09:52 ST
[Event] Winter Holiday Fun Book - Raffle results posted! [EVENT DISCUSSION THREAD]

I’m sure I submitted mine in the first handful of days, so I won’t fill out the form again.

Is there a reason the link to the scoring form wasn’t put on a header banner like the other event notices? I have a feeling that’s why people may have missed filling it out earlier.

Posted 02/28/16, edited 02/28/16
Juney Could you also recheck i think I submitted mine. :3
Posted 02/28/16

What’s the max number of campfires one can get?

I’ve got 28 tallied activities, but I’ve actually only done 11 of the fun book pages. Just checking!

Posted 02/28/16

Jacqblackfoxette  We indeed have your forms.

No particular reason that I’m aware of other than just being busy with other things to remember, Jacq, but a lack of the banner notification is a reason why we decided to do the mass ping! :D

WeyrLeader:  The number of campfires you will receive is the number of active entries you’ve done divided by five.  In your case, it sounds like you’ll get 5!  It doesn’t matter if you did some of the same activities multiple times.

Posted 02/28/16
Myla So glad I checked. Thank you!
Posted 02/28/16
Can someone check if mine went through, please?
Posted 02/28/16
Myla Thank you. :3
Posted 02/28/16

Myla Juney
Is there any way for me to look myself to make sure it’s been put through? I’m like 99% sure it has been, but Foxcat’s mishap has made me second guess myself. Since I have crappy internet sometimes things don’t go through ._.

Posted 02/28/16
i had my computer shut off on me in the middle and i restarted and sent it in >.> but also kinda freaking if you wouldn’t mind T.T
Posted 02/28/16

Jordii If you go to the self scoring one of the tabs above it should say responses and you can click that and look at all the responses, just search for your ID number and you can see your response in there if it went through :)

i was able to check that way

EDIT: hmmm going back in it looks like they must have turned seeing the responses off, i guess you’ll have to check with them o3o

Posted 02/28/16, edited 02/28/16

Yeah I was hoping there would be a way like that but I had a look all over the page and couldn’t find it. I wish there was an easier way to find out, I feel sorry for Myla & Juney with so many pings.

Posted 02/28/16
LostyJordii[@Natsutaka] Received all of yours. :)
Posted 02/28/16
could you check if mine went through? I’m worried now
Posted 02/28/16
Thank you Myla and Juney! C: Have a lovely evening!
Posted 02/28/16
Myla I am so sorry, because I am giving you yet another ping to check that my form went through… :| I am so confident it did, but my anxiety is getting the better of me I would appreciate the peace of mind of knowing if possible >.>
Posted 02/28/16

Thanks, Toothless!

JigawattaMeesh  You’re both good!

Posted 02/28/16
Oh thanks for the ping. Didn’t realize we had to fill out the self-score thing already oops. Almost missed it. x_x
Posted 02/28/16
Myla, I am so sorry to give you another ping, but my internet is so abysmally bad and I’m so paranoid it didn’t go through. :U
Posted 02/28/16
thanks so much for the doublecheck
Posted 02/28/16
Thanks to the admins for doubling checking! ><
Posted 02/28/16
I think I counted correctly. Not sure. Wouldn’t surprise me if I’m off…
Posted 02/28/16

No problem, glad we could ease the fears.  Next time, we’ll have to have to do some sort of e-mail thing where you can receive e-mail confirmation if you’ve submitted a form — I hadn’t realized a lot of people would be worried about it!

radio: You’re in there too~

Posted 02/28/16
Thank you Myla!
Posted 02/28/16

I swear I filled that out. I did it on my phone though, so maybe something went wrong? Are you still verifying them because I don’t have much time to re-fill it out ;;

Myla I can start to fill it out again, just in case, but I’m worried I won’t get it in time.

Posted 02/28/16, edited 02/28/16
lollobrigida:  We have your form!
Posted 02/28/16
PHEW! Thank you! I was like QUICK FIND ALL THE LINKS
Posted 02/28/16
I’m positive that I’ve submitted a form cuz I asked Juney a couple of questions about it, lol.  And I don’t think I’ll have enough time to redo the form before rollover! Took me half an hour to find all the links before, soooo, I hope I’m in there, lolsobs.
Posted 02/28/16
Creativity Awards!

After much careful deliberation and discussion, our staff judges are ready to announce the winners of our Winter Holiday Fun Book creativity awards! As a reminder, there were five categories players could submit to for the chance at winning a coveted Golden Medallion. Prizes will be distributed to everyone as soon as possible. We want to thank each and every one of you who participated in the Fun Book or nominated your favorite entries — we had a blast reviewing your submissions!

Without further ado, your 2016 Winter Holiday Fun Book winners!

At a Glance

Two entries immediately stood out to our judges for the At a Glance category, portraying their characters in an immediately identifiable light! Our first category has therefore resulted in a tie between [@Kinny] and Auswren! You can get to know their characters here and here respectively.

Most Vivid Depiction of Scene

miirshroom took the award for Most Vivid Depiction of Scene, inviting our judges to a day at the Circus with a literate Draccko! You can join the fun and view their entry here!

Best Use of Mycena Cave Lore

Three players are exceptionally well versed in Mycena Cave’s lore — we had our two staff members Dash and Eluii rank in at first and second, with an awesome entry coming in at third from Titan! Enjoy Metalhawk’s entry here, Eluii’s here, and Titan’s here.

Right in the Feels

panglossian successfully stabbed our judges right in the feels with their entry about a lonely lunar fish lost in space. If you’re feeling up to a few tears today, go read about the lunar fish’s plight here!

Something Silly

We have another tie in the Something Silly category: both [@tunapuns] and mgrmgr had the judges tickled pink with their entries! If you would like to share a laugh, check out their entries here and here!

Congratulations to all of our winners, and thank you again to all of our fantastic participants! We hope you enjoyed playing with the Winter Holiday Funbook!

Posted 02/29/16, edited 02/29/16
Congrats to all the winners! :D Great job, everyone!
Posted 02/29/16


thank you so much i am so so happy right now :D

congrats to all the winners, especially to my fellow tie-er [@tunapuns], please check out their entry it is HILARIOUS!!

ETA: also thank you staff for this event.  i’m gonna do a special shout out to Juney who i’ve seen working tirelessly to help people and answer questions.

Posted 02/29/16, edited 02/29/16