18:49 ST
Summer Discovery Dig [Finished!]

Huzzah, an event!! ^o^ *throws confetti*

... But it’s another clicky-only event?! </3 v.v *sweeps up broken heart* I thought… Aah, well… Here goes another 11 days of my life full of depression, disappointment, and no sleep. XD The hallucinations that start up after a few days at least keep it amusing? lol

Posted 07/01/14

This event sounds exciting! Too bad I have to start a full-time internship halfway into the event.

Do we only get one letter per mining attempt? 15 minute intervals seem pretty far apart, especially if we have users working or going to summer school.

Posted 07/01/14

Recursion “Every 15 minutes you’ll be able to mine out another three letters.” ;D

Skye There’s a lot of thinky involved, too! /is always brainstorming for more diverse events, though

Posted 07/01/14, edited 07/01/14

Ah, this is so cool!  Definitely not what I was imagining for an event :3 Although…I don’t know very many people here, so it looks like just a couple people’s pets are gonna get spammed. 

Another question though, you mentioned you could trade your letters in for shinies, but do you get anything (other than the shortened time interval for four letter+ words) for completing and sending a word to someone?

Posted 07/01/14
Monologue, as glitch’s post says, when you send someone a word, you get shinies for however many points that word was worth. Those shinies can then be spent in the Underground Marketplace on items and coats :) Otherwise, for words longer than 4 letters, you & the person you sent the word to get a minute off their timer, and the pet you sent the word to gets it added to their pet profile (for the duration of the event, much like the bouquets in the spring event).
Posted 07/01/14
Oh, I’m sorry, I completely missed that on the first read through.  Thank you :3
Posted 07/01/14
No problem at all, glad I could be of use :D
Posted 07/01/14

I just sent my boyfriend the text:
“Just so you are aware, there is another event on Mycena Cave starting at 1am (our time),
So even though I’m coming over this evening, be prepared for me obsessively checking my computer every 15 minutes and possible bells until the 13th. Just a forewarning.”

He doesn’t really mind, but I sorta get a little too absorbed in the computer screen during events.
But I’m hoping this will be like the Spring Event, and I’ll be able to get everything if I’m fully dedicated, but it will still allow me get 8 hours of sleep? :D

Also, if at all possible, can you…
Show us the prizes before the event starts?
I think seeing the prizes at the same time of the event might be a bit overload, and I like to plan ahead :‘D

Posted 07/01/14, edited 07/01/14
I love that I’m not working tomorrow so I can enjoy this.
Posted 07/01/14

Prizes? : D Yes? I am going to die of impatience before midnight.

Also looked at the event rules.


Posted 07/01/14



*disqualifies Shima*

Posted 07/01/14
-gives Shima some of my extra fun- There is no rule against sharing fun C:  <3
Posted 07/01/14, edited 07/01/14
Words!! \o/
Posted 07/01/14
My first thought… “How important are 4th of July fireworks really?” We’re talking event goodies, I can’t miss out xD
Posted 07/01/14
Fun 8D! My words might be small, spelling is not me strong point xP.
Posted 07/01/14
I’m glued to my laptop, heh. Can’t wait!
Posted 07/01/14
Wow, this looks like tons of fun! I can’t wait to get started!
Posted 07/02/14
And it’s on! OuO
Posted 07/02/14
I’m assuming only English words are recognized? *not sure if this was already addressed*
Posted 07/02/14
Oh my gosh. Just started - this is the cutest event ever. Wordsmithing… d’aw.
Posted 07/02/14
I love the shinies. Love them. I shall make a pile and hoard them.
Posted 07/02/14

I don’t understand how this works. :( When I go to the game page and see the rows of golden boxes (Collected Tiles, Wordsmithing Bench) and click on them, nothing happens.

So I clicked the “Mine” button and went to a cave where it told me to select three tiles. I did so, and purple tiles showed up at the top. But there were no letters, and…after I selected those tiles, nothing happened, not even when I clicked on them. There’s no link to return to the game page or anything. I clicked back to the page with the wordsmithing bench and there was still nothing there to make any words with. Clicking “Shuffle” does nothing either. I went mining several times, each time with the same lack of results.

Sorry I’m so naive. Is some special software needed or something…? I have Flash enabled, I’m able to play the fishing and cave collapse games just fine. :(

ETA, I don’t know anybody to give any words to anyway so I guess it doesn’t matter…though I do wish the instructions were clearer. I feel terribly ignorant, like I’m missing out on something everybody else gets. -_-

Posted 07/02/14, edited 07/02/14
tehuti88, did you pick all 3 letters at that point?  I know that the letters don’t appear until all three are picked and then it takes you back to the main page.  Or at least, it’s supposed to.
Posted 07/02/14
Yes, in the mine I selected three tiles repeatedly…they show up at the top, but then nothing happens. :/
Posted 07/02/14

tehuti88, I’m not seeing any tiles appear for you in the list, either. Could you check if it works in another browser?

Could you also let us know what browser you’re using and what version of that browser, and whether javascript is enabled? (I guess it does, as you say Cave In! works, but it’s very strange for that to work & this not to work.. It’s like your browser isn’t allowing redirects, but that’s something glitch would know, heh /failjavascripter)

Posted 07/02/14
Whee~! This is so much fun!! C:
Posted 07/02/14
Cool. :3
Posted 07/02/14

I’m actually having the same problem as tehuti88…

I use internet explorer aaand I think it’s the internet explorer11 version?
Pretty sure Javascript is enabled, yeah~

Can’t wait to get started, it sounds so cute! :D

Posted 07/02/14
I’ll try internet exploderr when I get home, see if I encounter the same issue. In the mean time, Saruh, do you have another browser you could try? Firefox or Chrome, maybe?
Posted 07/02/14

I’m using IE9 (outdated, I know, but so far it’s worked all right for me). JavaScript is enabled.

I’m afraid I haven’t another browser to try out. :/

Posted 07/02/14