09:39 ST
[Event] Winter Holiday Fun Book - Raffle results posted! [EVENT DISCUSSION THREAD]

I’m a bit panicked now. Could you check mine? Just to be sure?

Posted 02/28/16
*sleepy confused blink* But… I already submitted my score..? I mean, I only had 4 points, so it was a little moot aside from for the raffle ticket reasons, but I was pretty sure I’d already done it… Can you check and see if mine went through?
Posted 02/28/16

NepheleWatchdog[@Hera]Adrian[@Tyrian]KnightSkye You’re all fine!

If you’ve submitted your form already, we have it.  The ping was just for the people who may have not seen the message about self-scoring/forgot to submit their form!

Posted 02/28/16
Hiya, I’m having some difficulty filling in the form. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to fill in for the first box. It says that it has to be a number but I’m not sure what number.
Posted 02/28/16
I’m assuming I’m okay, because I had an issue back on the first day where I received an error message and had to submit twice and Juney said my form did come through fine…?
Posted 02/28/16
Dame They want your user ID, which is listed under your name when you post, and also on your profile. Your number is 5140 c:
Posted 02/28/16, edited 02/28/16
Auswren Oh!...I’m doof. Thank you. c:
Posted 02/28/16

Auswren You are indeed fine! :)

Dame  Apologies — the first box seems to have lost its text but it was supposed to ask for your User ID.  We’ll fix that shortly, but as long as you entered your user ID into it, you’ll be okay! <3

Posted 02/28/16
JuneyMyla I submitted my form a while ago, but could either of you confirm it went through?
Posted 02/28/16

Pretty sure I submitted my score yesterday though…

Posted 02/28/16


Sorry to bother you more but I’m with everyone else and now wanna confirm my score has been submitted ^^;

Posted 02/28/16
Red KiteClearBright[@Queen Elsa] You’re all fine.
Posted 02/28/16

Oh man, I’m starting to get paranoid too. Could I be added to the list of people who want to check if their scores were successfully submitted?

Posted 02/28/16
Juney Hate to be a bother, but is there any way you could check to make sure mine went through as well? Just overly paranoid now, haha.
Posted 02/28/16
I got pinged but I thought I turned mine in. Can I be checked as well? ;; 7 ;;
Posted 02/28/16
I didn’t know we had to do it! Thank you very much for the reminder! :)
Posted 02/28/16

Sorry to bother, can you confirm mine? I won’t have time to fill it back out before the deadline since I have work tonight

Posted 02/28/16

I’m sure I’d submitted my form, but if you don’t mind, could you check if it went through, since I got pinged too? Thank you! ^^;

Posted 02/28/16

Just to be clear: Everyone who signed up got pinged. We did not want to single anyone out for not having submitted yet, and thus we pinged everyone. The fact that you got pinged only means you signed up. It does not mean your submission did not go through.

GlaivekiisekiKiwiRhymeZero You’re all fine.

Posted 02/28/16, edited 02/28/16
....Juney or Myla, can you check me just to be safe .-.
Posted 02/28/16, edited 02/28/16
Oh! Okay! I got a lil worried but I def submitted it. ^-^ Appreciate the reminder/alert though! :D Good luck sorting through all the forms! <3
Posted 02/28/16
Okay, that makes sense. I knew I submitted mine, so I got really worried for a minute. Thanks for looking out for everyone, though!
Posted 02/28/16
Oooh, okay. I filled mine out yesterday, I hope it went through. D: Thanks for the heads up, Juney.
Posted 02/28/16

The mass panic haha
Thanks for the reassurance!

Posted 02/28/16


*sweats and wonders if their submission went through*

Posted 02/28/16


Hey, so I resubmitted my form. Turns out I didn’t correctly permalink in the original. Hope that doesn’t make it more difficult for you!

Posted 02/28/16

Akira[@Toothless][@BrightEyedBeast]Lena-Sid Confirming we’ve received your forms.

Repeating Juney’s message so mine doesn’t cause people to worry:

Just to be clear: Everyone who signed up got pinged. We did not want to single anyone out for not having submitted yet, and thus we pinged everyone. The fact that you got pinged only means you signed up. It does not mean your submission did not go through.

Edit: Sorry for the double ping, I got a little overexcited and sniped Juney. 8D

Posted 02/28/16, edited 02/28/16
Akira[@Toothless][@BrightEyedBeast]Lena-Sid You’re all fine.
Posted 02/28/16
Juney I am pretty sure I filled mine out the other day. Can you double check that it went through? Thanks :)
Posted 02/28/16

Raye You’re fine.

Also, general heads up that I’m heading to bed, so please don’t expect a speedy reply if you ping :)

Posted 02/28/16