14:45 ST
[EVENT] Cave Chronicles: Quest for the Icy Soul (feedback summary + raffle posted)
This was a super exciting event! :D Unfortunately I got overwhelmed this month and barely had the chance to start a solo run, much less get through an encounter. So while I’m a bit sad that I didn’t get to complete the event (even though it was totally my fault), I look forward to seeing the enhancement of the roleplay mechanics in the future!
Posted 03/12/18
oh my goodness—KELPH! Fingers crossed my single paragraphs towards the end of it fulfill the minimum. I had completely forgotten about it and had to rush through the last two chapters!
Posted 03/12/18

The Sprout looks gorgeous! I love the crystal-like-theme for it!
If it’s really going to be a Kelph, then this will be my VERY FIRST KELPH! <3

Can’t wait til the prizes get distributed! ~

Posted 03/13/18

Not sure how I feel about the Sprout but I am also a bit worried about the minimum… I actually forgot it was mentioned and my entire adventure is just single paragraphs… ^^;

Each type of pet has a different flower for sprouts so with the release of these images it’s pretty much confirmed that the resulting baby will be a Kelph :)

Posted 03/13/18, edited 03/13/18

That’s Awesome. I heard Kelphs are rarer than Inekis, and I haven’t got one so far. I was really hoping to get the blue one!! But the others are just as beautiful!

I’m so hyped ^^

Posted 03/13/18

Just a quick note: drifting isn’t working correctly on the sprouts, but we’re in the process of fixing it now.  We’re also aware that not all of the crystal souls were distributed in the first round, and are working on getting the rest distributed as well!

Edit: we’re done! everyone should have their prizes now

Posted 03/14/18, edited 03/14/18

Is it okay to carve our flowers and open the one crystal we did get? I haven’t opened mine, but I did already carve my baby so I just wanna make sure I didn’t mess up anything. ;;

edit oh it looks like it just changed colors, so I guess that answers that! lol that was quick

Posted 03/14/18, edited 03/14/18
All fixed!  And yeah, they weren’t supposed to be stone flowers in the first place.. 8D;;;
Posted 03/14/18
Oh, haha! Thanks!! I’m excited to see how these grow. o:
Posted 03/14/18


Posted 03/14/18
Posted 03/14/18

Myla My little pony looks adorable in their stones. They look like they are floating around them!  Were they supposed to be togglable?

Posted 03/14/18, edited 03/14/18

Obviously I would’ve hoped for a purply color or something like that cuz favorite color, but I still very much like my March green sprout :D

Now I just need to force Eris to adopt his unexpected child <3

Posted 03/14/18

The coldest :0

Posted 03/14/18, edited 03/14/18


Posted 03/14/18

The flower is really pretty c:

Posted 03/14/18

would you call this more of a fuschia or a magenta? is totally going Magenta on this one

Malis I don’t think they’re toggleable. (after checking the layers they are indeed) They float because of the edits on your pet. If you put them on an unedited cat base they don’t float.

Posted 03/14/18, edited 03/14/18
Hina Oh, I know they are floating because of their edits. I just remember someone asking if the parts would have toggles. I must have mis-remembered.
Posted 03/14/18
Malis Oh well, in that case, yes they are toggleable. If you got into the pet layers there’s 5 different ones listed you can click on and off for the item
Posted 03/14/18

=O My new Sprooooottt!!!!  These are some amazing colours!

Posted 03/14/18, edited 03/26/18

Too bad that isn’t an official sproot color changing place. :c

Pretty sproots. Excited to see what they grow up to look like.

Posted 03/14/18
Hina Oh sweet, they are now! They didn’t have toggles earlier.
Posted 03/14/18

Oh god yes, it’s perfect. I was hoping for a purple or teal, but honestly? This green color is GREAT and I love it.

Posted 03/14/18

Oh man does that look nice with Kira! Love these new items and the sprout!

Posted 03/14/18

What a pretty color, I can’t wait to see how it grows!

Posted 03/14/18
there somehow managed to be no red or orange sprouts at all. that’s… too bad. orz
Posted 03/14/18
doragon  We ended up leaving out some hues since they weren’t as drift compatible with this palette—if you feed them a driftshroom, you can get them to drift those colors that way still!
Posted 03/14/18, edited 03/14/18

oooh, i didn’t think i had done quite enough to get the flower!! i’m so happy!

Posted 03/14/18, edited 03/14/18
OverTheWolf There were a couple of players with robust rps and had the titan a few HP away from defeat, so we decided to award them the flowers. :) You were one of them!
Posted 03/14/18

Is the final growth stage for the flower supposed to be in the Magic Puddle right now, or is that just something that slipped past?

Never mind, I just checked and it was removed. Disregard this!

Posted 03/14/18, edited 03/14/18