Diglett They will all start growing at the same time! But you could give yours a petrified mushroom when it is an adult to recarve on whatever date you’d like. OuO
Posted 03/07/18
Hey, will we ever find out what the stuff we can potentially find along the way can do? I found a mushroom that I was able to pick up but never once got an option to use it, I would like to know if there was any possible encounter where it might have been useful and what it might have done.
Posted 03/11/18
Posted 03/11/18
Question: If we happen to have this, uh…habit* of continuing finished event rps with our own additional, personal-lore epilogues—will we be able to continue posting those in our threads? Or no? (No mechanics involved, ofc.) /eyes still-going rp with polygone, which we finished for event purposes days ago
Posted 03/11/18
Tsaiah That’s really cool! We’ll be locking threads at midnight tonight, but we’ll unlock them once we’ve handed out prizes (which will hopefully only take a day or so). Then we’ll be unlocking them again in case players still want to roleplay! At some point the mechanics will break since we’ll be messing with the code—I’m not sure if we’ll need to lock the threads again at that point or not, but we will keep them unlocked if at all possible. <3
Posted 03/11/18
This event was really fun, even with me being stupid and messing it up for myself :D I’m sad I got busy with other stuff and could only complete one RP with my Eris, exploring another path with my Xander would’ve been really fun! I’m super looking forward to seeing this RP mechanic stuff used in the future
Posted 03/11/18
![]() The event has ended! Thank you for your participation! We hope you enjoyed taking a peek at our in-development adventuring feature! :) Here is some information about how wrap up and prize distribution will work:
At some point, the mechanics of this adventure will be broken since we’ll be continuing to work on the adventuring code. We’ll let you know when this happens! The forum will also be removed from the forum listing page once we start making breaking changes the mechanics. The forum and its contents will still exist; it just won’t have an obvious access point. If you want to have an record of your roleplay, you’ll want to save the link! Sprout Prize! Prizes will be handed out as soon as we finish checking through roleplays. :) In the meantime, here is a look at the sprouts that many of you adventurers managed to bring back from your escapades: Feedback Importantly, we need a lot of good feedback from those of you who tried out this adventure! This is essentially an alpha test of a main feature we’d like to build for the site, and we want to get your input on where we should go from here. We will be taking feedback until the 11:59 Server Time March 19th. After the feedback form closes, everyone who filled out the form will either get a gem or Crystal Soul openable, randomly picked. You must have participated in this event to fill out a form and qualify for the form’s participation prize. The feedback form primarily focuses on mechanics of the adventure rather than this specific event. If you’d like to give feedback about this specific event (plot, prizes, etc.), we welcome that as well! You may post thoughts in this thread, or message Crow, Dove, or Myla with your feedback!
Posted 03/12/18, edited 03/13/18
Question :o If we participated in more than one thread, are you basing the distribution of prizes on the most complete play through? For my first thread, my partner and I established that rl was going to put us through hoops, so I ventured out on my own just in case and I just wanna be sure ^^;
Posted 03/12/18, edited 03/12/18
Aw flip, I lost power for a week thanks to some monster snowstorms and couldn’t post, so my group didn’t finish. (At least my partner did a solo runthrough so I didn’t rob them of the sprout) We got pretty darn close though, the last action was examining the crystal right before it became midnight site-time. Congrats to everyone who did finish!
Posted 03/12/18
Kelph baby!! I’m hoping I get a purple one (or at least a cool tone) lol. I’m really excited to see how these grow! I had a lot of fun with this event and I’m really curious to see how these mechanics will be utilized in the future. It was really cool & I think this sort of event helps set Mycena apart in a good way. :)
Posted 03/12/18
I KNEW IT YASSSS. I was like “wait, there’s a suspicious amount of npc kelph mentioned I WONDER.” And—are we getting random colors like with Mabel or are they DRIFTY or OR I don’t know I’m just so excited -grabby hands at that amazing green teal and the purple- I can’t wait to run around and be like “OH WHAT’S THAT YOU DON’T LIKE KELPH LET ME TAKE THAT OFF YOUR HANDS” -vibrating- EXCITE
Posted 03/12/18
Bah, I was worried this would be a Kelph. Not too disappointed because it looks sorta cool, but I’ll be trading or selling mine because I don’t like the species. I think it would have been nice to at least have the tiniest of hint at the species so I didn’t have to run around freaking out to complete a roleplay in what limited time I had. I still had fun, but might not have had as much stress knowing I wouldn’t want it in the end. Liked the event overall otherwise, I’m at least pretty thrilled for the item prizes!
Posted 03/12/18
KELPH BABIES!!!!! Cloud Dancer’s finally gonna have a friend!!! ^,^ OregonCoast to save….
I roleplayed this adventure * I actually did both, so I think for your feedback, you need to have that possibility available as well. I’m sure I’ll chatter about it somewhere in the form.
Posted 03/12/18, edited 03/12/18
Just wanted to post a thing here about one of the questions on the feeback questionnaire, in particular. I didn’t really feel like there was a way to properly answer it since it was a rate one way or the other, but my opinion is that it should probably go one way or the other, but I personally don’t care which way it moves in the slightest. There’s this question: ‘The mechanics of future adventures should be (rate 1-5 between ‘Much less mechanically complex’ and ‘Much more mechanically complex’)’ where I’m ending up rating it smack in the middle at 3 because…honestly, I kind of feel it should go at least a bit one way or the other, but I honestly don’t care which way it goes. I actually got into a long winded thing on one of the questions where you did have an option to write up things you might like changed or improved, but there wasn’t any option to explain choices on the 1-5 rating ones so I wasn’t sure how else to make a statement clarifying why I put my answer in the middle except say a thing here, when I really don’t think that it is balanced ‘as is’ which is how I interpret putting a ‘3’ on those. I know I put a somewhat more long-winded commentary on this this in my questionnaire on one of the questions, but I figure that this way other players can satisfy their curiosity on what I’m meaning by going one way or the other and stuff. Basically, I feel that if we’re going to continue to have systems that list stat checks for outcomes (IE: ‘succeeds/fails a Strength check’ or ‘succeeds/fails a Charisma check’ type things), I feel there needs to be at least a basic stat system we can adjust for each pet we have participating in such things, to allow for characters that are quick but not strong, or are strong and quick but not very bright, or so on, so that people can be more or less likely to succeed the appropriate checks as appropriate to their character. However, I understand that getting too focused on the numbers can potentially be detrimental, so I’d also be happy if there was a more open-ended adjustment to the check system where it was changed to non-stat-specific ‘pass/fail’ messages, allowing the player to have more roleplay freedom in interpreting HOW their specific character succeeded or failed at the particular thing they were attempting. Which way it goes, I really don’t care, but I do feel that it NEEDS to move one way or the other personally.
Posted 03/12/18, edited 03/12/18