06:49 ST
[EVENT] The Stoneskin Outbreak (Nov 10th - Nov 24th)
Just reached 100 gathers, still no moss. Guys. I’m cursed. >^<
Posted 11/17/19

Now that the shop is open, I’m having so much fun seeing all the items.

Also the talisman bags are amazing! I kinda want them as equips, not gonna lie xD

Posted 11/17/19
Hi, I have a question ^^ When I spend points on the shop, the Achievements page will still show me my total points, right?
Posted 11/17/19
Yep! Ours shows our total, but the main event page shows how many we have left.
Posted 11/17/19
Awesome, thanks Ishy and Sapphy!
Posted 11/17/19
will the event shop be open after the event itself has ended? i feel like this was a thing for previous events.
Posted 11/18/19


Yes,  shop will stay open for a certain amount of time after event end to allow players time to buy stuff.  Some like to wait until the end before buying since they want to see their total amounts. Usually with some events players have unused materials that’s not enough to make anything so they’re converted to points or whatever currency the event is using.

Posted 11/18/19
I just found two-three grave waters in a row. Did the chance of finding them increase, or did I just have insane luck?
Posted 11/18/19
-Bat I think the chance of getting grave water went up a decent bit. (I assume the moss did too, and I’ve just been incredibly unlucky with it. :‘D)
Posted 11/18/19
*quietly makes grabbypaws at that Grave Water boost* I have gotten three more mosses just over this morning alone myself, so I expect the rate of that is increased too if they have been, too! But the grave water still hates me.
Posted 11/18/19
We adjusted the rates of stage 2 and stage 3 infections yesterday, but we have not adjusted the collection odds since the 11th!
Posted 11/18/19
Myla Will the collection odds be changed at all? Getting a bit disheartened I’m not going to get any moss :’)
Posted 11/18/19
Hecate We treated the 2nd and 3rd stages as bonuses (in that the shop prices are tuned to ignoring stage 2/stage 3 points) in our statistical analysis rather than calibrating it into our achievements rates/calculations, so the rates are unlikely to change.
Posted 11/18/19, edited 11/18/19
I’m convinced that moss is a myth.
Posted 11/18/19
I have 2 moss sitting in my inventory but no water.
Posted 11/18/19
Myla i honestly think the rates should be changed. the pricing and handling of the talisman items is really quite exorbitant, and everything adds up very fast when it comes to spending points. on top of the fact that grave water and especially moss is so sparse, no one can reasonably be expected to get much out of the event. i doubt i’ll get everything i was hoping to get. i hope that you reconsider.
Posted 11/19/19

I can’t fit it on the namespace, but if someone sees my pet/Totally Normal Ineki at stage 3, would you mind to save the image and send it to me? I want to see it but I don’t think I’ll get a chance. I love the saturation effect on the rainbows and I want to see what happens to the expression (they look SO AMGRY at stage two because of the eyebrow effect lmao)

fwiw I’m still under the legacy point system and have had to deeply recalibrate my expectations for what I can afford/collect with my event points. The changes to the timers and the way the bell works (by not going off at all or dinging 2-3 times after I’ve switched sides), just happens to intersect with some stuff meaning I haven’t been able to participate as much. even when I have my phone with me. It’s not ruined my time or anything, but it [i[has[/i] made this event wear out its welcome a little bit faster, especially with the news that 2/3 of the cheevos are essentially impossible/rng/not-meant-to-be-acquired.

(But shoutout to the purrfectly lovely anon sent me a gargoyle so at least I could get some of the other items as well as the pet :) ur the REAL healer here <3 )

Posted 11/19/19, edited 11/19/19
;) I try
Posted 11/19/19

I feel that the Glowing Moss’s drop rate is so low that it’s almost discouraging. As of this post I’ve healed 148, 15 of which are stage 2, 3 of which are stage 3. That amounts to:

148 Brown Mushroom + 6 in inventory
15 (+3) = 18 Grave Water + 3 in inventory
3 Glowing Moss

For a total of 178 scavenges. So my rate of getting Glowing Moss is 3/178 = 1.69%. That’s even rarer than getting those ultra rare characters in some gacha games.

Posted 11/19/19, edited 11/19/19
I currently have 197 cursed and 261 healed (of which 7 stage 2 and 10 stage 3).  I guess I’ve been really lucky with my ingredients but I’m 100% sure even with my luck I won’t get either higher tier to 20 heals.
Posted 11/20/19, edited 11/20/19

Mycenians cursed: 234

Inflicted Mycenians healed: 224
Stage-2 Inflicted Mycenians healed: 22
Stage-3 Inflicted Mycenians healed: 7

Legacy Points - 340
Updated Model - 468

Under the old system, I only have 4 achievements left: Curse 300, Heal 40 Stage 2, and Heal 10 & 20 Stage 3. I know I’m not going to clear out all the new ones but I’m not that upset about it really since they were part of the balancing act. But if I can max out the old system I’ll be quite pleased with myself. 

Posted 11/20/19

2 hours ago: Somehow just being around it seems to have been enough… you succumb to the Stoneskin Curse!
×4 hours ago: Griselda (Bone Monster) has cured you of the Stoneskin Curse. How kind of them!
×5 hours ago: Somehow just being around it seems to have been enough… you succumb to the Stoneskin Curse!
×7 hours ago: Griselda (Bone Monster) has cured you of the Stoneskin Curse. How kind of them!
×8 hours ago: Somehow just being around it seems to have been enough… you succumb to the Stoneskin Curse!

The site seems to have gotten a bit confused last night XD;

My ratios:
Cursed: 228
Cured: 170
Stage 2: 14
Stage 3: 5

i have gotten stuck as infected for 6-8 hours on most days. I know that’s part of the game and has certainly helped me get high achievements in infecting, but it’d be nice to at least try for high level healing achievements. Has anyone else gotten stuck?

Posted 11/20/19, edited 11/20/19

So I’m curious as to whether people spend more time in Stage 1, or Stages 2 and 3.

Hypothesis 1: People spend more time in Stage 1 bc there are more Stage 1s, meaning it’s less likely you’ll be picked out of the pool to be cured.

Hypothesis 2: People spend more time in Stage 1 bc people with advanced salves are gunning for Stages 2 and 3 to cure. Saving LBMs to make higher stage salves also means that people are less likely to cure Stage 1s.

Hypothesis 3: People spend more time in Stages 2 and 3 simply because there are fewer ingredients to make advanced salves, therefore it takes longer for those salves to be made. Even though there is a smaller pool of people to cure, the scarcity of advanced salves means that people spend longer in Stages 2 and 3.

Posted 11/20/19
Posted 11/21/19
Forgive my ignorance if this has already been addressed and I just missed it in the MASSIVE thread, but I’ve noticed that when I leave the timer running and am cursed/healed during that time, it adds a full minute to my timer after I click on the button. Is that intentional?
Posted 11/21/19

Foxcat Cursed have a slightly longer timer than the healthy! If you are cursed, a minute is added to your timer—if you’re cured, a minute is taken away.

Cursed—15 min timer
Healthy—14 min timer

Posted 11/21/19
Chimerical Ohhhhhhhhhh! That would explain it. Thanks! :D
Posted 11/21/19
D: I am NOT having fun with this event.
Posted 11/22/19
If the cave was an actual being I’d like to sit down and have a talk with it for cursing me every time someone heals me. I just need that few more gathers for an achievement and the cave isn’t letting me *screams*
Posted 11/22/19
Heads up! One day left

There’s just under 24 hours left before the official end-time of the event. However, that doesn’t mean you have to stop playing!

On November 24 at 13:00 ST, the Cave will stop performing its rebalances. You will continue to be able to forage for ingredients and infect or cure other Mycenians until one side has taken over completely. Think of this as some bonus time to make the end of the event slightly less jarring than just “the minute clicked over, so everything stops” :)

Posted 11/23/19