02:58 ST
[EVENT] Into the Caves (August 14 - August 28)
Where can I find the thread for the tips?
Posted 08/21/16


right here!
there is a forum especially for into the caves, on the main forum page it’s the only one under “events” and there is where toothless has a thread! in the first post is tips for each day, and at the bottom under day 8 is the spellstones tips!

Posted 08/21/16
Thank you.
Posted 08/21/16

Spellstones is going to make me cry. I s2g the most I can get is 170, but most of the time I get boards with x, z and q or bunches of vowels. I’ve been at this for an hour yesterday and an hour today and getting super frustrated ;;

I hardly have any problems with any activity in the history of MC, but this is legit part luck, part holy crap that score is just too high for someone that hardly plays this game.

I like to get all the rocks, or any amount of points I can in each event, so skipping it is going to make me feel really upset, if it comes to that :<

I did it after 4 hours… These boards were awful.

Posted 08/21/16, edited 08/22/16

A couple tips for people having trouble with spellstones:

Do short words first. If you find a really long word, write it down and don’t enter it into the game yet. Find as many small words as you can to boost your multiplier, then go back and put in any longer words you’ve found to skyrocket your points. Getting boards with the letter ‘S’ can also help a lot, since making words plural can also help make both longer words and more words in general. Also, you can link letters by the corners. Even if the sides aren’t touching, if the corners are you can move from one letter to the next.


e/ I was proven wrong re: scoring. So do word length in any order. :D

Posted 08/21/16, edited 08/22/16

Actually, longer words boost the multiplier more than small words. There isn’t a boost unless it is four or more letters. The more letters, the bigger the boost. Given this, I suggest inputting longer words first so that the smaller words (which inherently give less points without the multiplier) can count toward something.

Alternatively, as others have suggested, systematically going through each letter to find every variable combination. More time consuming, but you are less likely to miss something with this method. Personally, I find the longest words first to boost my multiplier, then go with the systematic method for maximum points.

Posted 08/22/16
polygone Zukana: your total score is the number of words multiplied by the bonus multiplier, so the order in which you play the words doesn’t actually make any difference to the end result :)
Posted 08/22/16


Oh, okie dokie thanks ^_^ I never really played that particular game much before the event…

Posted 08/22/16

kinda confused, i solved the letter puzzles in today’s task but i am not sure what it’s asking me to do now.

there’s no obvious links on any of the pages i’d look for the answer, at least not on the page i know this person is hanging out at. nor on the map page, either. im trying not to overthink it but maybe i am not thinking enough? :/

nevermind, lol. there was a page i didn’t know existed.

Posted 08/22/16, edited 08/22/16
I’m pretty sure anagram solvers are not permitted as they’re specifically listed as not allowed on the site rules page.
Posted 08/22/16
glitchWell I was informed wrong then! Thanks for fixing that error, oopsies! ^_^
Posted 08/22/16

Could you post a link to this please?

Posted 08/22/16
Zukana Rules and Guidelines at the bottom sidebar, the games section.
Posted 08/22/16

Zukana site rules are here: https://www.mycenacave.com/home/rules. If you haven’t read through them, please do so.

That said, using an anagram solver for today’s jumble puzzle is fine. Section 5.2 forbids using outside tools on games (i.e. anything in the “Games” dropdown), but section 6.2 explicitly allows using such tools in non-game event activities provided that they conform with the tools (#8) section — basically, as long as it isn’t used for anything in the Games dropdown, and it doesn’t make any requests on your behalf (e.g. autorefreshers, bots, etc), it’s fine :)

Posted 08/22/16, edited 08/22/16

Thank you, I see where you are coming from with this, but I believe that section is only in reference to the set games of the site, not the event games. The anagram solver wasn’t especially helpful in the event given that it only really helped me with one of the words before I figured out the theme. In the event rules it didn’t specifically state not to use the outside web for help. idk so let’s ask someone who can help. glitch?
Woops, you already answered. I’ve read the rules, just not recently enough to recall them so exactly. I’ll be sure to brush up so I don’t heck up. Thank you ^_^

Posted 08/22/16, edited 08/22/16
Mm, I wasn’t certain, just wanted to point it out just in case. Glad it got cleared up :)
Posted 08/22/16
Thanks, Palindrome!  :)
Posted 08/22/16
Uhhhhh, I solved it without unscrambling the words. : D I just figured out the bottom solution, put the letters I needed to make it and well. It looks kinda silly with srsiillda as my solution.
Posted 08/22/16
Wow. Today’s challenge was the hardest yet! (At least to me. Then again, I can’t spell my way out of a paper sack… XD). It was fun though. I really enjoyed it.
Posted 08/22/16
hha yeah Im still stuk at yesterdays challenge though .___.’‘’
Posted 08/22/16

stares at the bottom clue…. i have no idea what this is….. __ ____ for your map…? o3o stares at it longer

edit: i figured it out!!! n____n

i always figure it out right after i post lol

Posted 08/22/16, edited 08/22/16
lol nvm
Posted 08/22/16, edited 08/22/16
Anagram help? There’s a thread for hints that Toothless set up for the event as a whole. Otherwise…
Most of the words are Mycenian in nature…
...Someplace sacred can help you with a few of them…
...The final puzzle has you trying to acquire a map from someone…
...did you know the Bone Monster is a user? Pretty cool, eh?
Posted 08/22/16

... |D;;;

I finally got a spellstones board that I could get 500 points on, only for the challenge to not be active? I’m going to sit out the rest of this event. Lol what a waste of time.

Posted 08/22/16
Man, I have actually really enjoyed the community days for this event! I really like seeing everyone’s cave paintings and reading the memorials for the lost! So much creativity here.
Posted 08/23/16

I just realized today was Day 10!

Any word on the dras coat? I’m curious what it looks like. (Unless I missed something.)

Posted 08/23/16

Hey guys! It was brought to my attention that there might be a technical error with a part of Day 11’s puzzle, thus making it not possible to complete it via the intended method.

I’ve contacted glitch and hopefully he can address this point as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience!

Posted 08/24/16
ooh, could be why i am having trouble with it.
Posted 08/24/16

small PSA: So far, it’s never been required for anyone to spend nuggets or gems to complete event activities.

I’m just remembering an earlier event where loads of people bought those mushroom kettles lol.

Posted 08/24/16
Okay looks like the matter regarding Day 11 should have been resolved! Again, apologies for any inconvenience it might have caused.
Posted 08/24/16