Since we were on the subject of the saturation thing which is something I’ve also wanted for years, but maybe with an upper and lower limit to preserve the art style and consistency, could we maybe have a lock option for the driftshrooms and the saturation thing? I have accidentally hit buttons on mobile and been really upset with myself for losing the perfect drift or growing my sprout to the baby stage when I hadn’t meant to do that. Also like if we could save a drift that’s be awesome as well. Maybe a function where we can pay a gem and save a drift? It could be overwritable or not, but something like that would be really fun so we can keep drifting a pet but be able to keep ideal drifts.
Posted 11/13/19
I’m glad we seem to be getting more stage twos and threes(I even got cursed with stage 3 once!), but now I all I keep getting are the little brown mushrooms.. I only got the water once and was able to make the salve for stage 2. I do now have 2 of the moss, but I can’t do anything with them without the water.. Is this something that needs to be fixed, or am I just really unlucky.
Posted 11/13/19
We’re getting cursed so often that we’re really struggling to do *any* curing, especially curing of stages 2 or 3. Also we’ve only every found one glowing moss. At this rate, we’ll have no trouble cursing 300 people (we’re already about halfway there), and we should be able to cure the stage 2s for the chievos as long as we keep getting grave water at roughly the same rate, but we definitely won’t be able to cure the stage 3s by the end up the event. :( Edit: Grisleda cured us and we were immediately cursed again darnit.
Posted 11/13/19, edited 11/13/19
Heads up! Two important notes
Stockpiling of healing supplies (please don’t)
Some players are stockpiling significant quantities of healing supplies and salves instead of using them, presumably with the intention of using them towards the end of the event. Unlike our spring crafting events, stockpiling ingredients does not provide an advantage. Rather, it impairs event mechanics, adversely affecting all players. In the short term it’s a minor inconvenience: it skews the balance between the two teams, forcing more frequent rebalance events by the Bone Monster. In the long term, it becomes a major detractor for all players: if a large backlog of salves are used towards the end of the event the healable population dries up very quickly, forcing very frequent rebalances and creating a period at the end of the event where even non-stockpilers can’t use their salves at all while the event sits in a loop of waiting for the grace periods of everyone who got cursed in a rebalance to expire before almost immediately triggering another one, rinse and repeat until the event ends with many unused salves and understandably unhappy players. As such, we ask players to please regularly use healing supplies instead of stockpiling them. In order to constrain the issue and support a smooth ending for the event, we will also be implementing two changes over the next few days:
We will be instituting a hard cap on unused ingredients at 25 ingredients. A hard cap of 25 ingredients means that you will be unable to forage for ingredients if you already have 25 or more unused ingredients on hand. If you find yourself unable to forage for ingredients, you can fix the situation by using your ingredients and brewing salves. In order to accommodate players who have a large number of unused ingredients already, this cap will initially be set to 85 ingredients and will be lowered by 15 every day until it reaches its final value of 25.
We will be instituting a soft cap on unused salves at 5 salves. A soft cap of 5 salves means that you will be unable to brew salves if you have at 5 or more unused salves on hand and there are currently players that could be healed with salves that you have on hand. If you find yourself unable to brew salves, you can fix the situation by using salves you already have to heal cursed Mycenians. Note that these caps cannot put you into a position where you are blocked. If you are unable to harvest ingredients, you can brew salves to fix it. If you are unable to brew salves, you can heal cursed players to fix it. If you are unable to heal cursed players, you will be able to brew salves even if you are over cap, at which point you will be able to harvest ingredients again. When implemented, both caps will be visible on your event page. Griselda’s healing of Stage 2 and Stage 3 infected There has been some confusion about the Bone Monster healing people that are Stage 2 and Stage 3 cursed. Some time ago, I stated: People infected with Stage 2 or Stage 3 of the Stoneskin Curse are not targeted by the re-balance events - they need to be cured by actual players (though if this proves untenable, we will revisit this)glitch It did indeed quickly prove to be untenable and so was changed — during curse rebalances, targeted players are cursed at all three stages like normal, so preventing the reverse during heal rebalances didn’t work. Unfortunately I forgot to announce this or even tell anyone on staff, so we’ve also been telling players that that it was a mistake and would be fixed. So to clarify: this behavior is intended and will continue to happen. I apologize for causing this confusion.
Posted 11/14/19
Been trying to get grave water and glowing moss so I can craft the more powerful potions. D: Sadly I’ve been getting mostly the shrooms or I’ve been cursed before I can get any. Edit: Why am I constantly at stage 1 whenever I’m cursed? I’ve been at stage 2 a couple of times and one time at stage 3 though all these times were rather short lived since I’m healed once the cooldown ends.
Posted 11/14/19, edited 11/14/19
People have such huge stockpiles :O How, am I doing something wrong here?! On another note, I actually spend about 5 hours at a Stage 3 curse last night before I had to go to bed (so maybe more afterwards), so it seems there aren’t as many high level salve yet
Posted 11/14/19
glitch As far as I’m aware, this particular type of game (humans vs. zombies) was not designed to be played long-term. All the matches I’ve ever seen have lasted no more than 15-20 minutes, if that. Not to mention that the playerbase is too small, and the site itself has always been focused on RP, so likely a lot of people are playing the way their characters would. Forcing people to play a certain way makes it even more frustrating. Right now, what seems to be happening is a lot of continually tweaking and artificially extending something that wasn’t meant to run this long, until the event ends with many unattainable achievements and understandably unhappy players. >.> The reason some people are stockpiling supplies is because of the extremely high stage 2/3 healing achievement requirements. In order to do those you need 80 brown mushrooms, 60 water, and 40 glowing moss. And those achievements are more than a fifth of the total possible points, which means not getting those is a huge loss. I know shop prices are going to get recalculated, but will that take into account the people who get screwed by rng? The event is half over and I have only found one single glowing moss this entire time. :/ Even with increased rates, unless they go up drastically, even trying for those achievements is a huge waste because if you use all those supplies on higher end salves, and don’t make it to the next achievement, you basically have lost everything you gathered anyway. Especially when it takes hours just to collect those supplies. Are achievements/points going to be re-calculated along with shop prices? D: Right now, the achievements themselves are likely deterring people from using cures. Because as it stands, there’s no point curing people, especially at higher stages, unless you know you can get to the next achievement. ...On a completely unrelated note, earlier, Myla inexplicably gets revenge for me laughing at a typo she made 5 years ago. :| [00:50:34] Ashlar: lol
Posted 11/14/19
I’m jealous of the people who have been able to stockpile at all! I’ve still not gotten any moss, and cant remember the last time I got water haha I’ve been spending much more time in this event than past events, and its gotten me barely any reward, with only 70 points, I don’t see how I’m ever going to reach my 400 minimum for everything I want.
Posted 11/14/19, edited 11/14/19
I mostly just forget to heal people with my salves, oops. Just kind of had the event running in the background while I work on other things and it adds up. Has nothing to do with waiting for the end of the event, just healing people one at a time takes a while and I’m lazy. Heheh…derp.
Posted 11/14/19
Ashlar (I’m not responding to your other points because I am largely in agreement. I’ve been doing pretty well in the event, but I have also only seen a single moss, to the point where I don’t even bother stockpiling ingredients because the chances of me pulling one are so astronomically unlikely that I might as well not even bother.)
Posted 11/14/19
My stats to date: (I’ve been healing in batches of 5 or 10 with the stage 1 cures however I heal as soon as I can craft a stage 2 or 3 cure.) 95 cursed Does that seem like the correct ratio or do I have bad RNG (which is common for me)? I currently have 1 glowing miss, it’s the grave water that seems to be holding me back. As it stands I might be able to max out curses with some luck by the end of the event but if I do it will be to the detriment of being able to progress through the stage 2 and 3 cure achieves. Edit: I’m not sure if I imagined it or not but I was at 70 level one heals and when I healed a level 3 I was suddenly at 71 level one heals. I’ve evened myself up to 80 so I’ll keep an eye on it for next time.
Posted 11/14/19, edited 11/14/19
I’m actually the opposite of you Malis! I can’t seem to stay infected long enough to get my infection total up, which isn’t a huge deal because the healer seems objectively more difficult what with the crafting aspect of it. Cursed: 61 I have gotten a pretty even ratio of things, though I actually got more of the glowing moss and grave water at the start of the event than I have been getting now. Which is fine, moss seem to be in demand, I get a pretty decent amount of gravewater still!
Posted 11/14/19, edited 11/14/19
66 total healed 147 cursed I keep getting cursed just when I go to salvage. Literally got cursed while I was on the giant collection image page and when I went back got the “you can’t salvage while cursed” message and screamed lol. But yeah, for me the moss seems nonexistent
Posted 11/14/19
Hina I feel your pain. I’ve had the timer ding and then immediately have a new timer because I got bitten ‘just moments ago’.
Posted 11/14/19
Hyasynthetic If it’s your janky rng luck then it’s mine too. XD I have also gotten less grave water and glowing moss since stage 2/3 has started showing up. All the ones I managed to heal, mostly, were stockpiled resources from the start of the event.
Posted 11/14/19
I go hours without getting cursed and when I get cursed I get healed rather fast, so please curse me XD At the beginning of the event I got switched more often between being healed and cursed. Edit: Found another moss.
Posted 11/14/19, edited 11/14/19
Hyasynthetic, just for reference, I’m sitting at 18 robot-swaps. ![]() . I tend to agree with Ashlar in this case. If the number of players we cure/curse is managed by an automated system, and we’re told we must act in specific ways regarding the crafting/healing — then what are were actually doing as players? Obviously this is a learning thing, and everyone’s doing their best, I know the points at the end will work out. I’m not mad/hurt/whatever about it or anything, just a little bored by the lack of agency.
Posted 11/14/19
Jacq I haven’t found that there’s a lack of agency at all, but I had the opportunity to play the week-long HvZ at my old uni. You might as well say there’s no agency in that because it has rules. (EG, I had no agency in playing because I could only convert people on campus between lectures) From my perspective, this is just a more ping-pong-y version of that. There are definitely improvements to be made, certainly, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the base mechanics (or rather, the base mechanics as they were intended, if not necessarily implemented.)
Posted 11/14/19