14:52 ST
Cave Challenge Part Two: Whispered Secrets - OVER
Answers here!
Cave Challenge

The bone monster’s great jaws creaked as he yawned.  Most of the time, his job was rather dull: the outside world was quiet and rarely a creature tried to enter the cave.  Likewise, most Mycenians were content staying in the cave (except, of course, in the spring when the flowers outside the entrance tempted them to cross the barrier).

Without any chasing or guarding to do, the bone monster formed a habit of sneaking and gathering items Mycenians were a bit too careless about.  It wasn’t exactly stealing, except for that one time an ineki tried planting a changingshroom to see if it would beget more changingshrooms.  How odd that it disappeared during the night.  And that other time—well, the bone monster didn’t live by the highest moral standards.

The items weren’t useful to him, and Mycenians would sometimes dare to plead for their return.  Most of the time, he growled and chased them off, but occasionally, if the right word was spoken, he would toss something their way.  He found teasing his charges in this way alleviated some of the boredom that came with the task of guarding the cave entrance.


We’re experimenting with implementing smaller forum games on a somewhat regular basis.  The two that are released today are challenges that you must solve by yourself, without discussing it with each other.  Please keep this in mind; if people are working together, we’ll have to put a stricter limit on number of winners or avoid these types of games altogether.  If this works well, we’ll think of future challenges that do allow discussion so we have a good mix to suit everyone.  Also, we will release the answers after the challenge is over. :)

Part Two: Whispered Secrets

Whispered secrets are difficult challenges with a limited number of winners.

The bone monster will tell you where you need to go, but only once you give him a password.  When you figure out what he wants to hear, echo him (subject line “Whispered Secrets”).  Make sure the only thing you include in your message is the word he wants to hear.  Anything extra and he will not respond to you!  He’s a meanie-face.  You’ll follow and solve clues until you get a message saying you’ve reached the end.  These are tough, so you’ll have to be persistent to reach the end!  Do not discuss this challenge with each other.


1st: Glowing changingshroom + Challenge medallion (equippable item)  Won by Plasma and Kiwi!
2nd: Changingshroom + Challenge medallion Won by Skye!
3rd: 10 gems + Challenge medallion Won by Roan!
4th: 5 gems Won by Tamako!
5th: 5 gems Won by Emeralda!

Note:  If anyone on staff wins a prize, then a non-staff member will also receive the same prize.


This challenge will end once five people complete the challenge.

Here is your first clue:

Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/30/14

Eee~ Good luck everyone :D! I tested this earlier, and it’s really challenging — super curious who will be able to figure it out!

Oh yeah, psst, you can echo the bone monster right here. -repeats link from other challenge- ^^

Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14

Is this coded so it automatically responds to you with the next clue?
If so, is it case sensitive? And if you want to guess again, do you send a new message, or will it respond to any response you put in the same titled echo? :X

Posted 08/24/14
Bone monster will automatically respond, and it is not case sensitive (however, if you include more than just the password, it won’t work).  The password has to be in the content of the message, not the title (he ignores the title).  I’m not sure if he’d respond if you tried again in the same message, so I’d start a new one if you do more than one guess. glitch says same thread is fine!
Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14

Wait. It’s supposed to respond???
I sent a message earlier and got nothing. o-o;

Wait, I think I misread that. Ignore me. Haha. xD

Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14
Lycan: feel free to use the same echo thread
Posted 08/24/14
THIS IS HARD D: *cries*
Posted 08/24/14
o.O where is part one?
Posted 08/24/14
Posted 08/24/14
Does part one have to be graded first? is it part of the pass word?
Posted 08/24/14
No, part one is independent of part two.  You won’t be getting any hints for whispered secrets from part one. :)
Posted 08/24/14
Ok thank you :)
Posted 08/24/14
I don’t get it at all. ;n;
Posted 08/24/14
So far, two people have gotten the correct password and no one has reached the end yet. :) It is definitely not easy, but there is plenty of time to keep trying!
Posted 08/24/14
-gurgles and claws at face at the difficulty of this thing-
Posted 08/24/14
*Bangs* head on cave wall ERG
Posted 08/24/14
can the password be more than one word?
Posted 08/24/14
Ourloonybin It could be, but whether it is or not is something you’ll have to determine.  I would suggest re-reading the Whispered Secrets about stuff because I give a hint as to whether it’ll be one word or more than one word. ^u^
Posted 08/24/14
Got it, thank you :) tis a good one whoever thought it up XD
Posted 08/24/14

*throws laptop out the window*
Whelp, I’m out… Tried every tool/website/trick I know to solve the “Password” for this, and I’m getting nothing… Tried submitting the one part I did “solve”... But that clearly wasn’t the answer to even THAT part, as it got no response?
Well, I DO have a rather horrifically bad headache at least. And a list of about 20 obviously wrong answers that are not words at all… Consolation prize, wheee. x.x *Dies*

Even the codes and ‘games’ in “The Secret World” MMO and the “Alternate Reality Games” they play over there are apparently “easier” than this. (And I’m pretty darn good at those! The ones that require pseudo-hacking are fun!) Kudos on making a truly hellish puzzle!  XD

(I DO wish the “Easy mode” prizes were a bit more desirable, and the “Hard mode” prizes from this weren’t so insanely desirable yet so hard as to be 100% out of most player’s reach though. v.v Kinda makes the whole thing cute, but a royal buzzkill.)

*feeds pages of solution attempts to the dog* Whee! Confetti!

Posted 08/24/14
Yeah, this has me stumped and brain-hurty.  I’m curious to see who does figure it out! I don’t think I’ll get past where I am now. @__@ I bet it’s obvious and I’m simply a dumb.
Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14

Whelp, the second clue has me completely stumped. uwu
Might come back to it later, but, I’m getting a headache from overthinking this.

I should really learn not to do brain-teaser type things when I’m someone who gets confused super easily. >.<

Posted 08/24/14

I’ve wasted two hours. ; v;
I’m probably overthinking it and the answer is something obvious. orz

Posted 08/24/14
this is really frustrating :c i know it’s solveable since there are people who have solved it but i’m not seeing an answer at all…
Posted 08/24/14

Got the first clue! Yaay!

Now this second one. Hmm. Curious.

Posted 08/24/14
This is.. really hard, actually. I can’t get past the first part. So embarassing!
Posted 08/24/14
Morgan your not the only one who can’t get past the first clue :)
Posted 08/24/14
I forgot to check in on this earlier , but it looks like it’s probably too hard for me XD
Posted 08/24/14
Aw man, I thought I had it now, but apparently not since I got no response!! ): Oh well, back to brainstorming…
Posted 08/24/14
BTW this isn’t a challenge you’re meant to solve now, or even today. I’d be surprised if anyone got it over the next week. Rather it’s a thing you can look at when you have nothing else to do over the next days or weeks, and maybe you’ll have an epiphany :) Don’t tear your hair out trying to get it *now* now — the challenge will be open until five people solve it.
Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14