18:50 ST
Cave Challenge Part Two: Whispered Secrets - OVER
So I just woke up 1-2 hours ago to find out that there’s a cave challenge thing going on. xD I finally figured out the first clue after an hour and a half and I’m pretty much stumped on the second clue. Not even sure if it’s a clue. Seems rather… cryptic.
Posted 08/24/14
Also, I’m stealing a few bones from the bone monster to feed to the dog. :|
Posted 08/24/14

augh my brain has fried i’ve spammed the bone monster ..and i still have no clue T.T

too bad we can’t converse about this i can’t do it any more without bouncing ideas off of someone

Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/25/14

I really hope there will be compensation prizes, the first clue took me two hours and the second one… five so far? And I haven’t even gotten to the “deep” part of the riddle. How do I look deep? D:
...I think I’m stupid or something. ; - ;

Posted 08/25/14

Aww, none of you are dumb or stupid, Myla just made it reallllyyyy hard :D (There’s a snickering teaser underneath all that fluffy cuddly buffalo fur, you’ve been found out!)

That said, I do hope you’re having fun trying to work it out! It’s super exciting when you do figure it out ;D

Posted 08/25/14

Welp, first clue was fun and exciting. But at least I had some idea what to do. QwQ

Now, I need a break from being clueless. ; v;
I’m seriously impressed by Myla’s brain. ovo

Posted 08/25/14, edited 08/25/14
I figured out the first clue (though wasted so much time when i made a mistake on one part @o@) but no idea where to start with clue two….
Posted 08/25/14, edited 08/25/14

I keep seeing people say they figure out the first clue in about 2 hours… and im just sitting here reaching 12 hours and no where close to getting anything…. ;_;

*cries self to sleep in shame corner*

Posted 08/25/14
Figured out the first part finally, rubbing my chin at part two.
Posted 08/25/14
YES!!!! I am past part one. *dances* around the cave
Posted 08/25/14

I’m very impressed by everyone’s persistence!  Congrats on getting past part one for those of you who made it that far.  If you’re still struggling to get past the first part, I advise that you focus first on the numbers in the picture clue I’ve posted. :)

So far, we’ve had 26 people make it past the first part, and 3 people reach the end (however, one of those people was staff, so 3rd-5th prizes are still available). 

Here is a little more information about the puzzle: there are three parts you need to get through in order to reach the end, the first part ending when you give the bone monster a password, the second part following the bone monster’s clue in order to locate a link (this is definitely the hardest part), and the third part where you figure out the final message.

Posted 08/25/14, edited 08/25/14

.. I feel really dumb right now…
Like… Moop.

Oh well.
*plays with new puppy*
He’s eating up a lot of my focus right now anyways.

Posted 08/25/14
You aren’t dumb.. it’s just really hard, and it’s easy to get off on a wrong track and spend a lot of time on a path that doesn’t lead to the next step. <3
Posted 08/25/14, edited 08/25/14

B’aw… Thanks Myla.

Still, it’s a little disheartening, xD

Posted 08/25/14

It IS really hard. It must have been really fun to come up with :D I hope that after everything is over, it’ll be alright to share/discuss the answers… Because if I don’t manage to solve it, I’d love to know the answer anyway, even without any reward!

I’m actually kind of glad some people got to the end already :D It takes some pressure off, methinks.

Posted 08/25/14
Few more hours of staring at the page and clicking everything and all I’ve found was a small loose pixel on the picture with the yellow flowers. D:
Posted 08/25/14
I’m trying again at part two, but I’m literally not advancing at all on the lead I thought I had yesterday, if it even is one ;o;.
Posted 08/25/14

75 failed echos at the Bone Monster for Riddle #2. He must be getting really sick of me yelling random words at him :D

Oh look I’m supposed to find a link. That clears things up.

Posted 08/25/14, edited 08/25/14

Since Myly already said it, I’ll re-quote her for people needing a leetle direction…

“Here is a little more information about the puzzle: there are three parts you need to get through in order to reach the end, the first part ending when you give the bone monster a password, the second part following the bone monster’s clue in order to locate a link (this is definitely the hardest part), and the third part where you figure out the final message.”

Bold/itallics added for people stuck on step 2. ^.^

Also, I found lots of research and google searching to be my friend for getting ideas on where to go with this kind of thing! <3 Especially if you’re not familiar with these types of, aah….. “Games”....

God, I’m dying to try and give people hintssssssss. Q.Q

I hope this is ok to post. O.O;; This thing is entirely overly convoluted in completely illogical ways for some steps. (OR completely logical, depending on where your google ‘research’ takes you.)

Posted 08/25/14

*gives up*


Posted 08/25/14

So, uhmm… Last night I dreamed I was playing Blackjack with my dog, and Roan was teaching a paisley-printed mini-elephant how to do chainmail. @.@;;

... I keep hallucinating the dog has playing cards, and is muttering about the number 21 all day now.

I’ve hereby decided that this “puzzle” is myly’s attempt to infect us all with increasing levels of insanity, until we join the hive mind of her mental ‘network’ of it, thereby increasing her power over the world. :|

Or it could be part of my normal hallucinations and delusions… But I like the other idea better. XD

Posted 08/25/14

I dozed off and had a dream I figured out the puzzle.

Myla >:l

Posted 08/25/14
I feel so popular, everyone’s talking to me :)
Posted 08/25/14, edited 08/25/14
I didn’t think the Bone Monster would use smilies >o>. Sabotage!
Posted 08/25/14

*pets the bone monster* :D

Posted 08/25/14
Maybe the Bone Monster is trying to deceive us by using smilies. >>
Posted 08/25/14
Oxton, I dreamed a got past the second part last night and I was really mad because it had been something really obvious all along. But it is not something obvious. >:| Hrmph.
Posted 08/25/14

*Wheeze* The second part. How?

(Also, thank you Google.)

Posted 08/26/14
The second clue haunted me in a dream too. D: And in the dream I solved it by clicking a worm hiding in the banner during the morning or so. o-o
Posted 08/26/14
UUHHGGG!!!!!!! I’m still stuck on part 2…..So frustrated, and confused @_@
Posted 08/26/14