycenian Spotlight (Aug. 1). The image shows up fine on the front page, though.

I know this doesn’t interfere with gameplay at all, and is therefore probably pretty minor, but I thought I should report it here just in case.

Posted 08/01/16
I am Having ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Problem in my Pc.
Posted 10/25/16

I found my fix


everything is working now

Posted 10/26/16