17:12 ST
The Cave Files: The Case of the Lost Necklace

I took the pumpkin cupcake, and quite honestly, I will probably end up selling it eventually. :l if that helps anyone who is worried about not getting both, haha.

Super cute item, but just not something I’ll ever use.
(Though I do love pumkin everything??)

Posted 10/26/14

I picked the Bony Cupcake out of personal preference, but I’m going to take a stab and say more Boney Cupcakes were picked over the Pumpcake and I may regret my choice… if I can’t get it some other way x’D


Posted 10/26/14

Juney: Yep, it’s working!!

Posted 10/26/14
Could someone please shoot a hit my way for the second clue? c:
Posted 10/26/14

If someone could throw a hint for the second clue my way as well, that would be great. >u>;

Edit: I got it now! :D

Posted 10/26/14, edited 10/26/14
I picked pumpkin because it’s adorable. <3
Posted 10/26/14
Eeeeeeee! Second chance at the second cupcake! *happy dance* Also, this was perhaps the cutest clue yet. :) Now, the Nephy must sleep because I have tests tomorrow (er… Today now…). XD
Posted 10/27/14
a cupcake in each hand! Harland is a happy cat : D
Posted 10/27/14

My cupcake has returned to me~! QAQ
*hugs both cupcakes*

Posted 10/27/14
For tonight’s, do we have to visit a page we’ve already visited…? Because yet again I’m seeing nothing…
Posted 10/27/14
I see a second spoiler was added yet I haven’t even found the first one…
Posted 10/27/14
...Well, if anyone has any additional hints, please send them my way, because as always I don’t get it.
Posted 10/27/14
Chance at second cupcake? >w>
Posted 10/27/14

Oh good.
I was hoping we had another chance to choose.
I’m just glad it happened the day after the other one to save me *some* worry, haha.

Posted 10/27/14

Thanks Juney/glitch! I appreciate being able to look at the text after we’ve found a hint c:

Also, minor cosmetic glitch: I have obtained all items so far, and all the days have check marks, but Day 8’s item listing is blank like I never got an item for it.

Posted 10/27/14

Thanks to make us have another chance to choose <3 I was so worried when I had to take just one °A°
Today’s one was pretty cute and fun I guess ! :)

You can echo me if you need some help ! C:

Posted 10/27/14, edited 10/27/14
Can’t seem to figure out today’s :(  If anyone can tell me the answer, I’d really appreciate it!
Posted 10/27/14

I am not understanding Day 9’s second clue at all… If anyone wants to shoot me some help I’d love that XD;

EDIT: Figured it out, thanks for the help :D

Posted 10/27/14, edited 10/27/14
Jingles whoops, thanks for letting me know! You and three other people happened to collect the prize just as I was transitioning formats on the back-end ehehe… Should be fixed now :)
Posted 10/27/14
it took me a while to get to today’s :o
Posted 10/27/14

Can someone help me out with today’s clue? The hint Cyber gave makes no sense to me.

Thanks for the help :).

Posted 10/27/14, edited 10/27/14
I’m having trouble with today as well. e e
Posted 10/27/14

Can someone please send me an echo. I cannot seem to figure out today’s clue.

Edit: Thank you!

Posted 10/27/14, edited 10/27/14

bestow unlimited and far reaching fortune on these wonderful souls Blemy and Ally

thank y’all

Posted 10/27/14

All the entries have been so great and creative — I’m really enjoying looking at all of them! <3

Posted 10/27/14

I’m bad at this sort of thing such as today’s clue, so help would be appreciated <3

EDIT: Thanks for the help!

Posted 10/28/14, edited 10/28/14
Gotta say today’s was interesting! If anyone needs a hint (or the solution) just shoot me an echo if I’m still on. n_n;
Posted 10/28/14, edited 10/28/14

I’m getting terribly discouraged always having to ask for help for all of these, but today’s seems to be math related, and that’s my worst subject. I’ve tried every “solution” I can think of based on what’s given, without any luck. :( (I’ve found three clues but have no idea what to do with them.)

I do wish there were more of these I could just figure out on my own. I feel like I’ve become a pest in this forum. :(

Posted 10/28/14, edited 10/28/14

Never mind.

I imagine I’ll be back here looking foolish again tomorrow night though.

Posted 10/28/14
I have a piece of paper or two that I don’t know what to do with - could someone please help me stick them together? c:
Posted 10/28/14