10:05 ST
[Event] Winter Holiday Fun Book - Raffle results posted! [EVENT DISCUSSION THREAD]

Group activities… o_o *shudders*

I’m glad there’s no event pet involved. Best of luck to everyone.

Posted 02/07/16
What counts as an individual entry for those activities that require a nominee? For example, Equip The Cave nominates one person to draw an image and the other people describe it. Does that nominee complete the activity with that drawing? (Similar question for other nominee-related activities like Who Wore It Better, What Is The Thing, etc)
Posted 02/07/16

With the I Spy game, is it allowed for people to go back and forth playing the game throughout the event on one thread, and then submit it for points at the end? Or should we make a separate thread for each “round”?
1. Thread one: A spies, B guesses. A confirms/denies.
Thread two: B spies, A guesses. B confirms/denies.
Thread 3: A spies, B guesses. A confirms/denies.
= 3 points each.
2. Thread One: A spies, B guesses. A confirms/denies. B spies. A guesses. B confirms/denies. A spies, B guesses. A confirms/denies.
= 3 points each.

Posted 02/08/16

Pirran Jacq Tackling two at once — the round leader gets one point for being the round leader. This includes both the entry and potential intermittent/concluding posts.

Also, the round leader is the one who posts the activity thread and with that, the drawing for Equip the Cave, the item for I Spy, the shape for What is the Thing?, the three item choices for Who Wore It Better?, et cetera — the round leader does not nominate someone else to draw/select.

Whether you choose to do that in one, or multiple threads, in the case of multiple round leaders, is up to you.

Post One. Player A - Round leader posts Equip the Cave doodle, item description for I Spy, shape for What is the Thing?, three item choices for Who Wore It Better?

Post Two. Player B - Submits item description/drawing for Equip the Cave, item guess for I Spy, shape description for What is the Thing?, art entry for Who Wore It Better?

Post Three. Player A - [for relevant pages] Round leader confirms correct guess for I Spy, picks winner for Who Wore It Better?

Tally: Player A - 1 point. Player B - 1 point.

-catching up on activity entries-

Guys, guys, tone down your awesome I can’t handle it ;3;
-bawls/cheers all over these amazing entries-

no please don’t tone down keep it up you’re all doing wonderfully <3

Posted 02/08/16, edited 02/08/16

okay, okay, i admit i was absolutely terrified of this event, especially when i wasn’t quick enough to get in a group with my usual bff ^^;; so i was feeling nervous and pretty uncertain

Juney i take it all back. you and the rest of the team have done a downright spectacular job. the formatting of this event is absolutely perfect, especially in allowing everyone to contribute or not as they wish and for all points to be allocated based on individual contributions. if my whole group disappeared and never spoke to me again (which of course they would never do <3) i could still get a whole lot of the points on my own! i don’t know how much time and effort had to go into planning and troubleshooting this whole event, but afaiac it was a resounding, unmitigated success! thank you so much for organising it!!!

tl;dr this is a good event and you should feed good <3

Posted 02/08/16
So on the off chance one of my team’s entry into the tale wins,  does every team member get a prize?
Posted 02/09/16

Is it too late for me to join a group? Or would someone like to make a two person group with me?
I am artistic, and I could probably knock about half of the tasks out in two days if I really commit to it.

Posted 02/09/16, edited 02/09/16

panglossian Aw ;3; That’s so sweet, thank you so much! We’re super glad to hear you’re enjoying it — that’s what we design events for, after all!

WeyrLeader No. All prizes, including the Creativity Awards, depend on individual effort and award prizes to individual players. Your group members’ entries cannot negatively, nor positively, influence what you individually are going to obtain from this event :)

Faerie Absolutely not too late! Please post your solo sign up in the Sign Up Thread!

Posted 02/09/16


Oh dear,  my phone auto corrected. My previous question was about the raffle, not the creative entries contest.

Posted 02/09/16
In Color-by-Mushroom, do we have to submit our part of the mushroom and a description of where it might be found, or does the group as a whole submit one description of where the whole mushroom might be found once we’ve all submitted our parts?
Posted 02/09/16
General heads up: Please let us know via an echo to Bone Monster if your group is open to adopting more participants!

I realise communication isn’t optimal for this purpose, and due to the ‘first attempt’ at a group event like this, having a clear overview of groups open to adopting participants was overlooked in the design. I now have very little idea if there are groups still interested in adoption, eheh :P

WeyrLeader Oh, well — the answer is similar! Each of your individual activity entries counts as one raffle ticket. If your raffle ticket is drawn, you receive a raffle prize. Your group members’ activity entries cannot win you a raffle prize, and your activity entries cannot win your group members a raffle prize :)

[@Tyrian] It’s.. well, sort of up to you, really! As long as your group agrees on the way you’d like to do the page, then by all means, go forth and be creative! The intention of the page was for all participating group members to submit a coloured part, and then for each participating group member to create an encyclopedia entry for that mushroom. The group as a whole cannot submit an activity entry for a raffle, an item prize, or the creativity awards, so if you collectively build an encyclopedia entry for the mushroom then only one group member will be able to submit it as an entry. Hope that answers your question!

Posted 02/10/16, edited 02/10/16
For the Character Crossword, does the crossword have to be based around a group member’s characters or can it be based on something on the site? For instance I made one using Mycena Cave Staff, could I use that for the event or should I make another for the event and give that one to my friends to complete for fun later if they’re interested in doing so?
Posted 02/10/16
Nephele Your crossword is allowed to be about anything you want, as long as your group agrees :) If you want to do one about space, sea life in the deep ocean or the amount of letters on a Tolkien novel’s prime numbered pages — all fine by us! The “Character” part was just a suggestion to get the ideas flowing ^^
Posted 02/11/16
The “Character” part was just a suggestion to get the ideas flowing Juney

Juney considering the actual title of the activity is “CHARACTER Crossword” I think most people were under the assumption that it had to be about players characters xD My group certainly was

Posted 02/11/16, edited 02/11/16

Hina And in the first paragraph of the page’s description, it says:
“This crossword puzzle could, for example, be based on the group members’ characters.”

:D But I see where the confusion came from, of course. I hope players who created and/or completed a character crossword had fun doing so regardless, and if you’d like to do more based on a completely different theme, go right ahead!

Posted 02/11/16, edited 02/11/16

Gotta say I’m enjoying the event so far despite my initial trepidation because, well, group projects. haha. So, thanks! c:

Also, I’m curious… are we allowed to know what’s in the Gift Capsules or is that supposed to be a surprise? They’re very shiny.. *u*

Posted 02/11/16
Corvani Really glad to hear that :) And sure! The Gift Capsules contain a random freebie, so the items that were given away since the start of Mycena Cave as a ‘gift’ :D (Grey Fedora, Punch-Drunk Love, et cetera.)
Posted 02/12/16
Juney Yay! :D And ohh that’s kinda neat! Seems like a good way to re-release old items while not ruining their value since it’s still random chance and all. Thanks for the info!
Posted 02/12/16
Juney For the Color-by-Number Mushroom activity, each mushroom part that we color is considered a contribution, yes? And if so, does that also go for when one posts a description of the mushroom and a colored part of the next mushroom in the same forum post, or is one post = one activity, no exceptions?
Posted 02/13/16
I really like this event so far omg. ;w; I’m already having lots of fun and the pages are really neat! :D Thanks for putting on something so cool! ^^
Posted 02/13/16

Juney or other admin :P
I just want to clarify. For pages such as “What is the thing?” If there are only two group members does that mean there only needs to be one creature/object made and one encyclopedia article? Or does each person need to make a thing and write an article about it for the page to be complete?

Edit: Same thing for the sound page and others. When there are only two people in the group, how do we know if we have successfully completed each page?

Posted 02/13/16, edited 02/13/16
Oh! I do have a question! For page 14, are the pieces we submit things we’ve used on other Funbook pages? Or just anything at all to be critiqued? :0
Posted 02/13/16

Robin Ahah, I feared that question. A couple of days ago, when the first players started to work on a second mushroom (or, well, second participation in any page, really), is when I realised we.. ..hadn’t really thought that out. Generally speaking, one post = one entry, but of course if you’re doing a second shroom, the second part you colour should be counted as a separate entry. In those cases, it’d be easiest for us if you posted them separately, as the same permalink will not be counted twice.

Raye The making of the shape is an entry, and the making of an encyclopedia page is an entry, and you do not have to have done both. If you enjoy the activity, you (switched roles or same roles) can then make another shape & the other player another encyclopedia page, which would both count as another entry each. There is no real ‘completion’ of a page that matters to counting the entries you’ve made — for rewards, all that matters / will be counted are your own individual entry posts :)

[@Toothless] The pieces you submit for critique should be your own activity entries from this Funbook event. Great to hear you’re having fun :D!

Posted 02/14/16, edited 02/14/16
Welp, that is not what we did :‘D Gonna have to go through the thread and fix that, ahah.
Posted 02/14/16

Juney For the word search, is it that you can’t double post, or you can’t make two word searches in a row? My teammate made the last word search and thought she couldn’t make another one, so she asked me to make one — I was wondering if you could help clarify! :D

However, I had the last post (a word search solution), so I had to edit in the new one. I have a solution and a new word search in a single post. Would that count as one or two entries?

Edit: Thanks to the wonderful person who took care of my extra post. :x

Posted 02/14/16, edited 02/14/16
Juney Thank you! ^-^
Posted 02/14/16

Okay, so now I’m really confused. Do we need to make a separate thread for each time we do a new thing even for the same page? IE, I’ve been making some word-searches because it’s fun. I’ve made two so far. Is it okay to have them both in one thread or should I have made a second thread for the second word search? Or I’ve given out two character prompts, and made one that was given me for the Cast a Character page. Should all of these have separate threads, or just separate posts?

I…think the reply sounds like I should have made them separate thread (which I didn’t because I didn’t think we were supposed to), but I’m not really sure and so I’m really confused now. If they are supposed to be separate threads for new things, should we make new threads now, or no? x.x

Posted 02/14/16, edited 02/14/16
Dracogryph I’m pretty sure that you only make separate threads for each different page of the Funbook. Each word search you make, for example, should be in a new post in your word search thread (so long as you don’t double post) while your Cast a Character prompts should be in new posts in your Cast a Character thread.
Posted 02/14/16

[@Kinny] The idea behind not being allowed to post twice in a row was to prevent people from creating a puzzle/prompt and then completing it themselves. The way you then choose to alternate roles, or not, is up to you. Hope that helps!

Dracogryph Each individual entry needs to be a separate post. For one activity page, you should not need multiple threads, unless you wish to have multiple threads for the sake of clarity :)

Posted 02/14/16
Juney Yes, thanks! Does that then count as two entries, or would I have to wait for someone else to create another one and then post my new one in a separate post for it to count?
Posted 02/14/16