18:18 ST
Summer Discovery Dig [Finished!]
Er, sorry glitch where’s this new button for IE browsers? I may or may not be playing this at work, so I don’t have a choice in what browser I use…>.>
Posted 07/04/14
July 2nd, 2014 - Preliminary Stats

Words sent: 3497
Unique words sent: 2603
Word used most: qi (come on everyone, you can do better than that :|)

Longest word sent: 11 letters
Average word length: 4.5 letters

Highest amount of words sent by a single user: 66 words

Most common colour tile used: Purple
Least common colour tile used: Blue

Posted 07/04/14, edited 07/04/14

Blue’s my favorite color though ;u;

From now on I shall only use blue tiles D:<

Posted 07/04/14

But I need my blue tiles.. ;w;
They’re so pretty… -Snuggles them-

Posted 07/04/14
“Longest word sent: 11 letters” Cool, I sent an 11 letter word yesterday XD was Legendaries. I was so proud of myself haha.
Posted 07/04/14
May I ask is there an equal chance of getting each mushroom in the rust geode?
Posted 07/04/14

Shop prices have been posted! :)

Edit: Porphyry - seems IE11 did something irritating with the identifier string… button should appear now on IE11 as well

Posted 07/04/14, edited 07/04/14

Miku - in almost all cases, drasillis shrooms will likely have a lower chance to drop because they are a rarer species. Last event I believe the odds were 40 (Brier) / 40(Ombre) / 20(Sprout) for the red bag.

Based on the newly posted shop prices it looks like all the colors have different odds this time around with Pearl being the most common and the Calcite being the rarest.

Posted 07/04/14
I have a question… Can I play this on my phone ‘cause I have to go to moms cook out ?
Posted 07/04/14
Ourloonybin, Try and find out ;D It depends on your phone and the browser you’re using, but so far all combinations that had issues were fixed, so you should be able to :) I’ve been playing from my tablet on the train occasionally, myself!
Posted 07/04/14
I hope n pray it works.. WooHoo XD
Posted 07/04/14
Well it’s up n running here xD
Posted 07/04/14

Thanks! I am curious if the watermelon will have a higher percentage or not versus the butterfly. I noticed the dog color is worth more in shinnies in the shop- so would that mean it would be more rare in the geode?

Posted 07/04/14
As in the spring event, the prices for items within a geode are proportional to their rarities (although they are comparatively cheaper than the spring event). So, for example, the Monarch Butterfly costs 666 shinies and the Orange Calcite costs 2000 shinies, which means that you are 3 times more likely to get a Monarch from the geode as an Orange Calcite.
Posted 07/04/14, edited 07/04/14

Yay !
14 letter word XD
Only took me last night and today ~
So worth it =w=

Posted 07/04/14

Thank you Glitch for breaking that down a bit better for me. :)

Posted 07/04/14
I made a word longer than 11 letters! It was vocabularies :333
Posted 07/05/14
So apparently a number of you are getting interested in the definitions of words you didn’t realize were words — which is awesome. To help that along, the tiles in your “sent and received” area are now clickable, and will take you to a definition search for the word :)
Posted 07/05/14

That great, glitch! :D
It saves me an extra step since I’ve already been doing that.
I absolutely love this event because studying new vocabulary is one of my favorite hobbies <3

Posted 07/05/14
(Up to and including) July 5th, 2014 - Preliminary Stats #2

We’re now a third of the way into the event, so let’s do another quick overview of some event stats…

Words sent: 14835
Unique words sent: 7288
Word used most: qi, 112 times

I don’t think this is going to change anymore, because…
Words used most after that:
letters, 36 times
cave, 36 times
mushroom, 31 times
rain, 26 times
(see what I did tharr? TOTALLY INFLUENCING THE DATAZ \\o)

Longest word sent: 14 letters
Average word length: 4.6 letters

Most common colour tile used: Purple
Least common colour tile used: Green

Total tiles collected: 70777
Total tiles discarded: 1728

Total users participating: 218

...And the average user can now afford a coat :D (Right on schedule!)

4 days down, 8 days to go everyone, good luck getting the things you want!

Posted 07/06/14, edited 07/06/14
Why couldn’t I get as many petals as I get shinies? :c
Posted 07/06/14
Paradise: you earn shinies a lot faster than you earn petals. That’s also why the shop items cost more shinies than the spring shop items cost in petals ^^
Posted 07/06/14


Oh, that explains it. Heheh. Thanks for telling.

Posted 07/06/14
Oh also I added pagination because the loading times for players who have lots and lots of words was noticeably increasing.
Posted 07/06/14
Yayyy, pagination is much appreciated glitch! \o/
Posted 07/06/14

By the looks of it I should be able to get everything I want + extra so I’m super happy with that. I like how you guys are organizing the shops for these events, it makes it a lot nicer to collect what I want without stressing over it, while still presenting a challenge.

I’m really enjoying this event, even if I’m using a word creator for it, I’m learning a lot of words I never knew existed and it’s a lot of fun.

Posted 07/06/14
Some words are so special. Like Den is worth 4 shinies but Jeu is worth like 9. @.@
Posted 07/07/14


I love whoever thought of this. <3333

Posted 07/07/14
so upset that it told me this — “Zoetrope” is not a valid word :(
Posted 07/08/14


omg i mean thanks devious and Stanari but omg what

Posted 07/11/14, edited 07/11/14