06:45 ST
[EVENT] The Stoneskin Outbreak (Nov 10th - Nov 24th)

you know what i’m really liking this event bc of how little i have to interact with other people

i’ve been getting way more tier 2 and 3 salve ingredients lately tho *thinking emoji*

Posted 11/14/19
Finally stage 2 curse. Didn’t last 30 mins though. About 15 mins.
Posted 11/14/19
I feel like anytime I am in a different tab for a while and I get infected before the timer dings, I don’t hear the timer go off. I am not sure if I just don’t notice it, or if there is something messing up the timer ding. Does anyone else have that issue? Maybe I’m just dense.
Posted 11/14/19
In honor of the event, I’m watching Gargoyles on Disney+
Posted 11/14/19

No it’s not just you. I use sounds all the time, and this is the first event I genuinely have had “silent alarms” than ever. I know I’ve heard it, and excluding my phone, but on my PC during this event the timer just doesn’t seem to make a sound even if I stay on that tab when the timer rolls over. It seems to favor not ringing regardless of whether I ‘change teams’ or not. I typically go a couple hours cured (I get cured so fast that I’m rarely cursed long) and I’ve watched as the timer doesn’t make a sound, instead its just “DING DING DING” written at the top of the tab.

I’m used to it now though and just reminding myself to check every 15 ish minutes instead lol

Posted 11/14/19
Hiiro I am glad I’m not just making things up, haha. I have ended up setting a phone alarm to make my phone buzz to remind me in case I get distracted and don’t notice or don’t get a ding.
Posted 11/14/19

hello everyone i have now 2 glowing moss and havent had any grave water since getting the first….. you stage 3 folk remain safe…. for now….. but beware….. soon as i get some hydration its OVER for you nerds

(this is mostly my way of reporting my experience with the rng because i know that’s something that’s been tweaked a lot) (i haven’t been reading much of this because im at a conference but this event is a lot of fun now that i can play!) (actually its really frustrating how often i get changed like TWO minutes before my buzzer goes, but once you get flipped you can do something for that side pretty quickly so i guess its not so bad haha)

less than a minute ago: Somehow just being around it seems to have been enough… you succumb to the Stoneskin Curse!


Posted 11/14/19, edited 11/14/19
can we talk about how a lot of players tell others not to curse/heal in their pet names? why are they participating if they don’t want to do half the event? is there logic behind that?
Posted 11/14/19
Heads up! Achievement update

Now that we have a little over four days’ worth of data, we’ve been able to analyze it and determine a more reasonable achievement scale. This new scale has been tuned in accordance with the event shop prices as they are now, so the shop prices have not changed.

The primary differences between the two achievement models is that the new model has many more available achievements at much more regular intervals, and makes many more points available. Because the old system was so heavily front-loaded, a few players will find that at this stage of the event they earned more under the old model. As such, we’re actually running both models at the same time, and when calculating your points, whichever model results in a higher value is used.

You can see the new updates by clicking the “View Achievements” button on the event page.

Posted 11/14/19
Ollieshark For some it might be because they have been cursed for most of the time and would prefer to stay healed to collect items (or vice versa). If I see it I will refrain from spoiling their day by going against what they ask.
Posted 11/15/19

Oh now the achievement rescaling is interesting. :D I currently have more points with the legacy system, but I have a feeling the new system will catch up at some point.

It’ll be interesting to see which system winds up having more players end with it.

Posted 11/15/19

Casually leaves this here:

Posted 11/15/19

glitch We have a question-

Do the Stage 2 and Stage 3 heals count towards the total amount healed, or are they entirely separate?

Posted 11/15/19
It would appear that the desaturation effect doesn’t work on geness pages. Is this intended, or a bug?
Posted 11/15/19

glitch is that all the glowing moss we’ve been looking for? xD

Ollieshark for me it’s definitely what Malis said. Before the achievement adjustment, I encouraged being cursed and people went for it. A lot. I currently have 160 people cursed and not even a hundred cured lol. So I definitely would like some more time scavenging, though I’m not going to be upset if I get cursed in the process. People gotta do what they gotta do, ya know? For some, people had expressed that they didn’t like that they were having to curse someone, but if that person is willing it makes it easier for these kind-hearted players. It’s a reassurance to them.

I will say I’ve noticed some of the names getting overly aggressive though and I don’t think that’s cool. We’re all here to have fun guys

Ishy and Sapphy they did under the old system. At least when I cured a stage 2 the total number changed as well

Posted 11/15/19

I love the look of the new model :) The smaller increments further on make it a more rewarding experience because the next task up is achievable and not nearly so daunting!

Interestingly my points are exactly the same on the two models at the moment but I am sure they will end up higher on the new one. I love the fact that you will award us with the one that is best for us.

It now looks like it should be possible to get the things I most want without the highest levels of Stage 2 and 3 healing, so if I can’t get enough water and moss it shouldn’t matter.

Thanks for all of the hard work you are putting in to make it fun for us. I am really enjoying myself :)

Posted 11/15/19
I’m kind of amused that as of right now, I’m actually earned more points under the legacy achievement system. Thank you muchly for the update though glitch and keeping us all posted about everything! <33
Posted 11/15/19

bone monster has cured me from my first time stage 3 curse…
I thought i was unbreakable that time!!! and im lookin cool!!! ; - ;
(cuz i just can’t get the glowing moss like forever.

is the bone playing too? or he is making the numbers on both sides with never ending items or he’s a computer…
but being bored and turning myself to curse was pretty silly •_•;

i was thinking to ask if a kid, that can only face the computer once a day, then they can only hit once or twice a day and that will be holy blue X’D , and i almost gone like that if my wifi keep breaking, scared.
and suggest that if i can save the last few rounds if i missed.

this event is surprisingly hella fun??!

Posted 11/15/19

btw i only heard the ding sound ONCE
till now and it sound nice^^ better than a new token to the piggie bank.

Posted 11/15/19

The image glitch posted last night shows where players are clicking on the collection image. I say we all start booping the statues on the nose. 8) (Hina when building the event, glitch was contemplating making it so that where you click did effect what ingredient was collected! I was curious if players would try to click the little explorers in the image after the event where we had the clickable mycenian in the image.)

Arintol They must just brighten each other up when they are together. :‘D It isn’t intended that they lose their desaturation on geness pages though.

Ishy and Sapphy Stage 2 and Stage 3 heals count toward the “Inflicted Mycenians healed” number.

Tiffbu Bone Monster rebalances number of curse vs cured when the population starts swinging toward all cursed or all cured, so you’ll occasionally get cured/cursed by them!


Posted 11/15/19

A couple random questions I’ve had floating about in my head and have been meaning to ask:

1. What are the drop rates for the mushrooms/grave water/glowing moss?
1b. Have these been adjusted at all (barring changes when stage 2/3 were functionally unavailable)?

2. What are the odds of being cursed to stage 1/2/3?

3. What is “too close to all cured or all infected” as detailed in the updates? 90% of the population? 75%? Or a strict 50/50?
3b. In the automated curse switches, is the curse ratio adhered to, does it vary based on what’s needed for fairness, or is it completely random?
3c. When Griselda switches players, does she grab [x] number of players regardless of stage, or does she scale based on stage?

4. Would it be possible to have the wig recoloured for Val? It’s beautifully done, and it would be a shame for it to disappear for good after this. And Val needs more hairstyles, too.

Posted 11/15/19

I’m one of the people clicking the big lady statue >->
If there is ‘zones’ to click in I’d love to know where they are!
The Bell has not been working for me either but I am on mobile so I’m kind of used to that.

Posted 11/15/19

I do have plans to recolor the wig in the near future, yes! I’m glad you like it - I’m really happy with how it came out myself.

Since we’re on the topic, for anyone who might be curious: the Crown Braid Wig comes with a couple toggles that change the look. The braid and the long front bangs are both removable! There is a shorter blunt-cut set of bangs hiding underneath. Here are all the style combinations under the cut:

Posted 11/15/19
That wig is absolutely wonderful, Meru!! This was totally need to know information, because now I need like a gazillion more of them. @ u @
Posted 11/15/19

I’m so glad to hear that, Meru; thank you so much!
I’m already intending to spend 80% of my points on the wig; now I need to shuffle things to get even more with those toggles.

Posted 11/15/19
I’m apparently straddling the threshold of where the points in the new achievement setup are not quite caught up to the old one…I keep flipping back and forth between which achievement system I’m using, which is kind of bewilderingly entertaining to watch me go from 26 achievements to 18 after doing something. XD
Posted 11/15/19

I’m loving the changes to the point totals.but i got 17 mushrooms in a row yesterday..?  then 1 moss and 1 grave water and then 7 more mushrooms in a row.

With how stoked i am with the points I’m somehow more excited over that wig! its so versatile and more colors?  yes please! Its toggles make it fit so many of my characters <3

Posted 11/15/19
Where can I see what the items will look like on my pets?
Posted 11/15/19
pyjamaviking You can look at them here! which is the magic puddle!
Posted 11/15/19
I really like seeing the difference between the legacy and the new point system and flipping back and forth between the two!
Posted 11/15/19