15:33 ST
[UPDATE] Giant code push (report bugs here)
LOL I just came in here to see if that was a glitch. I was like… WHAT IS THAT THING?
Posted 04/12/16

i’m having the same issue as Jacq did with my pondshroom effects layering oddly. they were fine before today, but i ended up unequipping and re-equipping a couple items and now Pesto’s inner ear is above the hibiscus:

the default order of items does not have this problem, but if i try and rearrange anything after hitting reset the ear goes right back up to the top.

Posted 04/14/16
Meru Excellent! I mean, not for you, but this along with the info Jacq sent me should speed up getting this sorted out :)
Posted 04/14/16

Not sure if this is a glitch per se, but when I have a comment typed up and post or edit another one, then come back to the first comment I was still editing, it deletes comment number one as if it reloads the page and the text box is wiped. Fortunately, I use chrome and I can go back a page to retrieve the info, but I don’t know why it does that. If I open a new comment, leave it, and post something else before coming back to it, I have to copy-paste the info into a new-new comment. Clicking reply just does nothing, and the first new comment does not exist. I haven’t clicked it more than once after it does it the first time because I am paranoid I’ll break something and it will post twice.

...kind of a convoluted explanation for something I don’t even know is a glitch….

Posted 04/15/16
raus I’m not entirely sure what it is you’re reporting… could you please either make a screencast video or numbered screenshots illustrating what’s going on?
Posted 04/16/16

glitch I just now tried to recreate it with screenshots and it actually did not do the same thing at all, which is strange because this has happened multiple times over a long period… Maybe months? I don’t leave open reply boxes often, but whenever I do, this happens. My thought when it happened in the past was maybe starting and posting a second comment after opening and leaving a draft of one for a while made the site “forget” I had the first one open, or something?

Edit: One thing I should mention is that I usually have MC open in a couple different tabs, maybe 2 or 3, so that I can think about something while I do a quicker reply in the second tab, or something along those lines. This is when I notice it.

Posted 04/16/16, edited 04/16/16
(EDIT:  I think I figured my problem out. My apologies!)
Posted 04/30/16, edited 04/30/16


Earned double nuggets for a single game of spellstones.

Played one game, finished it around 52 minutes left or so, got 359 nuggets. Great! Went away, did other things, sent one treat and received one treat, then clicked “Begin!” on the spellstones page. Brought me back to the same puzzle, timer down to 25 minutes left. Clicked the “x” on the “someone sent your pet a snack!” box at top of page. Clicked “end game”. Received 359 nuggets.

Clicked “Begin!” again after typing this post and it’s got a new puzzle and seems to be working correctly again.

Posted 05/04/16


I don’t know if mobile issues are considered a priority, but drop-down menus with a selection option (like item equips or choosing a pet from giving Darcy treats) don’t seem to register or select anything beyond the first option while I’m browsing on my phone. I don’t have seem to this problem on the computer at home.

Posted 05/06/16, edited 05/06/16
Keilin Alyr I get that issue from time to time on my tablet. Usually when I have a pile of notifications at the top of the page like the “soandso got a treat!” messages. Try clearing those out and refreshing the page and see if that helps
Posted 05/06/16

Hina and Keilin Alyr. I’ve been getting this too non-stop since about day 2-3 of the event. I have zero notification and it still happens. Cant equip items, change avatar, or use the magic Puddle. Anything that has a drop down.
I use chrome on my phone.

Posted 05/06/16

Keilin Alyr, Hina, Foxcat
sorry if you did not wish to be pinged
I can confirm that it is an issue with chrome on mobile as everything works perfectly fine with Firefox or the phones browser.

Posted 05/06/16
I’m using mobile Chrome as well, so that might be a contributing culprit. Glad to hear I’m not the only one with a problem, I was worried I was mucking something up on my end.
Posted 05/06/16

I just experienced the same glitch as Vely did above.
I didn’t click away after finishing the first game, though, I just immediately clicked the ‘Begin!’ button and was taken back to the game I had just ended. I clicked ‘end game’ button again and got the same amount of nuggets again.

Posted 05/13/16
I should note that I don’t remember if I actually clicked away from Spellstones that time, but I believe I didn’t. I use tabs very frequently and probably kept the Spellstones page in a separate tab from my other activities. There was definitely a 20-30 minute break in there though.
Posted 05/14/16

The tea set doesn’t layer properly if you try to place it below the ineki’s body layers. Putting it underneath the body seems to make it go on top of everything.


Not working:

Posted 05/15/16


I think I’ve run into the same problem as Jacq, but after a bunch of testing, I believe it’s an issue with backgrounds. Any item placed beneath the body layer but above the background layer on any pet is bumped back to its default layer location. It’s listed at the bottom but appears as if it were at its default. When the list is refreshed (via adding or removing an item, or navigating away and then returning), the item is listed at the default location.

This only happens while the background is equipped. If no background is equipped, I can layer as I want, and equip a background later with no consequences.

Posted 05/15/16

As Vely just described I agree that I have been experiencing this with many items…

Anyway glitch I came here to report how I wish the laurel crown would work on a frazilis and if you turn hair edits off on any drasilis… At the moment it really doesn’t work ; -;

Posted 05/18/16

I just experienced the Spellstones glitch, too. I’m fairly certain that I didn’t have the game open in two tabs, but I /did/ have at least two other MC tabs open at the time. Anyway, I ended my game, bringing my total nuggets to 1005, and then when I ended it a second time, my total became 1285.

Edit: It did it again QAQ; I *definitely* only had one MC tab open this time.

Edit 2: And a second time in a row… this time, I definitely clicked slowly and even waited a minute in between games while I answered the phone. I don’t think I’m gonna play Spellstones for a bit…

Posted 05/25/16, edited 05/26/16


I’ve run into a strange shop issue while trying to split a stack of Cafe items. I set the price of one of my unequipped Cafes at a randomly high price (999999 nuggets, I believe), and while the Cafe disappeared from my inventory, it doesn’t seem to show up in my shop.

I do have a Cafe listed on my shop dropdown (Cafe 556038), but it kicks back a “You do not own or are already selling the requested item!” error whenever I try to list a new price, and setting the price to 0 doesn’t return the item to my inventory. Is there a solution I can try on my own?

Also, I’m not sure if there’s a thread where I can submit site coding suggestions, but could inventory splitting stacks of items between pockets be considered?

Posted 05/30/16
Keilin Alyr to remove an item from your shop, open the dropdown of the item you would like to remove and set it to the “(nothing)” option at the very top. Please let me know if that fixes it for you :)
Posted 05/30/16


I tried your suggestion, including saving the base shop (with empty item slots) in hopes it’d reset and kick the item. Didn’t seem to work.

The Cafe item doesn’t actually show up in my shop, at least not physically, so I can’t select its dropdown menu. It seems to be stuck in memory. Did my overly large placeholder pricing cause some sort of overflow error or something similar?

Posted 05/30/16

I got this message when I went to manage my shop in the bazaar.

Is there an update in the works, or is this a glitch?

Posted 05/31/16
Arintol  glitch is really busy right now, but he will echo you as soon as he can.  A couple of you may get that notification.
Posted 05/31/16
Alright, thanks for letting me know!
Posted 05/31/16

So, I just tried to give someone something (two somethings actually just to be sure). I got this (both times):

You were unable to make this transfer. Please contact glitch for assistance.

So, uh… glitch?

Posted 06/03/16
Dracogryph  Yes, this is an issue we are currently working on!  It only affects a couple of people, and will hopefully be resolved before too long. :)
Posted 06/03/16
Ah, I see, thank you for explaining Myla! Let’s hope it isn’t too hard to fix up, indeed!
Posted 06/03/16
not a glitch, exactly, but the changingshroom description could stand to be updated. right now it says only ineki and drasilis, it should include kelph as well?
Posted 06/04/16
doragon That’s been updated. Thanks for pointing it out :)
Posted 06/09/16