18:40 ST
Cave Challenge Part Two: Whispered Secrets - OVER

You don’t want to actually be in her brain, it’s full of [redacted].

(Note: This is a joke, Myly is a completely sensible person.)

Posted 08/24/14

(I AM!?!? *happyfaces*)

Just to give you all an update, 19 people have gotten to past the first step and a few of you are frustratingly close to it. :) MUCH PERSISTENT. 

Posted 08/24/14
Does that mean no one has gotten past the second step yet? :o Or are those numbers a secret?
Posted 08/24/14

Lies and slander, Ama! The [redacted] is the least of our worries when it comes to Myly’s brain! It’s also full of [redacted] and [redaccccttteddd]! Those are worse! And this fiendish puzzle proves they’re in there!! :|

The [redacted] you mention are the most cuddly innocent parts of her comparatively!

Posted 08/24/14

One person has reached the end, actually!  But it was a member of staff so glowing changingshroom is still up for grabs. :)  When a non-staff gets it, I’ll let everyone know.

*lifts up the [redacted]*  Only snails and puppy dog tails in here!

Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14
.... I might need to interrogate that member of staff. -Looks around suspicious- >o> <o< >o> <o<
Posted 08/24/14

But the snails and puppy tails are marinated in PURE EVIL! :| And garnished with maniacal giggles. o.o

Edit: And I’m guessing it was Glitch that got it. :p

Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14

Staff have the choice of forfeiting and learning all of the details or to play along!

Glitch and Juney play tested this last night to help me work out the kinks so their scores don’t count.  The staff that got it today was just SOOPEROBSESSIVE (jk ilu). ;D <333

Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14


I may be sooperobsessive, Mrrlrr. So what?

Posted 08/24/14
so did you get a glowing shroom, plasma? O:
Posted 08/24/14


I didn’t just ‘get’ it, I got it flung at me. ;___;

And Myly called me a brat.

Posted 08/24/14
She got her shroom but not the medallion because I hadn’t finished making them.. since people weren’t supposed to finish it that fast.  What a brat-face… >:P!  *WITHHOLDS MEDALLION FOREVER*
Posted 08/24/14

>.> I can never tell if I’m on to something or if I am just making things more complicated than they are…
Whyyyy, why must these questions plague me so…


Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14

Ooooh, give it to me then, Myly. :D I WANT A MEDALLION. ;O;


Posted 08/24/14



*runs around screaming*

Posted 08/24/14
oooooh, that’s so pretty :D
Posted 08/24/14

Ahh, it’s so pretty!!! :D
>.> You should post the female from the puddle as well eekkk look at his little lace-y self…

Posted 08/24/14

*Runs off with the medallion* :D;;;

Eeeeee congrats Plasma! <3

Posted 08/24/14

oh no it’s cute *~* lace!! and magpies! cute birds! pretty colours!

I still haven’t gotten the first clue but in my defense I’ve been napping….. for a while…...... also I’m bad at these kinds of puzzles. I get one idea in my head and when it doesn’t work I’m like “welp. guess this is it for me.” bahaha!

Posted 08/24/14


(Urgh, you had to get that. Wren coats always make me weep out of jealousy!!!)

Posted 08/24/14

Female :D

Posted 08/24/14

I think making puzzles might be more fun than solving them. >u>

You should all make puzzles and have me solve them eternally to get even.

Wait… that’s actually a horrible idea. 8D

Posted 08/24/14
plasma that link shows each persons individual preview at the magic puddle o3o I only see a female sunbeam!
Posted 08/24/14
.....*slowly hides under rock while going to save image and upload via photobucket*
Posted 08/24/14

Please don’t do what Myly suggested, guys.

She’ll make us help her. And then the entire staff will have a breakdown and glitch will glitch everything. :|

Posted 08/24/14
PRETTY SUNBEAM, PLARPLAR. :D *banhammers Miranda foreverzzzzzz for double posting*
Posted 08/24/14

(^ She’s just joking. I think she’s running on low sleep. >_>;; )

Edit: Or the [redacted] in her brain has taken over.

Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14



Posted 08/24/14
Posted 08/24/14

NO, I am super srs (yes, I think the [redacted] took over).  :|

Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14