I am having the same problem as Vely, when I click on an item in my inventory the information box opens down instead of out like it used and some of the text gets cut off, and when I change how many items I want to sell it jumps to another spot in my inventory before I can press go.
Posted 02/27/16
I found a minor issue when starting a new trade for an item. I attempted to add an item to a blank trade and despite not having touched the pet section, it gave me a “You do not own this pet.” red notification instead each time. I solved it by clicking the drop down menu for adding pets and reselected “select pet” and went with the item instead, and that worked.
Posted 03/19/16
i’m having a minor issue with trading a custom pet. i know i’m right on the line of the 60 day rule, and i can definitely give myself more leeway next time i hold a raffle, but i wonder if this is a glitch or could otherwise be made clearer. if the rule is down to the hour/minute, maybe that could show in the error message? at this stage, i’m not able to tell the winner when they will received their pet ^^;;;
Posted 03/24/16
panglossian you seem to have discovered another glitch. Looks like you finally managed to trade the custom but it’s still showing as your avatar even though the pet is no longer on your account xD
Posted 03/25/16
panglossian: oh dear, you’re absolutely right: the trade mechanism keeps track of the actual time you received the custom, while the notification rounds down to the nearest day. I’ll fix this right away — sorry for the inconvenience this caused, and thanks for letting me know! Also as Hina points out, your avatar didn’t update properly when you traded your pet, but that’s caught up now :)
Posted 03/25/16, edited 03/25/16
If I try to rearrange the order of any items on Carpon, her pondshroom ears get layered above everything else. This is most notable on the punch drunk love: If I unequip then re-equip the punch-drunk, it layers over top of the ears again. Would it be possible to get the pondshroom effects on their own (visible) layer from the manage screen? Or some other way to make them ineteract consistently with other items? edit;
Posted 03/28/16, edited 03/28/16
glitch i seen this on a pet: https://www.mycenacave.com/profile/pet/13305 i don’t think its normal. The wings seem out of place, a more near the head on the back.
Posted 04/02/16
glitch I use Google Chrome as my browser and Windows XP. I can’t try on another browser since I don’t have another.
Posted 04/09/16
[@artykittycat] This is most likely due to your use of Windows XP, and you may find other parts of the site don’t work for you as well for the same reason. There isn’t really much you can do to fix this other than upgrading your computer. (the following is unrelated to MC, but according to Google here if you stay on XP you probably want to stop using Chrome)
Posted 04/09/16, edited 04/09/16
I don’t know if this would be considered a bug/glitch or a loading problem (or something intended?) but when I go to the homepage I can scroll up a tiny bit and there are a bunch of coloured dots between the Mycena banner and sticky banner? Then it forces the screen back to where it normally rests (with nothing between the sticky banner and the Mycena banner), but I can keep clicking up and being forced down. It’s only happening on the homepage (I have a screenshot if needed but?).
Posted 04/12/16