18:27 ST
Summer Discovery Dig [Finished!]

XD I managed to get twenty shinies with the word “FUZZ.” OuO It also was the most points I’ve gotten for a word. The second highest would be eighteen points though I’ve managed to get that a few times. XD

I love it whenever I get Q or Z since… it’s fun seeing what words I can create using them.X3

Posted 07/11/14
“Leisurable is not a word???” WHAT??
Posted 07/12/14
What happens to the extra shinies when we don’t have enough to buy anything?
Posted 07/13/14

Up to 25 of them get entered into a raffle. See here:

Posted 07/13/14, edited 07/13/14


Posted 07/13/14

I give up on getting my second B. Now watch me use the B I currently have in a word and then mine up a B afterwards. :|

Edit: And that actually happened. So frustrated right now v.v
... Oh well :P

Posted 07/14/14, edited 07/14/14
The last three letters I got from the mine were END. ;A; /sosad
Posted 07/14/14
OuO/ I managed to get 24 shinies exactly. Ssssooooo… I can’t buy anything and manage to get a fair amount of tickets in the raffle. :DDD
Posted 07/15/14
Great event guys! Ended up with 17 shinies left over and got /almost/ everything from the event, minus a couple items I’m looking to buy from others. Certainly not disappointed with what I could get, it was much more than I expected to get so I’m more than happy. :D
Posted 07/15/14
I ended with 410 shinies *frustrated bat noises* SO close xD
Posted 07/15/14

I managed to get everything I wanted, which was everything except the Summer 2014 mushroom. :D

And I have 35 shinies left.

Posted 07/15/14
654 shinies left over. Which means with the 6 letters I have left I will have ten tickets for the raffle. Now if I could just pick up a couple of items I might be able to figure out to spend my shinies on
Posted 07/15/14

As soon as the shop closes and the raffle is finished, I will be doing a little feedback poll for anyone that would like to let us know what they thought of the event. The poll will have multiple multiple choice questions, and an optional longer feedback box for comments.

There will also be an optional field to fill in your user ID, amongst participants that have filled in their details, 10 Shinies will be raffled off :D Leaving the ID field blank means your participation is completely anonymous :)

Posted 07/15/14
I quite enjoyed this event so far but I didn’t like that June wasn’t a word or a couple of other things weren’t words >.>
Posted 07/15/14
meesh lol you and me both
Posted 07/15/14
Wait, 10 will be raffled? So it’ll be like a raffle for raffle tickets? X3
Posted 07/15/14

Jingles; Totally!

The item that will be raffled off (in both the leftover shiny, and survey poll raffles) is the Shinies item (not the currency) ;):

Final Stats through July 14th

93% - Of all shinies was already spent
284 - Total participants
5.0 hours - Average play time per day per user (upper limit, exact time not available)

4,5 - Avg. word length
4 - Median word length
15 - Max word length
qi - Word most used
450+ - Word most used #
~15000 - Unique words
~47500 - Total words

64086 - purple
54380 - blue
48010 - pink
46989 - green

Posted 07/15/14, edited 07/15/14
*does purple victory dance*
Posted 07/15/14

through the event I tried to use only green and pink tiles. it always threw me off when there weren’t three to choose.

I’ll admit I was a little confused that there was a shinies item, I thought the actual shinies were what people were trying to win in the word of the day thread.

Posted 07/15/14
Heh >w> Now I feel a little silly. Thanks for the clarification!
Posted 07/15/14

Well that was fun, everyone!

A couple final notes:

- your spare tiles have been converted into shinies
- the shop will be open through the *end* of July 20 (it closes on July 20 at 23:59 ST)
- the spare shiny raffle will be drawn after the shop closes

Thanks everyone for playing!!

Posted 07/16/14, edited 07/17/14

Indeed, it was a ton of fun!
I appreciate all the hard work you guys put into it to make us happy <3

Posted 07/16/14
Bwahaha sorry it was confusing, the Shinies thing :D When Myla drew the shiny icons for the event (and placed them around the feet of the Dras shopkeeper), a few of the artist went all -grabbyhands- to have them as an actual item. If they wanted them, we were sure more people would want them, so they were made into an item & ways to distribute them additionally were come up with. (After all, you’re collecting hundreds if not thousands of those baubles, it’d make sense to be able to put them on your shiny-loving characters!)
Posted 07/16/14, edited 07/16/14

I was glued to my laptop thorough the entire event and I’ve got everything I wanted, I’m happy. <3 (Well, except for the shinies, I literally found out it was an equippable people were trying to get once the event was over. QuQ)
Still, it felt so short, why don’t we event all the time? D:

It was a wonderful event, thank you so much for all the work you’ve put into this! I’ll be so looking forward for the next one. ^^ *Wags happily.*

Posted 07/16/14, edited 07/16/14
The color of the tile meant something? O_o
Posted 07/16/14

Over the course of the event, I screencapped a few things, and figured I’d share. :3 They’re all kinda personal to me, but still thought someone may enjoy them. :3

I got Ilya, but couldn’t play it. ; n ; Bittersweet screenie. </3

My pet, Fury, was featured pet! 8D She looks so angry to be featured pet. XD

Found out “Myla” is not a word. ...EVEN THOUGH IT CAPITALIZED IT FOR SOME REASON? O_o;; Unless it capitalized all the other words and I just didn’t notice. I was so sad when I couldn’t send it to her. ; n ;

Also got Mrlr. ALSO WASN’T A WORD. WTF. D:< Again, super sads. u n u

I was a top sender! I could have had 11, but I didn’t bother to play over the weekend. But I’m still proud of myself to be on top! Doesn’t happen often! X3 So, I took a screenie of it! :3

Kiwi’s Nielti proposed to my Luminelle! <333 Love is in the air~

Keeper_Greymuzzles was the first person to send me one of the words I really wanted! Illy was so happy to receive MERMAID! c’:

Both Firky and Tidda sent me some lovely TOMATOes! <3 Mmmm~ Nomnom!

And, quite possibly my favorite screenie of them all, albeit a bit disturbing. XD I murdered Kiwi’s pet, Reed, and tried to dispose of the body in multiple ways (pretty much all the murder-y sounding words are mine). IN MY DEFENSE. She let me send murder to her, so she’s an accomplice!  SHE MADE ME DO IT! D:


Sorry for the long post! ; w ; If this isn’t the right place for it, just lemme know, and I’ll delete/move it! ^^;;

All in all, I had a really fun time during this event, and I really feel that I get to know more of the users during these events, which is prolly my favorite thing about them. Y’know, other than all the nice stuffs and adorable pets. XD

Thank you to everyone who worked hard to make this event for us. I’m sure I speak for a lot of us when I say that it is extremely appreciated and we love you all so super much. c’: <3 Looking forward to the next event! Can anyone say HALLOWEEN? \o/

Posted 07/16/14, edited 07/16/14

Can anyone say HALLOWEEN? \o/



Posted 07/16/14, edited 07/16/14
lol [tamako] i saw fury when i was sending words i had JUST sent the word fury to someone and then sent calm to fury XD
Posted 07/16/14, edited 07/16/14
Bahaha, that’s great. I was wondering why you sent her that. XD
Posted 07/16/14
97% of shinies have been spent by now :D

How many of the last 3% will go before the shop closes in 16 hours? How many leftover shinies will be entered into the leftover shiny raffle?! We’ll find out sooonnnn~!

Posted 07/20/14, edited 07/20/14