![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Rules & Reminders
Prizes The participation prize for this event is an openable item, Crystal Soul, which opens into equippable item Crystals of Fortitude, Crystals of Unity, or Crystals of Veracity. The other participation prize is a sprout, Crystal Catalyst. This sprout is not unique, but drifted similar to the Essence of Love coat. Each player may earn a maximum of three Crystal Souls and one Crystal Catalyst, regardless of how many groups you’ve participated in.
How to Sign Up Once you’ve figured out your group, just hang tight until the launch of the event on February 17th! At that time, we will link to an interface that will allow you to start the roleplay! New Roleplay Mechanics The integration of the story and plot into roleplays for this event will be achieved through the use of some newly developed mechanics! These are essentially an early test run for part of an upcoming feature for Mycena Cave, so we will be collecting quite a bit of feedback after the conclusion of the event. More specifics will be made available at the event’s launch! Questions? If you have any questions regarding this process or the event in general, please post them in this thread, and we will do our best to answer them swiftly! Alternatively, you may also echo Dove or Crow. Other Threads
Posted 02/08/18, edited 03/30/18
I’m thrilled that we can do a solo group, but I have a question: can we roleplay between two of our own characters or should we keep to a single character? I have two that would be positively perfect for this plot, and I’d prefer to keep then together in this. Edit: Also will there be any difference in prizes given depending on whether you’re in a solo group or multi-person group? It doesn’t look like it, but wouldn’t hurt to ask.
Posted 02/08/18, edited 02/08/18
raus For this adventure, it’ll be one main character per person—there is a lot of new code being implemented so we had to be fairly selective about what made it in for this first test. We will be asking for extensive feedback about anything that should be removed or included in the actual feature. Being able to add multiple main characters per person is something that we are likely to include if players think that sort of thing would be useful. I imagine that will be the case if a lot of players are opting for solo roleplay! That being said, other characters can make cameo appearances and if you can find a way for them to tag along for parts of it after you get a feel for the new mechanics, that’s fine! I think if they were travelling with you the whole time, our mechanics would start to fall apart since main characters will have some features like HP tracking and such. :D
Posted 02/08/18
O,O SPROOOUUUT!!! *dies! I’ve wanted a similar experience to the EoL’s so I"m super duper excited to see this as one of the prizes. The crystals look fascinating too c= Thank you for clarifying One main pet for this, as I was also planning to have two of my Ineki go along for the adventure. I’ll be sure to chat with my rp partner before settling on which one we think will work best c;
Posted 02/08/18
OregonCoast It’s one main character per person, so if you have a RP partner, you each pick a character! I was assuming that raus meant that they, as one person, wanted to RP two main characters at once! :) Edit: Oh, I think you were saying the same thing and I just read it incorrectly! You can ignore my response above!
Posted 02/08/18, edited 02/08/18
I feel similar to Vely on this one. I just haven’t had time to be online lately, and I remember how confusing it was to the rest of us when my group had a member disappear in a past event. I don’t want to do that to anyone so I’ll try going solo this time. I’m really excited about that sprout though, so I’ll give it my best!
Posted 02/08/18
Updates Event item Ineki have 5 toggleable groups, and Dras/Kelph have 4! This is to help make them a bit more compatible with edited pets (e.g. if your ineki has an ear edit, you can turn off the ear crystals). ![]() ![]() ![]() Timeline
Posted 02/10/18
Hey everyone! A quick update on Myla‘s earlier post:
The start of this event will be postponed until February 17th
As ol’ Boney said earlier, The integration of the story and plot into roleplays for this event will be achieved through the use of some newly developed mechanics! These are essentially an early test run for part of an upcoming feature for Mycena CaveBone Monster and he has quite the penchant for understatement: this is the largest and most complex feature we’ve added to Mycena Cave since… well, quite literally ever, actually. We want to make sure that your adventures are as spectacular as we can help make them, and it still has a couple of corners that could use a little sanding down and testing. So while I’m unbelievably excited to launch the thing, we’re holding off for a little bit. I believe this is the first time in Mycena Cave history that we’ve delayed the start of an event because of it not being ready yet, and while it’s a shame to break that streak, I’m confident that when you see what’s in store you’ll agree that it was well worth waiting a few extra days instead of rushing it out :)
Posted 02/10/18, edited 02/10/18
Hi Jacq! As indicated in the February News Discussion, we will still be hosting our annual raffle. :) More details will be available soon.
Posted 02/12/18
Hi Shima! The sprout base hasn’t been released, and will be a surprise when it grows. We tend to do a mix of RP events and non-RP events, so if you don’t enjoy RPing you may want to sit this one out and await our next event. If the coat turns out to be one that you’d like, you could always buy it from another player afterwards. You could of course participate and if the coat turns out to be one you don’t like you can sell it to another player, but we generally don’t encourage participating in events and activities that you don’t enjoy.
Posted 02/24/18
I see. :\ This is becoming a reoccuring trend that I really dislike. Why do the items get shown but not the coats? I’m sure I can’t be the only one who dislikes this and feels it’s a bit unfair to the people who likes coats more than items. But anytime I’ve mentioned this, even put it in official feedback, I feel it falls on deaf ears, never acknowledged.
Posted 02/24/18, edited 02/24/18
I’m sorry that you feel as though your feedback has gone unheard! We do our best to take player feedback into consideration when creating new events, but sometimes we are either unable to act on specific feedback, or have received conflicting feedback from different players! In general, we do previews for items/coats before events, but once in awhile we have a surprise thrown in when appropriate for those who have commented that they like that aspect.
Posted 02/24/18
Malis There will be a feedback form, but not a submission form. Prizes will be handed out automatically after we check over roleplays to make sure individuals are meeting minimum qualifications.
Posted 02/26/18
hi so i just knocked out and when my character revived there was a text that was like “but you feel like something was lost in the process” but i still have everything in my inventory so im wondering… is that just flavor text or is it implying i really did lose something? did i just lose my chances at the sprout?? :( i died trying to reason with the molten titan so i was in the last chapter if that means anything?? EDIT: in rereading the blurb about hitting 0 HP im pretty sure its just flavor text but just to be sure im still hopeful for that sweet positive affirmation also how many ppl have succeeded in reasoning with the titan?? is it possible to actually succeed there? if im barking up the wrong tree i dont wanna try again lmao. ALSO im super interested in how the system deals with our abilities, like charisma and dexterity and stuff? are we working with no modifiers or are they randomly chosen for our characters? or just one set score for them all?
Posted 02/27/18, edited 02/28/18
Miranda Yes, it’s definitely possible to succeed by persuasion! I managed it purely by accident on the first try, so if that’s a route you’re more comfortable with it might be worth another shot. I can’t speak to the other part of your question, but I wish you the best of luck!
Posted 02/28/18
Losty omg that’s awesome haha thank you!! i think im gonna try it again then, it seems fun!
Posted 02/28/18
The “you feel like something was lost” text is indeed just flavor text, so rp it however you wish! It is possible to reason with the titan but it takes a roll of 19 or 20, so it is definitely the hardest of the options! And when you don’t succeed, the titan tends to deal a lot of damage. 8D There are no modifiers for characters! That is something we are likely to add in the actual feature though, especially if we get feedback from players indicating it is something that they’re interested in. :D
Posted 02/28/18
oh okay phew! thanks!! yeah he OHKO’d me haha (altho i wasnt at full health) that’s crazy! maybe if there’s ever modifiers and i have an especially charismatic character i’ll try to get that lucky LOL personally i think modifiers would be great!! developing full character sheets and maybe getting to level our pets up through roleplay?? that would be a great artistry-driven twist on adding a battling element like most other petsites have, i think it would really set mycena apart. (plus pvp would be really fun to roleplay out and to have a system determining the winner based on objectively assessing luck and skill, that would be so fun!! i think it would really encourage improvement in those fine-tuned and quick paced interactions with roleplays you know??) if you guys wanna go that way of course haha i digress anyway thank you for the clarification!! good stuff having fun over here!!!
Posted 02/28/18