01:08 ST
The Cave Files: The Case of the Lost Necklace
Bunnii; You have to investigate the case files that get added every day to the mystery page. Clues are hidden in the individual case files, though what the clues lead to may be found anywhere on other pages of the site (excluding user/pet profiles and forum posts). If you find a clue, you see a separate event page & you’ll know you’ve found one :)
Posted 10/19/14
Ohh alright! Thanks Juney! c:
Posted 10/19/14

Aw, I’m sorry ;_; Poor glitch!

Thank you for the temporary solution, though!

Posted 10/19/14
I don’t understand… I thought I found this one but all it says is “nope.”
Posted 10/20/14
“nope.” on a reward url means you got it wrong.
Posted 10/20/14

yea, I got a nope too XP
So, does that mean we are close though?

Posted 10/20/14
Er, double check you got it perfectly? :O *doesn’t wanna say too much*
Posted 10/20/14

Maybe. I typo’d the first couple times.
Try bringing it up in a larger format — I couldn’t see it before since it was so small.

Posted 10/20/14
Do you need to use some kind of software or program for this hint? Because I’m on a Kindle… :/
Posted 10/20/14
Argh, I wish you’d say “too much” Foxcat XP
Posted 10/20/14
tehuti: this one is not ideally suited to mobile devices — you might need to give it a try on a computer.
Posted 10/20/14

I’ve wasted the past half hour or so trying to do what the spoiler seems to be saying but I’m finding nothing. :(

ETA, my computer is infected and unusable right now. :(

Posted 10/20/14, edited 10/20/14

I’m completely stumped too. Don’t quite understand what I’m supposed to be looking for even though I’ve read the story a couple of times now. *sighs*

EDIT: Oh wait! I think I’ve got a clue. Hmm…
EDIT 2: Yep, got it!

Posted 10/20/14, edited 10/20/14
I believe I know what it’s telling me to do, but trying to do it with resources available to me is revealing nothing at all. I have no idea what anyone else is seeing.
Posted 10/20/14
I wish I could get it. -_-
Posted 10/20/14
tehuti88 : Is it possible to save images on a kindle?
Posted 10/20/14

The amount of interactions you can design for a mobile device is severely limited compared to a desktop :( With the way they were designed, some of them are just much better doable from a computer.

I don’t want to count all the hours I spent in a public library when I didn’t have internet for a while, participating in a plot on a game site oops xD

...Oooh Ama’s a smartypants…

Posted 10/20/14, edited 10/20/14

It says it can save images, but they just seem to stall and stall. Surely they’re not THAT big…

I tried using some online things to figure it out but like I said, nothing’s being revealed. :(

Posted 10/20/14, edited 10/20/14
tehuti88, it also depends on which images you’re trying to save? Unfortunately I don’t own a kindle so I can’ be 100% sure on how kindles work when it comes to image saving and such :(
Posted 10/20/14
Yeah…these images aren’t saving. Not sure why not. Perhaps the device is too old.
Posted 10/20/14
If your kindle isn’t working, the only other option is to find someone else with access to a computer or perhaps find a public domain (e.g. universities, libraries) with computer access to complete today’s clue. You do have till Nov 7th to complete all the clues, it just means you will not get a Mystery Point for finishing it on a different day.
Posted 10/20/14, edited 10/20/14

I had to dig out my old boggy laptop that I haven’t updated or even used in years (wasn’t even sure if it still worked)... ;_; And managed to at last find the hint that way. But goodness was that frustrating.

For some odd reason (perhaps related to the quest?), the image in question was the very one I couldn’t work with online. So anyone else trying to use an online resource to solve this, it likely won’t work.

I need a break now. ;_;

Posted 10/20/14, edited 10/20/14

I haven’t gotten it yet. D8 (sob)

Edit: Yes! I got it!

Posted 10/20/14, edited 10/20/14

Honestly I don’t understand any of this at all. I’m one of those people where you have to be a lot more clear when you give a hint otherwise this is just frustrating me because I’m reading it and reading the hints but I’m not getting a single thing and I’ve been doing it for a few hours and still nothing.

I don’t like being unable to figure something out and if it’s supposed to be easy enough well then I guess I’m just not getting it.

Posted 10/20/14
If anyone isn’t able to get today’s hint, I’ll gladly help them out. :33
Posted 10/20/14, edited 10/20/14

I actually just got it after playing around with stuff.
I was making it WAAAAAY harder than it had to be.

Posted 10/20/14
Yeah, me too, haha.
Posted 10/20/14
Took me a half hour today. Was totally worth it tho!
Posted 10/20/14

That was insane!!

Willing to give hints to anyone who is still stuck!

Posted 10/20/14
Okay I thought I was on to something but I was mistaken. I am 1000% lost xD
Posted 10/20/14