15:24 ST
[EVENT] Cave Chronicles: Quest for the Icy Soul (feedback summary + raffle posted)

i would be over the moon if given the ability to level our pets stats up thru different rp-events like this. like, OVER the moon.

(if MC needs to hire another writer to make this stuff happen… im available… wink wink nudge nudge ;) )


what in the heckydo was the black and gold mushroom (that you could find in chapter 3) for??? i never got the opportunity to use it anywhere |D and im very curious.
Posted 02/28/18

Omg, if there was a way to stat up and level our pets between events that would be amazing. Even just within an event. I might’ve already been considering ways to ‘cheat’ the system to implement that at some point, since they already mentioned potentially letting users make adventures for each other. Having stackable items of some sort be used as skill points or something, heh.

Overall really really excited for where the adventure system could go, since even where it stands now it’s a lot of fun to play with. I just wish I’d gone to look at more of the optional encounters. But oh well. Next time, heh. :3

(Also same hat. Totally available here. :3)

I loved the different encounters! Lots of different things to come across, and such a nice variety too! I especially loved that my little Rebel got to play ‘the floor is actually lava’ at one point, and running into a Finding Nemo-esque jellyfish field as a first encounter just floored me. I was grinning so hard at the awesome silliness of suddenly being in a field of giant jellyfish. Plus, the encounters never really seemed that hard or dangerous.

Which was especially useful, given the underwater section required you take the charm, which was a really cool feature. Kind of like a hard mode for the rest of the adventure, since you have one item less past chapter three. Though, I didn’t reeaaallly like the shop. Granted, when I first ran into it I had something to say about all the items, but given I’ve run the adventure several times because reasons(TM) I kind of ran out of things to say about the items. It’s mostly the problem of having to do it step by step. First inspecting the whole shop, then each individual item, then buying each individual item. But having that section shortened to one or two sentences doesn’t really make the rest of the actual adventuring portions of the adventure any less epic, so it’s fine. Besides, it’s much easier to pad the posts around shop time if you have a group instead of going solo.

For the Crevasse, I do wish that not every member of the group had to roll for damage on the climbing encounters. Personally I didn’t use any flying/hovering mycenians, but it’s kind of meh that if you had a mixed group of people who can/can’t fly that the ones who can fly still have to take falling damage for…some…reason. Especially when the climbing ones roll to where they’re perfectly fine at the same time. It’d be really, really awkward to roleplay that.

At some point, having some way to ‘stat up’ our characters would be freakin’ AWESOME. There’s clearly a lot of different types of checks from physical to psychic, and different types of damages already in it to boot. I’m super excited for the system to get further refined to allow us to get buffs to our canon strengths. As it stands, it’s kind of hilarious that my craziest mycenians are succeeding psychic checks while my strongest mycenians are failing strength/ dexterity checks, but it might get a bit awkward eventually if it keeps happening.

Back to shopping for a moment, it’s be really cool if we could get a sort of wallet slot to our inventory that shows us as having x nuggets, so adventures could have set prices on items. Maybe different tiers of potions that heal different amounts cost differently, better armors cost more, etc. Then we could further diversify our characters with their shop items, since not all stores would be so limited in item numbers. Perhaps the person hiring us for the adventure has a set limit on cost? \shrug

Also, I made myself salty about that ending oh my gawd. Essentially, everyone was taking their sprouts and Rebel was just watching them go after this big adventure checking for one of her own until one by one all the sprouts are taken but one. Then even that one didn’t turn out to be hers and she just kind of talks to it for a while before leaving empty-handed. Such a bittersweet and unsatisfying ending, aff. But she’s the leader of a rebellion, and a sprout would have no place in her care. Plus like I said I have multiple adventures, and someone has to canonically get the sprout, and it just didn’t make sense for it to be her. So ending with a mound of salt get!

That said, man that was an exciting ending! And super nicely written, too! Did not realize you could try to reason with the golem, might try that when one of my other characters gets there. I never actually got a chance to check out the crystal, since I wanted Rebel to inspire the other mycenians to work since yes, rebel leader plus a group to lead equals time to do the thing! Oops. Oh well, better get there with someone else I guess!

After all that’s said and done, loved the adventure! Fun encounters, a cool system for adventurous storytelling, and a nice lore tie-in to the event rewards as well! 10/10, would adventure again. And I am! Huzzah! :D

Posted 03/01/18
I’m stuck at chapter 2. How many encounters does a flying pet have to do to reach the bottom of the Crevasse? I’ve done three but now I only have “exit the crevasse” or “pure roleplay”. Am I supposed to exit?
Posted 03/01/18

The exit option is in fact the ‘bottom’/ending of the chapter.

Posted 03/01/18

Once you have the exit the crevasse command, you’ve completed the required number of encounters for that part.

(Oops, I was too slow!)

Posted 03/01/18, edited 03/01/18

Thanks :D

Posted 03/01/18, edited 03/01/18

Myla ouo;;

So Kiwi triggered this encounter but it doesn’t give me an option to respond or react to it other than through pure roleplay. Options are pure roleplay, poke around the cavern more, or to leave. Just wondering if that was a glitch or if it’s just a silly encounter.

edit;; Crow was able to answer me in the Event Chat!

Posted 03/01/18, edited 03/01/18
found a misspelled word
Your mind congers pleasant images as you sleep. Ch. 3 ‘resting’ encounter in the abyss.
Posted 03/01/18

Omg! I can’t say enough how much I loved this Event! I’ve never experienced anything like this on a forum before. It was really well executed and I can’t wait to see this feature rolled out for general use. Thank you so so much staff! :D :D I loved Chapter Three because I kept expecting something bad to happen because I was so on edge from Chapter Two looool… Overall it was very well-paced and I actually wish I had explored each option a little more! >:P

I LOVE the way the Sprout was tied into the story instead of just being a prize at the end… I love it so much in fact that I would love my character to be the parent of this sprout. When we are given them, will they automatically be kinnen with the character we played as, or will we have to perform that action ourselves? I would love this to be part of Marty’s lore. Can you even perform kinnen with just one Mycenian, actually? :O Very curious, would love the Sprout to officially be Marty’s! :3

Posted 03/03/18

Hi -FLOWER-! So glad you enjoyed the event. :D we would be thrilled to hear more feedback from you once we release our submission form so we can make our future adventures even better!

As far as your question goes —

At this time, sprouts will be delivered without having a parent bond! However, as of our February update, kinnen can be proposed to non-adult Mycenians,
... so you can definitely have your rp character ‘adopt’ the flower, so to speak! You can create a single Mycenian geness first, and then propose kinnen to the flower with that geness!

This is a very cute thought, and might be a fun future mechanic to play with if we do something similar. Thanks again for your thoughts and feedback! C:

Posted 03/03/18

Dove Hey, thanks for the quick response! :D

I see! I’ll have to do that then. :D Thanks! Now I just have a dumb newbie question lol… The character does have a husband whose character belongs to someone offsite, my partner. He’s considering eventually joining the Cave… If he does and makes this character is there a way for him to join Marty in geness? :O Basically, will Marty’s single geness be permanent or can another Mycenian join later on? I’ll hold off until he joins the site if it will be easier in the long run.
Posted 03/03/18
-FLOWER- No worries! I will unspoiler now as there shouldn’t be any hints or anything. When your husband joins, he will be able to add a Mycenian to an existing geness. :) You would need to initiate the proposal since you have the geness, and then he would simply have to accept at the Sacred Tree!
Posted 03/03/18


Single genesses are not permanent, you can add and take away pets from them at any time! It will just reset the anniversary date of the geness if I remember correctly.

Posted 03/03/18
Dove Oxton Oh cool! Did not do a single geness yet so wasn’t sure how the rules worked. Thanks everyone<3
Posted 03/03/18

Because spoilers:

This was INCREDIBLY fun!! Reminded me of an rpg a friend of mine made years ago that was all text-based. I didn’t end up having time to really get into my responses as much as I would have liked (between myself and my kids getting sick, my youngest actually developing a small patch of pneumonia, and my schedule about to get even more busy through the 10th), I still had a ton of fun with the prompts and would love to include a second “flavor” character next time. The idea of characters having skill points and levels is really exciting!! ; u;

I loved the various encounters and it was REALLY neat to be able to find stuff by taking time to explore (at least, I found armor - but I got greedy and tried to look for more lootz, which led to my character getting bitten by something, oops haha - totally suspected that might happen but I lack self control when it comes to hidden goodies XD). One of my favorite things in rpgs is taking my time and checking every nook and cranny and finding hidden chests/rooms/etc.

I do have a question though - did our weapon choice or lack thereof have any impact on our damage dealt? I.e., were some monsters more resistant to slashing vs piercing damage, etc?

I’m looking forward to seeing more events using this system in the future - thank you, I know it must have taken a lot of work!

Posted 03/03/18

I know it might not be the way these events usually go, but I think it might be cool if this particular adventure (or other quests) were permanent features of MC. I’m thinking of something similar in process to the Explorations on global pokedex plus - anyone that meets X requirements (paying a nugget/gem fee, or having a certain number of pets, or account age, or something) can play through it, whether they get a reward or not. Or even something that comes back each year (so maybe next year, if a new player wanted, they could play through Icy Soul to get the sprout or something).

I’m not planning to run through it again during the event, both because of burnout and time constraints, but I’d love to be able to go through another time and try a different character/different path.

It seems a bit of a shame to take all that writing and work and throw it away after the event, too. I know it happens every year but it feels like a LOT of care and crafting hours went into the narration this time.

Posted 03/03/18, edited 03/04/18

Echoing Jacq here. I would totally love for this to be something that we could look back on, either through an unlockable story episode, or a recurring potential winter event sort of thing. I love the care that went into this story, and I think it would be so lovely for a newcomer later on down the line to see how much effort there has been put into making the cave more of an interactive canon, rather than “just” a setting with some pre-written backstory to give an easy setup for canon rps. I love the cave setting, but having something like this set aside or brought back to allow replaying or playing by new users would be really cool. It would definitely be something that would make me as a user stay because I would be looking forward to new episodes or events like this if I enjoyed it even though I wasn’t there for the original iteration.

I completely understand it might be broken by changing mechanics once the event is taken down, but I would love to have it brought back in some form, even if it’s defunct by the time the mechanics reach their final state. Even if it didn’t release the sprout or the same rewards, it would be so nice to be able to have something like this for future players.

Posted 03/03/18
Whee! Just got started today, and this is so much fun! :D I really love the setup, and Boney’s instant feedback. There’s so much here to work with and I’ve barely begun. :D I can really see all the hard work that went into this—thank you staff!
Posted 03/03/18

raus Jacq You will be pleased to know that this event is pretty much beta-testing a new, permanent feature we plan to add to the site! :D

New Roleplay Mechanics
The integration of the story and plot into roleplays for this event will be achieved through the use of some newly developed mechanics! These are essentially an early test run for part of an upcoming feature for Mycena Cave, so we will be collecting quite a bit of feedback after the conclusion of the event.Bone Monster

If you liked the event, please be sure to leave feedback at the end of the event. It would help us a lot! <3

Posted 03/04/18

Here is the link to the post in question. So we eat the molten titan, and I chose the ‘explore the area more’ action, thinking that maybe it would allow us to interact with the sprouts or crystal for story purposes. But the post generated by the bone monster sounds like we are still in battle. Is it okay for us to just ignore this post?

Posted 03/04/18


Yes, ignore that!  I can go ahead and delete that. :) After you’re done with your pure roleplay posts after you defeat the titan, head to the epilogue. :D
Posted 03/04/18


Thanks so much!

Posted 03/04/18


At this time, sprouts will be delivered without having a parent bond! However, as of our February update, kinnen can be proposed to non-adult Mycenians,
... so you can definitely have your rp character ‘adopt’ the flower, so to speak! You can create a single Mycenian geness first, and then propose kinnen to the flower with that geness!Dove


...you can create a single Mycenian geness? Am I reading that right?

Ooh, I hope that’s true—the character who I’ll be having canonically adopt the sprout from the event isn’t currently in a geness (and has no plans to be, anytime soon)

But it would be wonderful for him to be able to actually propose kinnen to the sprout!

Er, if that is true, how exactly would one go about creating a single Mycenian geness? Like, is it a matter of making a temporary geness with another, proposing kinnen, then dissolving the geness on the temporary character’s end? Or is there a simpler way to do it? (Not that I would mind doing it the long way, it’d be totally worth it :3)

Posted 03/04/18, edited 03/04/18
Tsaiah one pet geness are super easy! all you have to do is go to the sacred tree and instead of proposing mihlanaku to another pet, just put the same pet for both slots. :3 i did it with my pet piper!
Posted 03/04/18

Tsaiah To create a single pet geness, all you have to do is go to the Sacred Tree and, down at the bottom, have the pet you’d like to enter a geness propose to themselves! :D

Edit: Whoops! Miranda beat me 8)

Posted 03/04/18, edited 03/04/18

Miranda King

Ooh! Thank you both! (Derp, I didn’t think of self-proposal being a thing x3)

Posted 03/04/18

I just wanted to express how much I truly loved this event. I have never had such a great time playing a rp event before! I really felt this gave me a good opportunity to develop a character of mine, and had a great time doing so. Thank you so much to all the amazing and rd working staff members who put this all together! I can see this being a wonderful addition to MC.

I did have a side question, will the sprout design be revealed to us at the end of the event on March 11th? Or will it take a few days for staff to work through all the rps before sending out prizes? I’m just super excited to see the sprout design now after I finished the rp. ;-;

Posted 03/04/18
Ah, I also have a question about the sprouts: Will they be delivered straight to us, or will we pick them up from the sacred tree?
Posted 03/04/18


Oops, sorry for missing these questions!  We will reveal the flower design once the event is over and we put up the feedback form which will likely be early the 12th (should be shortly after rollover so long as I’m still awake)!

Prizes will be handed out directly to accounts (not to the tree or else there would be a gazillionty flowers on the tree) once we’ve had a chance to go through rps—I imagine that will be late on the 12th or some time on the 13th. :D

Posted 03/07/18

Myla Mmkay! :D Onnnne last question: would they all end up sharing the same carvedate then, or will we be able to choose when they start to grow? (i.e., can sprouts be “uncarved”) Asking because I’ve been thinking about having this share a birthday with the sprout I’m in the order queue for, maaaybe

(edit because OooooOOoooops, pinged Miku instead of Myla for some reason - sorry, Miku!)

Posted 03/07/18, edited 03/07/18