AkiraCrow Yes! We now support touch events for dragging and dropping, which means that you can manage item / pet order on mobile as well as on desktop — it always bugged me that you were locked out of these features in mobile browsers, because sorting your pets and inventories is kind of an important feature here. It’s not quite perfected yet because now it’s hard to scroll down your own profile or inventory list on mobile, but I should have something up for that soon :) Regarding the “sorting” of the items listing page, this has been fixed!
Posted 02/09/16, edited 02/09/16
Hey so I was fishing, and I just kind of spam-click until it tells me I’m out of attempts and I got 7 Blue Bass today? That seems like… a LOT for one day of fishing? Did Iglitch it? I’ve still got the fish, I won’t be selling them until I know I can ;w;
Posted 02/12/16
[@apotheocrisy]Losty I’m on it :) What browser are you experiencing this in? Also are you referring to the black navbar at the top of the page or the alternating green one below the header? Or both? mosh nope, just lucky. Or unlucky, if you don’t like them. Now if you’d gotten more than 10 it’d be a different story ;)
Posted 02/12/16
glitch I’m having the problem on Chrome and it’s been with the green one below the header. Sometimes I can use the community and games menus, but I can’t use the places-help menus. edit: to clarify, I’m using the Chrome app!
Posted 02/12/16, edited 02/12/16
glitch ahh thanks I just wanted to make sure haha, now to rake in a pile of nuggets >:3
Posted 02/12/16
glitch The padding on item descriptions seems to have gone away in the items directory page, the text appears right against the top of the box. Items in the inventory seem to be displaying the padding correctly, though! Although I think the drop-down menus for the actions you can take have moved, because I think they used to be aligned to the bottom? My memory’s not 100% sure on that one, though, haha.
Posted 02/12/16
Actually, if I could add onto what mosh was saying, a few days ago fishing I got 6 or 7 rocks, and a few days after that I got 5 or 6 driftwoods. I assumed the same (just random) but I think I should bring it up. (I was also kinda spam-clicking then. yesterday I was clicking more normally and got a couple different things).
Posted 02/12/16, edited 02/12/16
glitch It’s actually only on my phone that this is happening. Safari, I think the browser is called? It’s happening with both the black top menu and the green ones. What happens is that it will open the drop down menu, but I can’t actually click any of the links. It highlights them most of the time, the way it does when it’s about to follow the link, but then just never actually does it. I once or twice tried to hover over the link so long that the menu on my phone popped up, the one that offers to open or open in a new page, etc, and even when I clicked “open” on THAT, it still didn’t do it. Sorry to be a bother.
Posted 02/12/16
Losty I’m using mobile too-I have both Safari and Chrome and it happens on both exactly how you described it. .-.
Posted 02/12/16, edited 02/12/16
I’m on mobile Safari and Chrome as well, though I’m not experiencing the menu problems mentioned earlier. I’m not on staff myself, of course, but of curiosity, Losty and [@Espurr], what OSes, browser versions, and models are you running Mycena on? Perhaps it will help glitch figure out what the problem is - I’m not especially experienced with coding, but I’d imagine it’s possible that part of the code push has caused issues with devices, browsers, or OSes. For reference, I’m using a school-issued fourth generation iPad, model MD511LL/A, running: —- And since I’m here, I figured I’d mention something in regards to mosh and Jacq‘s experiences fishing while spam-clicking - On another site I use, Goatlings, something similar occurred for users refreshing in rapid succession with games, where doing so quickly enough would duplicate the results or even on-site events - For instance, while playing a slots-type game, one could reload the page quickly enough to win a jackpot twice or more in a row, or obtain multiple copies of the same item from a random event. I managed it a few times myself! The issue was resolved a few months back, but I thought I might bring it up on the off chance that the two are related somehow. Most likely it’s just some very odd luck, but if it keeps happening when users spam click the fishing pond, it might be worth looking into! I’ll try to get on my laptop and test it myself tomorrow.
Posted 02/12/16
MasterShortpants Well that’s actually how I’ve always played fishing, it was just the first time I’d had a pile of the same fish like that which is why i was worried.
Posted 02/12/16
glitch Spellstones is being a bit…strange. ![]() I tried refreshing a couple of times but got exactly the same thing. Chrome user, if it makes any difference |: Edit: I’ve also just tried ending the game and starting a new one, and got exactly the same thing with a slightly different set of letters.
Posted 02/13/16, edited 02/13/16
KeeperGreymuzzles It looks like your browser is refusing to paint images onto canvas elements — I assume fishing looks weird too. Have you changed any settings in your ad-blocker recently? Do other images (e.g. the banner, etc) load?
Posted 02/13/16, edited 02/13/16
glitch Looks like fishing is doing the same thing as cave-in, but apparently echolocation (aka: that one game I don’t understand |: ) and the rest of Mycena’s images are working just fine. I also haven’t made any changes to my ad-block settings lately, and I can’t see anything in it that would suggest it’s taken to blocking parts of the site. Edit: The games all seem to be working fine (other than some lag) if I use IE, so I guess it is something to do with my chrome browser. I’m just…not sure what… EditEdit: ....Games appear to be working in chrome for me again now. Not sure if it’s just fixed itself or if you’ve managed to do something on the coding end, but thought I should let you know.
Posted 02/14/16, edited 02/15/16
Losty [@espurr], could this be an old version of iOS causing the issue, as Radio mentioned it did for them? Ahh! When I was still mucking around on iOS 7, I was having the same issues as Losty and Espurr. Can confirm that the drop down menus were not working. However, upon updating to iOS 9.2.1, I haven’t run into the same issue.Radio
Posted 02/15/16
glitch I haven’t tested on any other devices yet, but this iPod is running iOS 6 and that makes a lot of sense. I’ll do some meddling with other Apple devices and see what they turn up. edit: Seems to be the case! I have access to two different devices on iOS 9 and above and neither has the issue. I have found a workaround in that opening the page in question in a new tab seems to work. It’s also always weird getting pinged by staff lol.
Posted 02/15/16, edited 02/15/16
glitch It’s weird, b/c I never had this issue before, nor am I having this problem on other sites. But I’ll update when I can, and hopefully that’ll work!
Posted 02/15/16
Tried to sell a Mud Fish from my inventory. Clicked it, clicked “Go” to sell it, but I didn’t get to the sell page. Instead, the little menu that had opened (the one that opens whenever clicking on any item) had closed and the Mud Fish had moved itself elsewhere on my inventory page. Tried again, same thing happened—it moved again when I tried to sell it. Third time I was able to sell it normally. Was able to sell two Right Boots and a Rock Bass normally. It was just the Mud Fish. Poor thing got attached to me very fast. I’ve only had this issue today. Latest version of Chrome on Windows 7. No mouse issues. Have been having slight internet issues, but I don’t think internet issues would mean a fish would bounce about in my inventory. Edit: Happened again today with Rock Bass. Moved the first time I tried to sell it but the second time it sold fine.
Posted 02/20/16, edited 02/21/16
I was using my mobile phone to play cave in. I cleared the board, but never received any nuggets. This has happened several times over the past month (clearing the board or not) while I’ve been on the phone. At first I thought I might be refreshing too fast or something, but this time the page sat there for several minutes, so I was wondering if it was my phone or actually something?
Posted 02/24/16