03:04 ST
[EVENT] Into the Caves (August 14 - August 28)
Oh man, I don’t know if this has been asked before but will the game for today’s activity be added into the Games menu? Just as I was getting the hang of it and enjoying it I guessed the right answer and it ended, leaving me a bit unsatisfied. I’d love to be able to play that casually.
Posted 08/27/16, edited 08/27/16

This event has been super fun! :D Probably one of my absolute favourites so far.

I used to play Mastermind all the time when I was younger, so today’s game was a blast from the past, hehe.

Posted 08/27/16

Thanks MC team!

This has been a fantastic event with lots of variety to suit all tastes. I have yet to complete the writing tasks but hope to do that before the time runs out. I am really pleased that games like the wordsearch have forced me into finding out about computer skills I never had before :) 

Can’t wait to see the new coat brought to life. Must echo Glitch for some gems!

And I agree with Glaive that it would be great to introduce the ‘Mastermind’ style game into the regular games menu if possible.

Thanks again for organising this event.

Posted 08/27/16
I’m gonna third that I’d love mastermind as a new game. I’m a big fan.
Posted 08/27/16

Add me to the petition for Mastermind as a new game! I was acruelly sad that I solved it so fast lol.

I love the new coat, though! My first Dras :D

Posted 08/27/16

I also love Mastermind :’‘'I

Even if it was like Sudoku, where there’s no nugget payout?  ‘Cause I’m sure there are solvers out there for this sort of game.  It would be fun to just have around to play sometimes!

Posted 08/27/16

I’ve never played a game like Mastermind before but it was pretty cool, I’d also like to see it added to MC :D

Also, loving this new coat. I knew that Fiendish Companion I hoarded would come in handy eventually!

Posted 08/27/16, edited 08/27/16

Add me to the list of those who was just “awww” when I couldn’t play mastermind anymore.

Would love for mastermind to be something we could play casually all the time! :D

Posted 08/27/16
Really enjoyed the event this year and absolutely love the coat. Nicely done! :)
Posted 08/27/16
I’ll also add in my opinion that I’d love the Mastermind game as a permanent game on the site! Its one of my fave games!
Posted 08/27/16

Mas-ter-mind! Mas-ter-mind!

Thanks for the great event! I enjoyed how there was a variety of events so I didn’t feel pressured to complete the writing ones if I didn’t want to.

...That said, there’s only one event I didn’t get a chance yet to complete, and it WAS a writing one. So now the completionist in me needs to complete it. Good thing I’ve got a few more days to think about what I want to write!

Posted 08/27/16
I love the Mastermind game on Subeta (I think it’s Subeta) and I loved it in this event, too. I’d also love to see it as an official game. Maybe with easy/med/hard levels with more colors in higher levels.
Posted 08/28/16
I hecked up. I only meant to buy 2 of the Untold Treasures from the shop but I didn’t realize it was loading and pressed it again. Is there a way to undo or would someone be willing to trade my untold treasure for their any other item (except spelunker’s map) from the shop? I was going to buy two of each item…
Posted 08/28/16
The prize shop is now open!
Posted 08/28/16
I don’t understand this game at all and it’s kind of frustrating. I get the concept, but the moment I try something, the results it spits out make no sense at all.
Posted 08/28/16
Shima Have you tried the event forum tips? Right Here. It might help.
Posted 08/28/16
Yes. That’s the first place I looked. I managed to get it out of dumb luck, but it’s still completely non-intuitive to me. Ah well.
Posted 08/28/16

Shima you are not alone.  I love deductive reasoning games, but the ‘hints’ on my game didn’t match what the gems were doing =p eventually it clicked through, probably because the game was as fed up with me as I was it.

That said, THANK YOU SO MUCH TEAM MYCENA CAVE!!!!!   I had SUCH great fun with this event!  =D the artwork was phenomenal, the writing was fun, the activities were a perfect blend of devilishly difficult, and a few easy breeezys with a dash of storytelling thrown in.  Thank you!!!!  It must have taken months of planning and hard work to create <3

Posted 08/28/16
OregonCoast the feedback pins do not match any particular gem: if exactly one of your gems is in the correct place, then the first feedback pin will be red, regardless of which gem in particular is in the correct place. Perhaps this is what was befuddling you?
Posted 08/28/16
glitch  Thank you for the explanation!!!!!!  I mistakenly thought the red indicator was that the gem was correct for that colour/slot, not that one of the gems was correct.  That’s certainly helped ease my frustration c=
Posted 08/28/16

The event was perfect! <3 I found myself really looking forward to each following day. The activities were nicely balanced and I enjoyed reading the flavour text, too. It’s a shame that the event is over already, but I’m glad to finally get my hands on the lovely items. OwO
Thank you for all the hard work, guys!

Posted 08/28/16

Mycena Cave staff is amazing, as usual!  A whole lot of work went into this event, and I’d just like to take a second to point out what some of them contributed since it’s not often obvious! :)

Dove and Crow who put in many, many hours of work designing and organizing the event.  They also pretty much single-handedly graded everything which, as you may imagine, is a mountain of work.

Prose who helped with some of the writing, and also proofread/edited the writing done for the event.  She also helped with the lore aspect of the event!

Juney who gave a lot of valuable feedback about the event design, activities, and prize shop!

glitch who helped code the event despite a super busy IRL internship.  He even had to code a whole new game, Mastermind/Gemble, for the event! *^*

King who designed and made our beautiful event banner and our cute new NPC, Kerric!.  Click here for a full-size version of the banner!

Hush and Plasma for the gorgeous slider puzzle art.  It was a gigantic piece of art and took a lot of time! Click here for a full-size version!

Eluii for her always stunning item work and the title graphic which helped to set the tone and feeling of the event.  Oooo, title graphic!

Rhyme and King for the event coat.  Every time I think I can’t be more amazed by our artists, they create something even more jaw-dropping.  This was definitely a time-consuming endeavor!  Click for amaze!

All of our staff contributed to the event in one way or another, whether it was giving feedback, helping to test, or being supportive/encouraging during the development and running of the event.  I am forever grateful to all of you!! <3

Posted 08/28/16

Thank you, staff! There were a few things that stumped me, but a challenge is always good and overall I really enjoyed the event!

(Also thank you Myla for the links to full-size artworks. So nice to see them at those dimensions!)

Posted 08/28/16

i really like dressing up this coat o3o

also mastermind!! what a fun game that was to include!! u should totally considering making it a permanent new game haha

Posted 08/28/16


When do we get our event pets? Because I haven’t gotten mine yet.

Posted 08/28/16


If you have earned done 10 stations, you will get the option of a pet. You’ll be able to press the epilogue link from the Into the Caves link and choose from there.

Posted 08/28/16, edited 08/28/16


I’ve completed 13 of them and I completed the last puzzle but I didn’t get anything about a pet? I see the text and stuff about meeting the Drasillis though but no options? I don’t know how I could have missed it. I went back and did the last activity just to be sure. So maybe when that goes through?

I’m going to be so upset if I don’t get my pet. I worked so hard just to get it, too ;_;

Edit: Really should have checked before I wrote that because I had just restarted, cleared cache, blah blah and it’s there now. Though I don’t know what the issue was. Anyway, thanks ^.^

Posted 08/28/16, edited 08/28/16


That was a mistake on my end. You don’t actually have to complete the last puzzle, but you should see an epilogue link under any of the various activities. If you click there you should be able to pick :D

So sorry for the confusion.

Posted 08/28/16
This was an awesome event, thank you staff for making it possible! I especially loved the fact that you could complete the activities whenever you have time ^^
Posted 08/28/16

Thanks staff for a fun event! :D I got stumped quite a few times, but the community really pulled together to help each other. *cheers* We did it! <3

And also this coat is incredible. Dresses up so nicely! ^u^

Posted 08/29/16