01:38 ST
The Cave Files: The Case of the Lost Necklace
Today’s is difficult!  I had to get a friend to help me with day two’s, but the rest I’ve been able to figure out on my own and with the spoiler/hints.  No luck at all on todays though, heh.
Posted 10/22/14
Same here Simple… I’ve been at it for nearly an hour straight.
Posted 10/22/14
I tried for a long while last night, and then I’m at it again this morning. Still nothing :(
Posted 10/22/14
Oh, as soon as I give up and echo someone for help I find it. XD Sorry!
Posted 10/22/14
I’m having trouble today as well. I got the last two fairly easily but today even with the hint thread I’m lost xD
Posted 10/22/14

Chances are some of you have the halloween event/town square forum category unticked in recent posts, so just to make sure you all get the memo:

Posted 10/22/14, edited 10/23/14
I need help this one is not making sense to me
Posted 10/22/14
This event is quite fun ! :) I didn’t have too much difficulties to find past clues but er, today I can’t seem to find it °v° I guess I understand what I have to find but I don’t know where ;-; Someone can help me and give me some hints ?
Posted 10/22/14
From the hint given by Cyber I feel like it should have something to do with ghosts and spiderwebs but I can’t figure it out
Posted 10/22/14
Like almost everyone else, I am unable to figure this one out.  If anyone is able to help me, I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you!
Posted 10/22/14

Anyone that is having trouble, feel free to echo me about today’s clue. Just let me know in the echo if you want another hint, or the solution. (I’ll be up for a few hours, probably.)

This is not going to spoil anything if I say it here, but keep in mind everything you have read so far from previous chapters! It’ll help. (:
Edit: I am laying down, so if you echo me and I don’t respond, I’m sorry! I may have fallen asleep. I am putting what I have been telling people here (+an extra tidbit for those who might not get it even with my added hint.)

Posted 10/22/14, edited 10/22/14
Thank you to everyone that helped me!!!!! It is very much appreciated!
Posted 10/22/14
I can not figure out todays clue so if anyone knows the solution please echo it to me plz
Posted 10/22/14
Ty all for the help XD
Posted 10/22/14
Edit: Thanks everyone! I can’t believe it was right there. I went to that page so many times. XD
Posted 10/22/14, edited 10/22/14
... Is the text accurate? Because It looks an awful lot like yesterdays…
Posted 10/23/14
Is it just me, or is today’s detective file the exact same as yesterday… perhaps there’s an error…
Posted 10/23/14
It’s the same for a lot of people in chat, too. D:
Posted 10/23/14
Yeah that’s definitely the wrong text. :/
Posted 10/23/14
Unless it is suppose to be intentional, it is a copy of yesterday’s when quickly flipping between the two xD
Posted 10/23/14, edited 10/23/14

Hello! Yes sorry, minor glitch (not a technical one… glitch fell asleep >>)
Today’s clue will be up in a few minutes!

Posted 10/23/14

Yea, its the same text as yesterday for me too… I wonder if that really is intentional, or if theres some kind of mistake…. Maybe the clue will help clear up the confusion…

Edit: Its changed to the next story now! Woo! -reads the new stuff-

Posted 10/23/14, edited 10/23/14
there we go :)
Posted 10/23/14

XP Oh good, for a second there I was pretty worried.
You need to get more sleeps glitch! X3 so that you don’t fall asleep and scare everyone with repeating clues~

Posted 10/23/14

Super tricksy… Funny little baubles…

Loving these events, even if they are keeping me up past my bedtime.

Posted 10/23/14
I meant to take a half hour nap, ended up sleeping for an hour and a half but didn’t notice. So if you tried to attend my lecture at 10, i’m sorry, it happened at 11 but i thought i was giving it at 10 :[. And then afterwards I was like “hang on… my clock says 12:07… but….WAITWHAT EVENT”
Posted 10/23/14

I am so delighted at this event and having a great time solving the clues….the first one I admit I needed help with, but only because I was too quick to give up rather than looking closer XD

this event has had some really cool equippables so far. today’s item is cool too!

Posted 10/23/14
Ahhhhhhh! I found the clue but because I clicked it twice by accident I didn’t get to see the text! Is there anyway to read it again?
Posted 10/23/14, edited 10/23/14

For those that have the event forum unticked in their Recent Posts check:

The second theme for the creativity contest has also been announced!
Posted 10/23/14
Thanks for the help to find the clue of yesterday. ^w^ I was on the right page but I guess my eyes were too tired to see that little light thing °u°
Posted 10/23/14