06:17 ST
[EVENT] The Stoneskin Outbreak (Nov 10th - Nov 24th)

All hail Meru of the toggles.

That’s super useful thanks!

Posted 11/15/19

More wigs more wigs!!!!

I need like 10 different colours of them!! I love how versatile they are!

Posted 11/15/19
The wigs look really cool! I love all the toggles!
Posted 11/15/19

Oh wait oh..
So the Talisman is a bug that you’ll get one random item inside it??
No one can get three mushrooms for 66 points, right?

Posted 11/16/19

Talismans will randomly drop one item from the pool they’re associated with - so no, you can’t get all three mushrooms from a single talisman. Getting all three will require either three talismans (minimum) and the favour of the rng gods, buying them outright from the event shop, or trading for them after the event!

Posted 11/16/19, edited 11/16/19

(why do i have to do math even outside the school←_←

probably not a good choice for me to test my luck with the talisman cuz i have the power of no luck.
worst to the bottom. like no one will trade with me.←_←

thx for monerator btw~ ‘:3

Posted 11/16/19, edited 11/16/19

I love the wig so much! I need at least 2! Super cute.

Really excited to see which achievement system works best in the end, so far the legacy is a clear winner for me right now.

Anyone else still having no luck with getting moss? I’ve gathered a total of 90 times, with 10 being waters and 0 moss, I’m starting to lose hope I’ll get any of the stage 3 achievements T0T

Posted 11/16/19
For me, moss isn’t the issue, have 5 make that 6 mosses now, but I can’t get grave water to save my life. *makes grabby hands at picture* At least if I got water I could make tier 2 meds, but nope, I just drown in moss. XD
Posted 11/16/19, edited 11/16/19
Me too, Inevera.  I have not found one single moss the entire event.  The new 20 points for curing just one stage 3 is taunting me.
Posted 11/16/19

Dracogryph If only we could trade haha, I’ve been having more luck with waters, gotten more in the last day than over 4. I’m keeping one stocked for when I eventually get moss :’)

luccamajere I knowww, so many points just sitting there! I get hopeful every time I gather, but it’s always just another mushroom T0T

Posted 11/16/19
I’ve been getting nothing but mushrooms. I’ve only been able to make the 2nd and 3rd meds once XD
Posted 11/16/19

I’m so, so glad the wig is toggleable and there’s shorter bangs underneath!! I adore the style of it, but I just cannot stand when the bangs cover the eyes so much, so I was so bummed that for personal style the wig would be pretty much unusable. Now, though, I’ll need a whole collection 8) so its both a curse and a blessing cause now i gotta spend more points to get wigs oooo

and i would totally root for some of the other wigs with eye-covering bangs to have toggles like this o:

Posted 11/16/19, edited 11/16/19

Numbers cause lol ....

Total gatherings 163

Grave water 18   11%

Glowing moss 3   0.0184%

WHY?!? Not even 1 percent for moss.

Posted 11/16/19

My numbers are similar to Chibi’s -

mushrooms: 185
grave water: 21
moss: 3

It definitely seems more advantageous to spend longer on the heal side right now, since that side has more/harder achievements.









Posted 11/16/19
I find it funny that I get to make tier 3 salves when there are only tier 2 cursed for a long while, and vice versa. It must be the times of night and morning I get to mess with the event most often. People are either not on or all on at once.
Posted 11/16/19

My stats so far…

Mycenians cursed: 85

Inflicted Mycenians healed: 94 (plus five held shroom)
Stage-2 Inflicted Mycenians healed: 3 (plus one held water)
Stage-3 Inflicted Mycenians healed: 2

so that’s

104 mushrooms
6 grave waters
2 glowing moss


Posted 11/16/19
Finally I managed to get a moss.
Posted 11/16/19

Inflicted Mycenians healed: 107 (plus 5 mushies)
Stage-2 Inflicted Mycenians healed: 11 (plus 2 waters)
Stage-3 Inflicted Mycenians healed: 1

:c the moss is awfully hard to come by!

Posted 11/16/19

For me it’s:
Brown mushroom: 39 (about 81%)
Grave water: 5 (about 10%)
Glowing moss: 4 (about 8%)

......which seems to be much higher gathering rate for moss than many peeps here. I’d say it’s just rng, either I’m super lucky or you’re super unlucky :(

Posted 11/17/19
I’m sitting at 120 gathers and 8 each of moss and water out of that. I currently actually have five mosses lying around waiting for grave water….and that’s not even counting if I want to heal any more stage 2 cursed too. Definitely feels less rewarding overall to heal due to the higher difficulties of ring to it (needing up to three different items and then actually having anyone of higher stages around when you actually DO finally get the right things…I’ve had a couple times I had to sit with stage 3 salves because whenever I wasn’t cursed, there weren’t any stage 3 cursed to heal).
Posted 11/17/19

At the moment, our ratios look thusly:

Curses: 240

Brown Shrooms: 213
Grave Water: 25
Moss: 5

Posted 11/17/19

yeah, the amount of grave water and especially moss has proven to be… pretty horrible. now that the shop has opened, too, my points went ridiculously fast, despite being in the event as long as i’m able to during the day… only to get five parasols out of the bags.

i really think the points system needs to be a little more generous, and the item rates need tweaking badly.

Posted 11/17/19
I have been clicking all OVER the image and so far, since the rebalancing of the achievements, all I’ve gotten is mushrooms. For the past few days. Like ohhhhh my goddd please. I haven’t even healed ONE Lv3 :(
Posted 11/17/19
Wow… I’ve managed to grab 2 moss this morning. The most ever since I started this event.
Posted 11/17/19

-Gasp- What’s this?


It has no description…how mysterious…

Posted 11/17/19, edited 11/17/19

its in the Consumables pocket. my guess is its got the three event coats in it.

Posted 11/17/19
doragon I’m not so sure! We haven’t had event mushrooms in quite a while, and this uses new art, not the usual template. I’m willing to stake money that this might be a desaturation shroom ala the curse!
Posted 11/17/19, edited 11/17/19
you might be right! i guess we will have to see.
Posted 11/17/19

*whispers* Desaturation shrooom? ouo *crosses fingers and toes*

Posted 11/17/19

I’m inclined to think desaturation shroom too. To quote Myly from the Sprocket event:

We have been casually tossing around the idea of moving away from the Spring X Mushrooms for a few years because that mushroom is a bit weird in that it’s inconsistent with other events (why don’t we have them for other events.. why did we stop doing that with the other clicky event? etc.) and likely not super necessary since there tends to be enough event mushrooms getting released that it’s a pretty saturated market already & there is another avenue to produce more (changingshrooms). That being said, it was accidental so we’re not exactly sure where we’re going with it yet. :‘DMyla

I’d imagine the same holds true for this event too.

Posted 11/17/19, edited 11/17/19