04:14 ST
[EVENT] Into the Caves (August 14 - August 28)
Day 11 confuses me o-o any advice for an event newb?
Posted 08/24/16

Hi! There are many tips and hints for today in my hint thread. :) You’re also welcome to Echo me!

Posted 08/24/16
Never mind got it xD.
Posted 08/24/16, edited 08/24/16

Okay I’m a bit slow and still stuck on this day 6 one if anyone is able to give me a hint.
I’m obviously missing something somewhere. ;-;
Feeling rather dumb

Edit: Done! :D

Posted 08/25/16, edited 08/25/16
Ignore me, I was very tired and silly.
Posted 08/25/16, edited 08/25/16
Can words be found backward on Day 12’s puzzles?  Or are they only forwards, up, down, diagonally?
Posted 08/25/16

They can be backwards!

Posted 08/25/16
Crow  thank you so much!!!
Posted 08/25/16
I really want to know why there are two different crossword headings o.o
Posted 08/25/16

Do you mean why some of the earlier ones are titled ‘Voyage of Ambrose’? That’s the title of the word search used for Shimmers in the Water last fall. It looks like we had a brief oversight when it came to updating the title, is all. :D’

Posted 08/25/16

I’m normally super good at word searches, but man, this one is killer. I feel like it’s the font or something because my eyes just glaze over the letters, and I can’t find one of the words no matter how close I look!

*dives back in to keep hunting*

Posted 08/25/16

Ooooh, that makes more sense. I was only going by the posts in the submission thread (which are ordered by, well, completion, not when someone “grabbed” the image), so I thought they were kinda randomized ^^

Posted 08/25/16
I’m giggling at Adamantite. That’s not a real thing, silly.
Posted 08/25/16

Shima :p

Adamant and similar words are used to refer to any especially hard substance, whether composed of diamond, some other gemstone, or some type of metal. Both adamant and diamond derive from the Greek word αδαμαστος (adamastos), meaning “untameable”. Adamantite and adamantium (a metallic name derived from the Neo-Latin ending -ium) are also common variantsWikipedia
Posted 08/26/16
So, if I calculated things right, someone that completes every single day of the event will have… 20 unusual rocks (18 from the 14 days, and 2 as a bonus for completing all the days) and a copy of the event coat. Welp, I know what I’m burning all those rocks on (hint: it’s two of ALL THE APPARELS). Anyone else hyped about seeing what the event coat ends up looking like??
Posted 08/26/16

To be honest, I’m a little annoyed we don’t know already. This has happened in the past and the feelings were overwhelming “I like to know what I’m working towards.” (The scholarcrow event is what I’m talking about.)

And even more honest, this is a bit of a personal thing (that I’ll probably regret posting because it’s sooo unpopular), with all the money customs rack up, I feel this site is more of a dress up the pretty customs versus actually making new coats. As someone who is here for the coats, it makes me feel less important because I won’t drop hundreds on customs. Items get the spotlight way more than coats. I understand that site coats don’t bring nearly as much money but it still saddens me. Half the reason I quit for half a year.

(As a side note, huh, the more you know, Tarot. I always see it with Mythril, which I’m pretty sure is a Tolkien thing.)

Posted 08/26/16, edited 08/26/16
I share the same feelings, Shima. I like being able to dress up my (non custom) pets too, but I really only ever look forward to new coats and nothing else.
Posted 08/26/16
Shima There will still be a full week to complete any activity and community days once the coat has been officially released. You may choose to wait until then to decide if it’s worth it to you to keep working, or if you’d rather stop with what you’ve done so far!
Posted 08/26/16

Heck yeah! Personally I’m hoping for a dras coat that isn’t blue. I think Kerric’s a cutie, but the last two dragons we’ve gotten (frazil and arcane whispers) have also been blue, so I’ve got my fingers crossed for something a lil different* :)

* - I’d be happy with a LOT different too!

To be honest, I thought all the “???” stuff was because someone got a little behind art-wise and needed more time to finish.
(This is probably from working in a field where deadlines are always kinda soft LOL).

Personally, I complete the events because they’re kinda fun, and not necessarily because of the prizes/coats at the end, since event items and coats are never really “worth” the effort you put into them to resell (the event kelph were still selling at fodder prices last I checked), and I’m really picky about the kinds of pets I want to keep. I haven’t really liked an event coat that’s been release since I joined except the EoLs (which I missed by a few hours) and the Peacock Spider. The NPCs usually get a lot more interesting coats imo (Marcy and Lightyear, for example). I hope Kerric breaks that streak!

Posted 08/26/16, edited 08/26/16


.... Apparenty the mods took the liberty of editing my post.

Posted 08/26/16, edited 08/26/16
Be still my heart!
Posted 08/26/16
*swoons a little* omg they’re AMAZING!
Posted 08/27/16
Those coats are so pretty!
Posted 08/27/16
Eeeeee, I love my new pet :D
Posted 08/27/16
I love the new coat… It goes so well with candyfloss wings, too. It’s beautiful.
Posted 08/27/16
Absolutely love the new coat.
Posted 08/27/16
A quick question: does the pet automatically get transferred to my account? Or do I have to collect it from somewhere? Sorry, it’s just that I’ve done all the activities except for today’s and I haven’t received the event coat yet :)
Posted 08/27/16

The pet/mushroom goes to your account after you complete today’s event and select the option you want

Posted 08/27/16
This coat is amazing.
Posted 08/27/16

l aughs

Posted 08/27/16, edited 08/27/16