Welcome to the 2014 Summer Discovery Dig!
And you are cordially invited!
When: Where: Who: Why: Logistics: What’s more, giving and receiving words is so much fun that whenever you give or receive a word that’s at least four letters long, you feel so invigorated that you can get back to mining for more letters a little sooner.
Posted 07/01/14, edited 07/16/14
WWWAAAAAAHHH! I haven’t had a lot of time to do anything on this site due to international travel and extra school projects. Seems my time is coming free at the right time. I so excited! *Bursts into confetti* Also, I love educational games and will have my dictionary ready to get a huge word bank.
Posted 07/01/14, edited 07/01/14
A word game event…. This is the most awesome event ever! I can’t wait to see what sort of items and mushrooms will be in the shop either. *rubs hands together and tries to decide between sleeping tonight and staying up in the hopes of gathering letters and making words as early as possible* This is so exciting! Seriously, best event ever! *all the snuggles for all the admin-type peoples*
Posted 07/01/14
Your friends might be okay with it, just not everyone is, that’s all. XD I was more or less wondering if there was something in place, or if not, maybe at least a note in the rules or something to make sure if you’re sending something inappropriate (or that could be) it was to someone that would appreciate it and not be upset by it. But if the receiver is told who sent the word it could always be reported, it just seems like it has the possibility of being a headache and ruining the event if someone was nasty enough to try. For all I know they could have a set bunch of words you can use, or something, I have no idea, I just wanted to ask and see haha.
Posted 07/01/14
Irefe It was mentioned in our playtests/brainstorms, and there are a few options we’re considering. One would be to be able to hide words your pet has received from their profile (which wouldn’t prevent you from receiving them), another to filter inappropriate words from the dictionary (which would be a bit like censorship on a site that allows mature content, on top of the issue that a LOT of words can be inappropriate based on context). A third, of course, not to do anything before the nasty has happened, and only take action if it would (regretfully) happen. You have to keep in mind, however, that if we have any rotten eggs, they also have to actively play to get letters that can make inappropriate words. In playtests, I haven’t personally noticed being able to make many, and in that line of thought, I think occasions will be few. Whichever solution ends up being (or not being) implemented, rest assured that you can always report suspected abuse and we’ll definitely be monitoring the situation. If anyone truly stands out as only sending out meaen things, we’ll know :) I hope that satisfies your worries <3
Posted 07/01/14
Yes it does, thanks Juney XD However you guys decide to handle it is fine by me, just glad to know it was discussed haha. This site is so small I doubt it’d be an issue, I’ve just seen things like that happen on sites like Aywas (where users were allowed to input messages or words for an event and it got out of hand) so I was wondering if it was addressed. Good to know it was.
Posted 07/01/14
Oh ffff, didn’t realize they’d be on pet profiles. That might not be the best idea, as much as I’d loved to lovingly send my closest friends some terrible words. (It’s from playing too much CAH.) An ability to hide words might be a good idea, because even if it’s sent in jest, it’s still on the profile.
Posted 07/01/14
I have to admit the thought of bad words came to mind when it was mentioned that four letters(or more) in a word shortens the giver and the receiver’s wait time. Though I know better than to use those words if the opportunity ever arose, the twelve year old in me had a little giggle. ...boob.
Posted 07/01/14
A word that came up a LOT in playtesting for me was ‘nude’ xD
Posted 07/01/14, edited 07/01/14