Yeah it’s def IE (I use version 11). I tried it out in chrome and it worked fine. -Kicks IE-
Posted 07/02/14
Ah, good old IE :P For those of you finding it isn’t working and using IE, I’d recommend using an(y) other browser. I don’t have easy access to windows machines so probably won’t be able to see what it’s complaining about until after the event ends.
Some options are Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera
Posted 07/02/14
I downloaded Firefox and yeah, there we go.
It works.. :D
Whoop, thank you~
Posted 07/02/14
The shinies are so shiny and pretty. :DD Can they go up on the misc images page sometime? I wanna see if there are any I haven’t gotten yet.
Posted 07/02/14
Yeah I’d recommend firefox for a browser.
Posted 07/02/14
Does the color of a tile matter?
Posted 07/02/14, edited 07/02/14
Paradise You can use any sort of color combination you’d like when you create your words! :) There is no shiny-value attached with the color.
Chimerical I’ll try to get those up later today. Juney suggested making equippable shinies too… OoooOoOoooooo~ ;)
Posted 07/02/14, edited 07/02/14
I don’t know who to send letters to so I’m just sending them to random people P:
Posted 07/02/14
This is so much fun!! I love word games!!
Posted 07/02/14
-Screams- Equipable shinies would make my life! 8D
Posted 07/02/14
This is SUCH a cool event, so much more fun than regular grab-and-make-and-send things. It takes a clever mind, too! Not that I dislike flower sending, but. Scrabble. *u*
Posted 07/02/14
Wait, is there anything preventing people from sending words like “jhdfsk”?
Posted 07/02/14
Paradise Yes, if you try to send an invalid word to someone’s pet then it will give you an error message instead of sending it.
Posted 07/02/14
I guess I can’t participate then. :(
Thank you anyway.
Posted 07/02/14
If you look at the page in IE, a new button should now appear which will just give you three tiles. You don’t get to pick which ones and they’re always blue, but at least you get tiles ^^
Posted 07/02/14
Is there any advantage to making words that are five or more letters?
Posted 07/03/14
I haven’t seen any so far. When I used long words, it’s basically the total of all the points. :X Unless someone else has something different.
Posted 07/03/14
Jingles Chibi is correct! There is no advantage. Getting long words from people is awesome though—it makes me feel happy when someone uses a lot of tiles to send me a cool/weird word. #OuO#
Posted 07/03/14, edited 07/03/14
This is such an interesting event~
It also looks like tons of fun so I’m looking forward to participating. Shame I have to go on vacation in the middle of it. xD
Posted 07/03/14
I was so excited because I got all the letters to spell out ‘MYCENA’ but apparently it isn’t recognized as a valid word ;-;
Posted 07/03/14
Yay an event! Wish I could have started sooner but I spent the whole day yesterday on planes, I had a four hour layover in Huston that was really boring. I hope I can catch up, there is so much cool stuff I don’t know what I should get!
Posted 07/03/14
So much more fun than the last event! Love making words and sending them to people. :P Its fun and not grindy.
Posted 07/03/14
PyroLuna, I’m sure you’ll still be able to get some of the things you want; we’re only one full day in, out of twelve ;D
Posted 07/03/14

Most dapper animal ever.
Posted 07/03/14
This event is pure genius. :‘D
Posted 07/03/14
How many shinies do y’all have so far?
Posted 07/03/14
Paradise - I’ve got 412 shinies currently. uvu
And that’s even with being distracted throughout parts of the day. |D
This event is super fun so far though~ Can’t wait till the summer shop opens so we can buy all the pretty things. >w<
Posted 07/04/14, edited 07/04/14