18:30 ST
Cave Challenge Part Two: Whispered Secrets - OVER
Argh! I was sure I had it :/ Back to the drawing boards
Posted 08/24/14

Oh, I made it. O:
*Stares at the next challenge.*
...welp. >v>

Will there be any prizes for going through less than all the tasks? D:

Posted 08/24/14

-explodes after looking at the second clue-

I have no idea. >>

Posted 08/24/14

But I want to solve it now… D: At least the first challenge… I actually want to solve it more than I want the prizes, pff. It’s a matter of pride!!

*grumbles* I still can’t believe The Thing That I Thought Was The Answer was not the answer… bah!!

Posted 08/24/14
Oh my god. I’m actually getting a headache from this- not okay with this.
Posted 08/24/14
sdjhaks Struggled with the first clue for so long cause of one little mistake. XD;
Posted 08/24/14

.....I have no idea what I’ve done (or what in the heck I’m looking at), but somehow I think I’m waaaaay off the mark here. But I’ve made it to the second clue, at any rate XP

This could take a while :|

Edit: Was the password for the first clue the only word we’re meant to send in that echo, or is the idea to send more keywords the Bone Monsters way? /IthinkI’mmissingsomethinghere

Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14

I did it! I got the first clue! Ah man, I was very close at first, then went completely off the mark… then suddenly I realised something, pff. I feel a bit silly now.

Anyway, onwards— *reads 2nd clue* what.

Posted 08/24/14
KeeperGreymuzzles  If you need to send another word to the bone monster, it’ll tell you. :D
Posted 08/24/14

*stares at clue*

Will it be obvious that we have to send another word? O.o ‘Cause the message is a little… ambiguous… about that. To me at least.

Posted 08/24/14
It’s also ambiguous to me.
Posted 08/24/14
Does it mean we’re not throwing words at the monster for that one? Are we still supposed to answer with an echo? @@
Posted 08/24/14
Yeah, it will be obvious if you have to send him another word. No ambiguity!
Posted 08/24/14
I’m… confused. orz
Posted 08/24/14
...I’m even more confused than I was before XD
Posted 08/24/14

So… if we aren’t sending a word… what exactly are we supposed to be sending? Are we supposed to send anything at all? XD

I don’t want to do anything wrong, haha. Gotta get them prizes.

Posted 08/24/14
If you have to send the bone monster anything at all, it will be obvious.  Until then, just keep searchinnnnnn’
Posted 08/24/14

*pokes around*


Posted 08/24/14

Progress!!! And then… Brick wall again. x.x
“obvious”, you keep using that word, but I do no think it means what you think it means. XP -Nothing- about the step I’m on says what to do from here. :|

Time to give up again and go play WoW or something. Work off some of this aggravation and annoyance. XP

Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14
we can’t be penalized for wrong guesses, right? x.x cause i’m kinda just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks, lol
Posted 08/24/14
I’ve made no progress at all so I quit. Nope nope - I’m done.
Posted 08/24/14
I’ve amended the prize list with a note that if anyone on staff wins a prize, then a non-staff member will also receive the same prize since we have staff participating and getting quite far… >> haha
Posted 08/24/14

This is proving too difficult for me ;o; I guess I’m not creative enough to think outside the box. I bet the answer is something glaringly obvious!

Oh well, I’m just happy I got as far as I did, even if it’s not… very far…

Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14
I finally managed the first part! :D
Posted 08/24/14


myla this is ridic xD

Posted 08/24/14
it’s my brain chilllddd~ *hides*
Posted 08/24/14

i would never have solved that first one if not for a lucky google search 8|||||

but gosh darn it im gonna win a prize this time i s2g

Posted 08/24/14
Well done Myla. XD I still can’t get passed the first part. :) Tis a wonderful thing you came up with :)
Posted 08/24/14


-sprays with water-

Posted 08/24/14
*laps up the water like a thirsty buffalo*  Just get into my brain and you’ll have all the answers~~ OuO!
Posted 08/24/14