[@Toothless] Juney Ah, okay, so I HAVE been doing it right then, that is good to know. Thank you for clarifying! :) This makes me feel better!
Posted 02/14/16
Hum hum, some more extensive explanation seems warranted.. ..and simply a good idea overall. As mentioned previously, this event was designed to be creative, collaborative, comfortable and low barrier to entry. To allow for that, your effort only influences your own reward & not that of your group members, and similarly, your group members’ effort does not influence your reward, only their own. To achieve this, we designed pages where each individual post would be counted as an entry, and attempted to give you as much freedom as possible in the way your group would choose to complete the activities. We then decided that, if you passionately enjoyed word searches but preferred not to write, we wouldn’t restrict you from doing a hundred word searches & having each entry count. The consequence of that, i.e. the structure of consecutive posts (particularly in groups of two, but in general as well) and how these would be counted, was overlooked in the design. We were going to have you submit a tally of your entries in addition to permalinks to each individual entry post, and only check the submitted permalinks for bogus entries. However, given that we trust your honesty in regard the amount of entries you’ve actually made, our oversight of players putting multiple entries in one post, and the design of this event to allow for you to put in exactly the amount of effort you feel comfortable with, we’re changing this up a bit. You will still be submitting a tally and permalinks to each of your entry posts, but if a posts contains multiple entries, you may count it for as many entries as it contains. We will only be doing several random spot checks to check if figures add up (and I promise, should your count be off by one or two, that’s not a problem!). This means that you don’t have to go back through your threads to edit individual entries to be posted in individual posts, and that everything can remain as is. We will, however, provide a guide for each page as to how you should be counting your entries :)
Posted 02/15/16
teatree The individual entries you’ve already made count, of course, but you would not be able to continue on your own — instead, you are welcome to sign up for another group in the sign up thread :)
Posted 02/15/16
Juney I feel bad for ditching when I don’t know if the other person will come back, so I’ll wait it out for now. Thanks for the info! ;O;
Posted 02/15/16
teatree You can be a member of more than one group, so if you’d like, you can sign up to join another group and still be a part of your current group if your other member returns! Just keep in mind that you’d be responsible for being an active contributor in all the groups you’re a part of. Whether you decide to just wait it out or try for a second group, good luck! :)
Posted 02/15/16
Okay so I really don’t know where a good place to put this is, but I’ve been having a lot of trouble with trying to link sounds to forum posts. It’s in a .wav format and it’s uploaded to dropbox and for some reason it won’t play. Is there any way someone with more experience with this kind of thing could help a bit…
Posted 02/18/16
Heads up: You have two more days left to create and submit entries! Plus: Don’t forget to submit an entry to the Creativity Awards!
Posted 02/20/16
Mm. Win7, with the following versions.. All work for me. I don’t have wifi here so I can’t check on my tablet, though, mmrr. I know we tested it on a variety of combinations, but I guess you lucked out & have multiple combinations that aren’t working :D;? It was mostly meant as an optional memory support, but if we do the event again in the future & choose to have the checkboxes again, we’ll have to see if we can check mobile as well >>
Posted 02/21/16
Apparently if I click a bunch of them in IE and then refresh, and then go to my FF and refresh, it sticks.
Posted 02/21/16, edited 02/21/16
And that’s it for another Winter Holiday Fun Book — the event is now closed! Please do not submit any more Activity entries. Thank you so much for two weeks of browsing through your wonderful creativity. We laughed, we cried, in short — we had tons of fun witnessing your brilliant minds spout butterflies! Of course, it wasn’t all for naught, and the time has come to discuss rewards. -rolls up sleeves- Please use this form to self-score your Activity entries and submit your prize preferences. This is also the place for feedback/comments/critique, if you have any to share with us! The self-scoring form will close on Sunday, February 28th at 23:59 ST, after which random spot checks will be done and prizes be distributed. The Creativity Awards have now also closed. The judges will discuss, and winners will also be announced in one week.
Posted 02/22/16
ClearBright Generally speaking, if you do not submit your form before the week is over, you will not get prizes or be able to participate in the raffle. The raffle will be drawn at the end of the week, so no exceptions can be made there, but should someone honestly be a day or so late due to personal circumstances, they can always reach out to staff members via echo to see if something can be done for the Campfire rewards :)
Posted 02/22/16
Okay, just so I’m sure (I’ve been wondering and worrying about this for like…three things like this now, but keep forgetting to ask…), when it asks for User ID at the top there…is that supposed to be your user name, the user number you have (and see below your forum avatar by your name), or both? I’m starting to think I’ve been doing this wrong all this time…
Posted 02/22/16
Dracogryph Your User ID is a numerical value — the form will only accept numerical values, in fact — and is the number displayed near your username below your forum avatar if you have the user ID display turned on in your personal preferences. You can also find the exact same ID on your user profile, which is linked at the top of the page. In your case, your user ID is 3151 :)
Posted 02/22/16, edited 02/22/16
:Each creative piece submitted counts as one entry. In the case of selecting a premade prompt where the post does not contribute any personal creative input, this entry should not be counted.” ^ for the round robin storytelling. Does ‘each creative piece’ mean each individual post or does it only count once per story?
Posted 02/22/16