03:09 ST
[EVENT] The Stoneskin Outbreak (Nov 10th - Nov 24th)
We don’t know but we’re afraid.
Posted 11/11/19

Oooh, the changes to how stage 2/3 infections work sound juicy. Excited to get to the later stages of the curse. :D

Also lol that I went to get food right after gathering so I wouldn’t miss a turn, and then it gets paused while I’m up. What timing. xD

Posted 11/11/19
And we’re back!

For approximately four minutes (between 21:22 and 21:26) — between when the update was pushed and when the event was temporarily disabled — the curse timeout didn’t seem to be doing anything. While a number of extra curses went out, we’re not going to bother with a rollback. This is because the reason that cursing someone wasn’t resetting the timer was because the curse was being attributed to your victim, and nobody ended up getting cursed more than once, so in the end it all kinda-sorta works out and nobody got an unfair leg up :)

Edit: work is ongoing…

Edit2: back for real now :)

Posted 11/11/19, edited 11/11/19

I just want to say how much I appreciate how willing/able the staff is to make changes when things don’t work. I love that you all try new events like this and can adjust as need be as we go along.

I know this event isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and I totally respect that. But I’ve had a really good time so far! And I’m excited to finally use my other salves haha

Posted 11/11/19


Thanks for the update! I just wanted to ask, my notifications claim I infected myself 20 minutes ago, not sure if its related to the update or some other bug but I thought I would mention it haha

Posted 11/11/19

Kay Mentrae
Yep, that would be why: during that time, curses were being attributed to the cursee.

Posted 11/11/19, edited 11/11/19
Sorry if I was one of the multi-cursing, I thought my phone was glitching and not recording the selection.
Posted 11/11/19, edited 11/11/19
Malis you weren’t our top contender, but actually that’s a really fair point that hadn’t occurred to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what was behind pretty much all of the extra curses. Thanks for the insight, I appreciate it! I’ve adjusted the wording in my post above to be more neutral.
Posted 11/11/19, edited 11/11/19


This event has been interesting if a little frustrating (I’m one of those who had been trying to get to 2 or 3 level curse to see what would happen) I’m excited to see what the re-balancing will do! Definitely a welcome change from the usual clicker event (though I do like those too)

Posted 11/11/19

Awesome thanks! Its funny regardless haha

Posted 11/11/19

Now that some more time has passed, the achievements seem rather do-able within the timeframe I think. Though with some salt given I’m on the more active side of events usually. As it stands I’ve 21 (potentially +10 from mushrooms) cured mycenians and 56 cursed ones. The doubled curses is probably from having a little “curse me!” tag at the end of my pet’s name, so I spent more time on that team than not. But with this pace I’m set for hitting 300 cursed players well before event end, and heals will be close but I’ll probably make that as well.

Just a neat little tidbit of info for whoever might want it. Am rather curious what some other player’s numbers look like, given all the shenanigans that went on so far with all the balance shifts.

Also sorry if one of the 20 random players I just cured didn’t want to be since I just hit random a bunch of times. Also that that probably did something weird to the data the staff have been watching. Oops.

Posted 11/11/19


We’re at 56 cursed, 35 healed!

Posted 11/11/19


Mycenians healed: 50
Mycenians cursed: 43

Posted 11/11/19

Cursed: 40
Healed: 20

But then I’ve been actively trying to curse people and I’ve only healed people in batches. I keep getting healed or cursed right as my bell dings or I go to do something so it’s thrown things off a bit.

Posted 11/11/19, edited 11/11/19

Cursed: 30
Healed: 28

Pretty even at the moment!

Posted 11/11/19

I’ve Healed 31 and I’ve Cursed 36 so actually really pretty even for me! XD I’ve been spending several hours at a time cursed though, and always get cured by the Bone Monster >3


Also if those that don’t want to be cured could put it in their name that would be great. In general I use random unless there’s someone on the page that has that they don’t want to be cured or cursed in their names! I’m trying very hard to stick to that and also read this thread and remember who does and doesn’t want to be cursed/cured but I’m super forgetful and there are many of you. >>;

Posted 11/11/19, edited 11/11/19


Personally at 22 Healed & 33 Cursed.

Posted 11/11/19

I’m watching the changes and happy to see new things being tried, and am sure everything will shake out by the end of the event. Though I might disagree with some above that they want points per “thing” beyond the cheevos - something I appreciate about this event is that there’s a clear upper limit after which you’re “Done”. While the actual cost of items/point breakdown/etc will change, I like the thought that you might be able to get all your points before the end of the event and relax a little bit, or manage the time you want to be glued to the phone/pc waiting for a timer. With no upper limit, there’s always the pressure to just try to get a few more points, one more item, sssssoooo clossse to another bag, etc. Inktober worked like this, in that there was a set amount of tasks to get the best prize, even if that was a pretty big challenge in itself. I’m super glad Inktober didn’t have an unlimited option for like, getting another set of prizes for doing 2, or 3, or 10 drawings each day.

The biggest sour note for me was definitely the bad feelings caused by ping-ponging of roles at the event start (caused more by the violation of expectations, which I honestly think could have been anticipated and mitigated, but eh - live and learn). Aside from that, I do have some general mild dissatisfaction caused by the “hand of god” rebalancing —  both in terms of the disconnect with Mycena lore, and at the removal of agency, since our actions don’t really matter if the robot will come make sure everything works out in the end. Overall fairly mild issues o.ob

Just as the aside point regarding the site chat that Ashlar was mentioning - it’s pretty much impossible to use on mobile, and is relatively annoying/feature-lacking on browser. While there are other things about the site chat I dislike that drove me to leave before the unofficial one went up, I’d still join an “official MC discord” (or slack) right away.

Posted 11/11/19, edited 11/12/19

glitch Thanks for all your work! < 3333

I was excited to see some downtime earlier! Because it meant some adjustments! 8DDDD


Posted 11/11/19


I’m putting it in a spoiler so I don’t absolutely destroy recent posts.

I do want to say that I super appreciate staff not only taking the time to give us a new shiny type of event but for being willing to listen to feedback and adjust things as they’re needed.

That being said I’m nervous about the ramifications this event will have on the community.

With how small MC is, having an event that focuses on ruining the feeling of community is, honestly, not great. The communities for these types of games on steam seem pretty toxic and mean-spirited. MC used to have such a kind and close-knit community. Now even during events, chat still mainly dead/empty, and I can’t remember the last time this game actually felt like it had a community outside my own friend circle (and most of them are basically gone from MC by now). Events intended to pit people against each other are only going to make things worse. I can see it already with people going out of their way to do the opposite of what people put in their names, or getting upset that they’re being turned/healed - some of it might be the random button but some of it definitely is not.Ashlar

I completely agree with your observations.

To go on the chat-related tangent for a minute, because I’ve had feelings I wanted to express but couldn’t get the words out in the last thread where it came up:

The chat is always dead, event or not.polygone

The thing is that it wasn’t always dead. Chat used to be an incredibly lively place; it was a fun area to hang out with other people and just generally contributed to Mycena feeling like a welcoming community in my opinion. Had we not had a live chat I would have left almost immediately after joining and I never would have met some of the best friends I’ve ever had (including my roommate!).

It doesn’t really feel like that welcoming place I remember fondly anymore.

I will be the first person to admit that I probably made the live chat situation worse by creating the unofficial Discord. To me it felt like there was a genuine need for it at the time I created it because as Jacq pointed out just now:

it’s pretty much impossible to use on mobile, and is relatively annoying/feature-lacking on browser. While there are other things about the site chat I dislike that drove me to leave before the unofficial one went up, I’d still join an “official MC discord” (or slack) right away.Jacq

I completely agree with their sentiment. If chat had half the features Discord does I’d go right back to using it like I used to.

Back to the event.

The event isn’t intended to pit people against each other, per say. A lot of people have been taking this as a team versus team game, and that just isn’t how the game works.polygone

Unless I’m drastically misunderstanding the objective of this event, as it is, it asks you to take actions that directly impede other players’ progress.  It is also incredibly unfair to tell other people that because their experience so far has been different from yours, they’re having the wrong experience.

I do have Thoughts and Opinions about the achievements = points system but I will reserve commenting on that until tweaks are made.

Speaking of tweaks I am still very, very thankful that staff is willing to put in time towards adjusting this on the fly; this is obviously a learning experience for all of us and it’s been pretty cool despite its ups and downs.

Posted 11/12/19

I’m on my phone so I can’t make this pretty but I just wanted to jump in here.

Purr said “Unless I’m drastically misunderstanding the objective of this event, as it is, it asks you to take actions that directly impede other players’ progress.  It is also incredibly unfair to tell other people that because their experience so far has been different from yours, they’re having the wrong experience.”

The main object of the game itself is to max out your points both as a healer and as plague carrier. But that doesn’t mean each player can’t have their own personal goals at heart.

Now that a work around has been made so that stage 2 and 3 can still be reached I’m not sure exactly how anyone’s progress is being impeded. Other then the personal bragging rights of being able to say “Hey! I’ve been infected this long” the higher stages had no real benefit for the infected since there was no reward for reaching that level. The whole point of trying to get to last that long was to be eventually healed so someone else could get the achievement. At least, in my case it was.

And since you get points no matter if you’re cursed or healing you aren’t blocked from getting what you need to get prizes from the shop. I may not have particularly wanted to be healed, but I certainly took advantage of my time scavenging and making salves between curses.

I wouldn’t say that people are having the “wrong experience” but different perceptions. Some people are upset about the idea of hurting others instead of thinking about how they are healing/helping save them. Some people are excited and amused at the chaos the first day and a half has been while others are frustrated.  No one is right or wrong in how they perceive this event, it all depends on how you decide to look at it. Everyone’s experience and opinions are valid.

That aside I would like to say that I like the achievements,  but perhaps instead of making them the only way to earn points they could instead be a way to get bonuses. Top off your tokens or perhaps get a special prize. I really am having a lot of fun with this, glitches and stepbacks and all.

Posted 11/12/19


It’s definitely much more possible to accomplish goals at this point now that tweaks have been made; but I believe Ashlar’s points (I won’t ping her again :D;;) do still apply to some degree. There’s no sense of working towards a common goal here. It’s every person for themself. Every time someone cures or curses someone else, they are, unintentionally or not, impeding someone else’s progress by removing a potential target. This is especially important with the stage 2 or 3 curses. I haven’t been able to catch anyone in a stage 3, though I have gotten a few stage 2s. I’m optimistic that the balance will be tweaked, but as the event is right now I feel like I need to be doing the absolute most I can do in my spare time if I want a chance of getting maximum points.

edit: Just now I managed to catch someone in a Stage 3 curse, so take my post with a grain of salt?

Posted 11/12/19, edited 11/12/19

100% the inability to flicker intuitively between site chat and the rest of the site on mobile is one of the big reasons I found it hard to stay invested in the site for long periods of time. I’m still mobile a large majority of the time, and the social aspect of pet sites is a big draw for me.

I’m not sure that an official discord would be a good idea. I would join it! But I’d be concerned about staff potentially struggling to keep tabs on the chats, and keep people accountable for any unfortunate decisions that could happen.

It was a super nice thing, having a hopping site chat a few years ago!!


Posted 11/12/19
I’d like to personally apologize to whoever made it to stage two that I cured ;-; It’s been bothering me for hours and I don’t know who it was, so I’m really sorry XP
Posted 11/12/19

I woke up to: 8 hours ago: They came out of nowhere - Death Will Be Swift (Arintol) has inflicted you with the Stoneskin Curse!

I am assuming this is just one of those little bugs that cropped up from changing the system, but it seemed worth mentioning…

Posted 11/12/19
I’ve been really enjoying the event so far and my anxiety about not seeing any stage 2’s or 3’s has faded since now I’ve actually encountered a couple :D (As for site chat I would love it if it was more active but I’m pretty sure my time zone also affects the fact that when I’ve opened it there is nobody there :“D)
Posted 11/12/19

I keep seeing an error when I try to heal Stage 2 or 3, where sometimes it doesn’t register my Cure selection for those levels. I’ll select a target, attempt to Cure, then I get an error saying invalid selection, but the target is still available. I sometimes get this error twice before it let’s me actually Cure the target.

Not sure if maybe it’s because I’m on mobile, but I had similar issues on Day 1 when I was on my PC.

Posted 11/12/19

Arintol yep, see here

This has caused some non-trivial confusion and several bug reports, so I’ve updated those “self-curses” to be attributed to the Cave (which I arguably should have done to begin with).

Posted 11/12/19

I updated the change log at the first post with the changes that were made yesterday as well as our next priorities!

Hiiro The “your selection is no longer valid” message that players get can be for one of two reasons: one is that someone else healed/cursed your selection before you did so they are no longer a valid target. The other reason it can happen is because enough participants have changed sides that your selection lists update and player you tried to select is no longer in your list of acceptable targets when submitting the form despite the target not having changed sides.

That second form of invalid selection isn’t ideal since it’s both confusing and annoying, and we’re hoping that we’ll be able to deal with it tonight when glitch is home from work!

Posted 11/12/19

Yeah, I just figured I’d point it out because it actually does let me heal that Target after 1-2 error messages. The target doesn’t actually change. I looked at the names every time it’s happened, and it’s the same target there. When I get past the errors, then it says I currently the target and it’ll be the same name.

I’ll try to get a screenshot next time to be more clear but it’s basically showing mev like:

Stage 2:
Bob’s Burgers Ineki

I’ll click Bob, then hit cure, it’ll give me an error but Bob’s icon is still showing. I’ll click it again, another error, Bob is still there. I’ll click a third time, then it’ll change to Bob’s not there, but I’ll get a green notification:

“You cured Bob’s Burger.”

Does that still fit the category of the latter invalidation selection your mentioning? Because it appears that the target actually is still an acceptable target, it just appears I’m getting an error before I can pick that person. And it only seems to occur now on Stages 2 or 3 Curses. I haven’t seen it happen on a Stage 1 except for on day 1.

Sorry for the silly example and wordy post, I just wanted to be sure, since I do actually love the event, despite the growing pains :)

Posted 11/12/19