many sorrys myla my phone is a lil butt ;~; *provides offerings of whatever buffaloes eat*
Posted 08/24/14
*puts that pretty lacey thru the hue slider and wolf whistles*
Posted 08/24/14
*Goes to clean up the stuff behind the [redacted]*
Posted 08/24/14
Buffalo eat candytreats and drink orange juice. OuuuO *licks firky while she’s in there*
Posted 08/24/14
OH MY GOSH HOW DID I MISS THAT! *facepalms* Alright well I’m a lot closer to solving it
Posted 08/24/14
So there are foxes…! ! ! ! ! Well in that case, I’m back to brainstorming V:
*pokes the second clue* *memorizes it* tell me your secrets, oh mysterious clue…!
Posted 08/24/14
Been working on this for like an hour.
Pretty sure I’m no closer to the answer than I was at the beginning xD
Posted 08/24/14
‘sok, don’t feel bad…
The first post is August 24th, 2014 at 11:04 am,
edited August 24th, 2014 at 04:13 pm
A lot of us trying at it have been agonizing over it and ripping our hair out for 7 and 1/2 hours at this point. (Myself included.) It’s pretty obnoxiously difficult. ^.^;;;;;
Posted 08/24/14
me rn:

Posted 08/24/14
*throws computer across room* Woohoo! Got the password!
Posted 08/24/14
Now you must prepare for the hell that is step 2 xD.
Posted 08/24/14
Phage I can’t stop laughing omg
Posted 08/24/14
Um yes this step two is terrible. BUT I SHAN’T GIVE UP (yet)
Posted 08/24/14
Phage: I just choked on my water. I think it went up my nose. Yet I still can’t stop laughing.
Posted 08/24/14
*spits soda out of nose laughing* That is the greatest thing ever. xD
Posted 08/24/14
XD I’m looking forward to (hopefully) something new coming out of the next glowing changingshroom and huesliding whatever that one is, too.
I tried to figure out what the puzzle was supposed to mean but I gave up pretty quickly since idk what to do with it lol. after a few minutes I was like, “I got it! it is a picture of some birds and numbers. I’m supposed to ask the birds what those numbers mean. right.” *nods to myself* *a single, microscopic tear runs down my face* evidently I am indeed, cave challenged
Posted 08/24/14
Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14
Eh… this second one is really tough. I’m assuming you use the same message to the Bone Monster that you used the first time to answer the second riddle?
Posted 08/24/14
It’s been literal hours and I’m still so confused @_____@ I ran out of ideas. I’m gonna sleep on it. Best of luck, everyone uou
Posted 08/24/14
I’m half afraid the bone monster’s going to eat my pets if I keep spamming incorrect answers >.>’‘’
Posted 08/24/14
Diglett, as long as you don’t start cursing at it, I think you’re safe. >__> I was told I was not allowed to curse him out.
Posted 08/24/14
omg. you guys CX I gave up, so good luck!!!
Posted 08/24/14
You guys broke the bone monster. Hold tight while I try and figure out what’s up. :P!
He should be fine now.. people were getting errors when they echo’d him.
Oooh, and I see someone has just completed the challenge as well! Congrats!
Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14
Yay! Everyone escape Mycena Cave before he puts himself back together lol
Shoot, well back to trying to figure out his riddles -_-
Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14
A wasted day for me :P
I give up. Oh well, I had fun while it lasted C:
Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14
It makes me sad that the nice prize is gone before I got here.
Guess I should have expected it, though.
Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14
Grats Kiwi! c:
I’m probably not playing anymore either. It’s too frustrating for any of the other prizes. Maybe I’ll have another go tomorrow but eh…
Posted 08/24/14
Mokitty, omg help XD;
And awesome Plasma (And Kiwi! I feel slightly confused but I think you both got one so ^_^;!?), congratulations! What a loverly color~
-can’t wait to see what else is in those shrooms then because now I have no idea what to expect-
I like that so far, two of the Glowing Changishroom pets have been named ._. and O_O eheh
In other news I still have 0% of an idea at the first clue so -rolls away-
Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14